There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3158 Have a meeting to study 1

Chapter 3158 Have a meeting to study

Indeed, based on the relationship between the two of them, mentioning money is too vulgar!

They were just talking about their relationship before without mentioning money!

Liu Zhengdong went back, hurried to his office, called his secretary, and said, "You go now. The director of the finance department of the business department, friend planning department, and the director of the finance department all called me the conference room. We will have a meeting in half an hour. !"

After the secretary got the notice, he hurried to go!

Now Liu Zhengdong is waiting to come up with a rough plan by himself, and prepares to set a direction for them when the meeting is held later!
Half an hour came quickly. During this half hour, Liu Zhengdong didn't stop at all. He was always thinking about the company's future development!

This is what a general manager should do!
When I was an employee at that time, their general manager had nothing to do but took care of some trivial matters. At that time, I was very disgusted with you. You said that the general manager of a company did not study this big development direction, and trivial matters every day. That's simply too outrageous!
So at that time, I secretly swore that if I became the general manager, these trivial matters must be handled by the people below, and I was only responsible for the company's development direction!
When Liu Zhengdong came to the conference room, the ministers of these three departments had already been waiting for Liu Zhengdong!

They haven't had a meeting like this for a long time, and the secretary brought them tea one by one!
Liu Zhengdong said to the secretary: "We have a meeting now, and everyone is gone!"

The big thing now is how to hold this meeting well!
Of course this meeting was presided over by Liu Zhengdong, and he started by saying: "Minister of Finance, how much liquidity is in our company's account now? How much is the budget for next month? How much can we freely control?"

The Minister of Finance is a senior financial director, and he is quite sensitive to these figures. These issues have long been taken care of!

The Minister of Finance said: "Mr. Liu, we now have another 100 million at our disposal! The working capital is also 1000 million! In other words, we can take out this money at any time now!"

Liu Zhengdong nodded and said, "I wonder how much we can prepare in a week?"

The Minister of Finance said: "According to the estimate, we can earn 3000 million yuan next month! If the account goes well, we can get to about 4000 million yuan, but our expenditure is still 300 million to 400 million yuan!"

This number is already very accurate for Liu Zhengdong!

Liu Zhengdong nodded, and was very satisfied with the answer.

Liu Zhengdong thought about it in his own mind. If he wants to revitalize this project, he needs at least 7000 million working capital, and there is still a difference of about 3000 million between now and next week. How will he get this money?
This is a very tricky question!

Liu Zhengdong said, "How much can we borrow?"

The Minister of Finance said: "The fastest way to approve it will take half a month. We can't guarantee it during this period. Only the current office building can be mortgaged! The rest of the fixed assets are all mortgaged! The interest we pay now Hundreds of thousands a month!"

The pressure of this number is still great!
Liu Zhengdong is now in a quagmire!It's just that this matter still cannot be disclosed to the outside world!

Just know it yourself!
So Liu Zhengdong now said to the head of the planning department: "When Lanwan heard about this project, did you know about it?"

The head of the planning department said: "I know this, but there is no specific internal information!"

Liu Zhengdong nodded, knowing it in his heart, and said: "After the meeting is over, you can go to my secretary to get a copy! He has it there!"

Liu Zhengdong looked at the head of the business department and said, "If you were given a project of [-] square meters, what would you do? Do you have any good plans?"

The business manager said: "It is objective for large-scale supermarkets to be profitable. It's just that our 700-square-meter commercial complex is still very large here. I just don't know if it can be revitalized! If it is revitalized, the government needs to intervene in drainage Yes! If the government helps promote it, then our project will be a sure-fire project, and the annual net profit will be at least [-] million yuan! I know this!"

The 700 million yuan is still too slow for Liu Zhengdong. Liu Zhengdong said: "The process of cost recovery is still too slow. Are there no other projects?"

Now Liu Zhengdong is most worried about how to get money!

As long as you have money, everything is fine.Liu Zhengdong said to the Minister of Planning and the Minister of Operations: "Recently, you go out to investigate and see how these projects are done outside, and then come back and give me a plan! Now the Minister of Finance stays, you two go!"

After the Minister of Finance stayed behind, he said: "Mr. Liu, in order to avoid some unnecessary incidents, I did not mention this number. We still have 5000 million spare funds in our small treasury. This is for emergency use! It has never moved!"

After hearing this, Liu Zhengdong's eyes lit up and he said, "Is it the small treasury we discussed last time? Now there is so much money? It's so fast!"

The Minister of Finance said: "Our company bought some stocks last month and made a lot of money! This is very powerful! I can cash it out tomorrow! Soon!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "This is really good, you will cash it out tomorrow, 5000 million?"

Liu Zhengdong still couldn't believe his ears, and kept repeating this number over and over again!
The Minister of Finance confirmed again: "Yes, 5000 million!"

Liu Zhengdong patted the table and said, "Okay! Let's withdraw cash tomorrow!"

So Liu Zhengdong found his secretary and said, "You arrange the dinner now, it's from these suppliers! Tonight at the Huibin Building!"

After the secretary got the order, he hurried to make arrangements, so Liu Zhengdong called Zhan Gang and said, "I have good news for you, I have the funds now, and we will settle the concrete matter tonight!"

Zhan Gang said: "Okay, I will be there on time when I go to Huibin Building tonight! Don't worry! I will settle this matter for you!"

Liu Zhengdong now understands a truth, when one's luck comes, it is really unstoppable!
All good things come in pairs!

If you are unlucky, you will have diarrhea if you drink cold water!

Now I have a deep understanding of this truth!
When Zhan Gang was doing this, he had to meet Ah Jin's mother!

So Zhan Gang came to A Jin's mother's office immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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