There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3049 For the money

Chapter 3049 For the money

Three days later, it was the day of father's funeral. Everyone came to the mourning hall early. Following the command of Mr. Feng Shui, everyone took a last look at father. All the men, women and children in the family cried into a ball.

Mr. Feng Shui muttered some words that were sent to some kind of Western Paradise.

The boss, Huo Jingang, was carrying the spirit flag and was about to be buried.

The whole street was a mass of white, and everyone was wearing sackcloth and mourning to see the old man on his last journey.

It looked like a long white dragon wriggling slowly on the street.

The whole long dragon spread for half a street, and some of my close friends and friends came to express their condolences!

The four brothers of the Zhan family are all in their prime years. Originally thinking of keeping everything simple, they sent their old father as soon as possible, but the scale is really so big that I didn't expect it. People have been coming these days Sending wreaths or something, and they are all famous nobles, making it too shabby, it is not good for others to see!

So the Zhan Family Brothers had to do this.

Burning paper all over the sky covered the sky, and I don't know how much paper money was missing, but it must be enough to spend at the other end.

And there are still endless flowers.

It is said that after people get there, the money is relatively cheap, but no matter how expensive it is, it will not be so cheap!
The boss muttered while burning the paper: "Dad, if you have anything to do over there, you can entrust it to me in your dreams. You can rest assured at home and leave it to me! Take good care of yourself when you arrive in Western Paradise!"

Everyone thought that the eldest brother was in a daze, but in fact, Mr. Feng Shui told him this in advance. You must say this, so that the old man can go away with peace of mind, and don't miss him any more!
In fact, there was such a big incident in the family, and the brothers also had an argument. This is Zhan Beichen's return. Before he came back, the brothers also had a big fight over the family property!

It was a misty morning, and when he woke up that morning, Mr. Zhan Muchen was already in a coma and unconscious!

The three brothers, Zhan Dong'ang, Zhan Nanwei, and Zhan Xicheng discussed the old man's affairs together.

The eldest brother Zhan Dongang said: "Father has worked hard all his life, and it seems that he is dying. We must prepare the funeral for the old man in advance! It seems that we won't survive this winter!"

The second brother Zhan Nanwei disagreed. Zhan Nanwei was very favored since he was a child, and the old man also liked him very much. Zhan Nanwei said: "Brother, what are you talking about? Isn't our dad doing well? What do you mean by speaking? I disagree with you, aren't you cursing the old man to death?"

Zhan Dongang looked at his second brother very puzzled and said, "Second brother, what are you talking about? Live filial piety and die with sorrow. It is our duty to prepare him for his death in advance!"

Zhan Nanwei went on to say: "I just spent tens of thousands of dollars to grab a few pieces of traditional Chinese medicine for the old man. After taking it, the improvement is obvious. Look at my dad who was able to do it the day before yesterday!"

The third child kept watching the two elder brothers arguing, and he didn't speak. After all, the fourth child has not come back yet, and the fourth child fights with Beichen, and he doesn't know where he is!
Zhan Dongang said: "Second brother, I know that you are treating our father with good intentions, but can't you see it? Are you holding on to your last breath? I have asked someone to look at it a long time ago, saying that our father It’s no longer possible, after swallowing this breath, even the Immortal Da Luo can’t save him! As a son, we should prepare in advance, in case our father is smoked, there is no preparation at all, not to make people laugh Is that so decent?"

The second child didn't know what to say, so he could only say something else: "I'm not talking about your elder brother, don't you just want to inherit the old father's inheritance in advance? Besides, when our father is still alive, your family property is brother There are the most of you, what do you want now?"

The second child actually disliked the eldest brother a long time ago. Since the fourth child left, the property in this family has been taken over by the eldest brother. Since Zhan Beichen was a young marshal at that time, all his abilities were the strongest among the brothers. , now that the eldest is in charge, he distributes everyone's affairs unevenly, and the second is always dissatisfied, but he has never dared to speak out, so let's take this opportunity to talk about it!
The third child saw that the two of them were arguing a little bit, Zhan Xicheng said: "Brother, second brother, can you two stop arguing, the old man hasn't left yet! We are quarreling here, father knows, why is he old?" Can you feel at ease?"

In fact, these words that the third child said were all good things, but the old man was upset when he heard it. Zhan Nanwei said: "I said, the third child, you can stop pretending to be a good person, okay? My dad gave you a piece of paper last time." What about the bill of exchange! Don’t think I don’t know, there are a lot of property in it, so don’t think about taking it all by yourself!”

The third child was really speechless when he heard the second brother say this. The third child said: "Our father said that the money is for her old man's funeral, and it was specially given to me!"

The boss didn't think anything at first, but now that he is the boss of the family after all, he doesn't know about such a big thing, it's really strange 1
It was originally a conflict between the boss and the second child. Hearing what the second child said, even he didn't know the money, the boss was a little unhappy and said: "Since this is the case, I'm still the boss. You take this Hand over the money and let me deal with it, and when my father leaves, I will use the money!"

The third brother was about to say it, but he turned around and thought, no, if the eldest brother really gave the money to his father for the funeral, I would not say anything, but I heard that he owed a lot of money recently. Debt, if I really used this money to gamble, wouldn't I have failed the old man's expectations?

The third child said, "Brother, I can't give you this money. My dad gave it to me specially, so don't blame me, brother."

As soon as the boss and the second child heard that the third child was unwilling to take out the money, the two of them instantly became enemies and turned into friends, and they attacked the third child together.
The third child is also under a lot of pressure now, facing the verbal siege of the two of them, I can't stand it anymore!
The third brother Zhan Xicheng said: "If the fourth brother is here, I will definitely not agree with you to do this. Now that the fourth brother is far away from home and cannot come back, I will call her in the afternoon and ask him to come back! When the time comes, our four brothers Let's discuss together what to do!"

As soon as the boss heard that he wanted to notify the fourth child to come back, it was difficult to say. The fourth child is a very upright person, and he will definitely deal with it fairly, but he still wants to take the money all by himself, even if it is really impossible, even if it is The three of them divided the money, and it was always more than the four of them.
(End of this chapter)

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