Chapter 3125
When Zhan Xiaoxuan found out that Li Xiaoxia called for the living expenses, he was also very happy in his heart, but besides being happy, it was more of a guess!

The living expenses used to be given by my father, but now it's all replaced by Li Xiaoxia. Isn't this because my financial strength is in the hands of others?
In this case, if the other party does not give me that month, if I bow my head to ask for living expenses, I can't imagine it. Zhan Xiaoxuan is not the kind of girl who can easily bow her head and beg for help, but for the sake of the future. Sanctions, I must fight for my breath, I decided that in addition to my study time, I should directly do some small part-time jobs to make money.

Speaking of the problem of part-time job for college students, there are many different aspects. This is the same as the difference between the north and the south. There are differences. Take our northernmost province as an example. When I was in school, many times They are all unwilling to go out to work part-time, even if the living expenses are pitifully low, they are not willing to go out to make money.

Because going out to make money in our place means losing face very much, which is very contemptible!
This is not a problem of any one person, this is a common problem. If one of them looks down on it, it means that the person's structure is not enough, but when everyone around you looks down on your part-time job, it means that the survival The environment is like this!

In fact, students are the cheapest labor force, and they basically use their physical strength to make money. This is also the cheapest labor force!
Let's put it this way, you don't mind giving too much, and you don't dislike the little. Workers, the souls of workers!

I was very short of money when I was a student, but I just didn’t want to go out to make money. Not only me, but even people with less living expenses than me are like this. They would rather stay in the dormitory than go out Make money!

But the students in the south are not like this. A friend of mine used to go to a university in the south. No matter what the students there are, they will not stay in the school during the holidays. If you stay in the dormitory by yourself , They will pull you out together to make money, part-time to make money!

This is the gap. Many people don't understand why it is like this in our place, but in fact it is like this.

Do what you can, everyone looks down on it, this thing is a traditional concept!Think that is shameless.

No matter how much Zhan Xiaoxuan has, he just wants to make money, the kind of part-time job to make money. In fact, if you haven’t experienced it, you won’t understand it. When you see money, you know it. Making money like this is actually very refreshing!
I feel very good when I can see cash every day. At that time, I only earned more than 3000 yuan a month when I was working. To be honest, in a third-tier city, more than 3000 yuan is not enough for anything. The unit Leaders need to be maintained, and the relationship with colleagues also needs to be maintained. Just relying on the salary of more than 3000 yuan is really a drop in the bucket. At that time, I was still working, and the monthly fare was several hundred yuan!

In addition, when there are happy events in the co-workers, you still have to follow the members. In this way, how much life can you have every month?
So I resolutely chose to resign, a third-tier city, there is nothing worth nostalgic for!

At that time, my job was still in a construction unit, and the location of my work was often not fixed!

These words are too much tears!

Now Zhan Xiaoxuan doesn't know what kind of industry he can engage in to make money. He has no idea. If he wants to start some small business, he needs capital. Where can he get the capital?
I can take out my own living expenses, and there is no problem with these, but I think I can still work part-time to earn some money!
Zhan Xiaoxuan called his father, Zhan Gang is in a meeting, this is a summary meeting held every month, this meeting is quite important, so the first time, Zhan Gang chose to hang up Cut off, no answer!

Send a message directly to Zhan Xiaoxuan: Dad is in a meeting, and I will contact you after the meeting!
"Whoosh!" The message passed away. After Zhan Xiaoxuan saw the message, he also understood his father very well. It took a lot of luck to become the top leader from a small physical education teacher. Yes, not everyone will have such an experience!
This kind of experience may only appear in TV dramas before, and even novels sometimes dare not write like this!
Zhan Xiaoxuan's mood is also very anxious now, I don't know who can come up with this idea for him now!

To be honest, time seems to have never changed, but time seems to be fleeting!

Now I am in my thirties, which should be the age for a promising career, but now I can only work silently, and I don't know when I will change my previous status!

Going ashore is my goal for this year. Those holes before are all forced by life!

So I am also very angry now, it is time to re-plan my life!

I didn't feel this way in the past few years, until this year when I knew that many of my friends had changed a lot, I seriously thought about my future life!
When I just graduated, I was assigned to a construction unit in a third-tier city, and what followed was not only some strange feelings, but also, these strangers were really very xenophobic, because I came here as an outsider , This is to snatch food from their mouths in disguise!
If this is the case, you will definitely be envied by others!
Xenophobia exists everywhere, I really don't like this kind of life!

When Zhan Xiaoxuan thought of this, he didn't dare to think about it any further!

This is really terrible, I don't like that kind of life!

When you face life, there will always be some setbacks and failures. When you see the essence of life clearly, you are still full of love for life!This is the realm of a person!

This sentence was originally said by Romain Rolland, and it translates into Chinese like this: "There is only one kind of heroism in the world, and that is to love life after seeing the truth!"

This sentence is really good, it is worthy of being a great contemporary poet!

It was unacceptable for a long time after I saw the truth of life!
But after all, I am a student who graduated from a university, and I really can't accept myself here!
(End of this chapter)

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