There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3252 Feeling better in an instant!It turned out that I wanted a child!

Chapter 3252 Feeling better in an instant!It turned out that I wanted a child!
Zhan Gang said to Li Xiaoxia: "I just smoked when I went out and haven't called my girl for a long time. I want to call my girl!"

Li Xiaoxia is still a little unhappy in her heart, what's wrong?Why are you still carrying me behind your back on the phone?Is there something wrong?Besides, you were never like this when you called before, why are you like this now?
Li Xiaoxia said directly: "Can't you say something in front of me?"

Zhan Gang hesitated for a moment, remembering that when he and the girl were alone when they were young, it was quite happy. Now that the child has grown up, the women around him have also changed. Could it be that even himself Running out of space?

Li Xiaoxia saw Zhan Gang's thoughts, so she walked down a step and said, "That's all right, when you come back later, buy some fruit. My child and I haven't eaten fruit for several days!"

After Zhan just nodded his head, he went out, and now he felt it when he went out, the air outside is really good 1
It was a rare and sunny day, and my mood instantly became brighter!

When Zhan just picked up his mobile phone and was about to call his child, his heart was quite active. What if the child is inconvenient to answer the phone now?I've called now, do you think I'm annoying?

What if there is something inconvenient if you are with your friends?

I kept thinking about these things in my heart, and the moment I knew I had figured it out, I called the girl's phone and said, "My child. What are you doing?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan noticed from the library management that a new novel has been published recently which is very popular, and most of the students are fascinated by this novel!

Zhan Xiaoxuan saw that it was his father's call, so he hurried out to answer the phone, and said, "I saw it at the library management office, why do you have time to call me today?"

Zhan Gang said: "If I don't call you, don't you still remember Dad? How long have you not called me?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan thought about it carefully. The last time he called was when he was in need of money for an event. Is the child grown up?It is inevitable that they have their own ideas and their own space for activities, as well as their own circle of friends!

In fact, to put it bluntly, rich people play with rich people, and people of the same type will find the same type!
Zhan Xiaoxuan was a little embarrassed, and didn't directly return to this question, so Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I'm obsessed with a novel recently, everyone is reading it, and I don't have time all the time, but don't worry Well, I have to rest assured about my studies, I have no problem with this matter at all. I haven't delayed my subjects at all!"

In fact, what Zhan Gang wanted to talk about was not this, but just wanted to ask the child if he had a boyfriend of his own now!
But as a father, this is not an easy question to ask, so Zhan Gang said: "How is your life recently?"

The implication is that there is no shortage of money recently!
Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I'm fine. I can eat whatever I want!"

In fact, sometimes no matter what kind of college students are, some families really don’t have enough money to spend, they can only eat in the cafeteria, even if you want to eat something else, you have to think about it for a long time!
There is no way around this matter, and some parents are afraid that their children will spend money outside and get into bad habits, so they strictly control their children's spending money, but this matter still needs to properly give children a certain financial foundation. Even if there are conditions, we must create such conditions for our children!

Otherwise, one thing is that after becoming financially independent, you will indulge yourself!

There are many people around me who are like this. Zhan Gang is quite tolerant towards children in this respect, and with his own conditions, he can fully support this family!Whether it is my own salary income or some other income, there is no problem at all!

Nowadays, many college students have their own cars. In this respect, many people cannot be compared!

Zhan Gang asked: "If you don't have enough money to spend recently, you can tell me! I'm pretty good here!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan is also the kind of sensible child who never cares too much about money with others, and is more careful when spending money himself.

Because the time to make money has not yet come!
Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Don't worry about these! I can take care of myself by myself. When you are at home and you have nothing to do, go and see my mother! Although it is said that you two are divorced, it is still mine after all. Mom, by the way, I had a bad dream a while ago, it was about my mother, how is it now?"

As soon as Zhan Gang thought of this, he guessed that An Guanyu's hospitalization must have not been told to the child before, since he had not told the child, he should not tell the matter so easily, so Zhan Gang Said: "If you miss your mother, you can call your mother! He misses you very much now. When I picked up your brother a few days ago, your mother said that this child is going to school outside. Why didn't you call me?"

After hearing this, Zhan Xiaoxuan said, "Actually, not only did I not call my mother, but did I also not call you? After a while, I thought about hanging up and calling my mother!"

Hearing this, Zhan Gang hurriedly said: "That's all right, go and call your mother as soon as possible! I guess you are waiting and anxious now! Your mother is a little inconvenient now, what's the matter?" If so, you should have a good talk with your mother!"

Zhan Gang gave a small hint and didn't say it directly. An Guanyu said what he wanted to say to his children, so he said it himself!
Zhan Xiaoxuan hung up the phone and said to his father: "It's good that there is nothing wrong! I want to call my mother!"

Zhan Gang hung up the phone only, remembering that he didn't know what happened when he was in a bad mood just now, and said a few words to the child, and Zhan Gang's mood instantly improved!

It is said that the daughter is the little lover of the father's previous life!
This is not true at all!

As long as I have a phone call with my child, I feel much better!
Now Zhan Gang is in a better mood looking at the blue sky!There are no worries anymore, it turns out that I miss my child!
After Zhan Xiaoxuan hung up the phone, he quickly called An Guanyu. At this time, An Guanyu was taking a nap. When he remembered the call, his heart skipped a beat. What's wrong?
(End of this chapter)

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