Chapter 3323
Today just happened to be the weekend battle. Just stayed at home with Li Xiaoxia and the three of them. There was nothing wrong. Today was a very good day. The night before Zhan just picked up Zhan Xiaosong, because again Anguan Yu's place is a bit inconvenient. This weekend, Zhan Gang took Zhan Xiaosong and their young son's family out to play. This morning Zhan Gang and Zhan Xiaosong discussed it and prepared Going out for an adventure, Zhan Xiaosong is still very happy at this time, and feels that he is still very happy with his father. In fact, he seems to have forgotten that his mother was very good to him, but it is because he is pregnant recently and his body is not convenient. I can't take him out to play.

Zhan Gang told Zhan Xiaosong that you should take care of your younger brother when you go out to play today. You are the big brother now. If you have anything to do, you must take good care of your little brother. When the two of you go out to play, you should bring a lot of toys. Now What you want to bring must be packed in the trunk. The two of them started to pack the toys Zhan Xiaosong. Now he is the big brother and has been helping the younger brother pack his truck toys. After packing, Zhan Xiaoxuan took He put his brother in the trunk, so Zhan Gang was about to close the door of the trunk, but Zhan Gang couldn't close it no matter how he tried to close it, the trunk of the car was full, but he couldn't control it no matter what Zhan Xiaoxuan was the first to find out why the car door couldn't be closed, so Team Zhangang said Dad.Speaking of Dad's stuff being stuck, of course the door couldn't be closed. Zhan Gang lowered his head and saw that it was really a small suitcase bag, which was hidden in the door frame, so ah, it couldn't be closed. .

Zhan Gang made some adjustments, and then closed the door. Both of them laughed. The four of them got into the car and Zhan Gang sat in front with Li Xiaoxia and fastened their seat belts. Zhan Xiaosong and his younger brother also sat in the car. There are safety seats behind both of them. That kind of safety seat is suitable for a 12-year-old, and there is no problem at all. Zhan Xiaosong and his brother put things on the seat , two people each took out a toy.

Zhan Xiaosong took out his newly bought Transformers, and his younger brother thought it was very novel. After playing with each other for a while, they felt a little bored, and they started to fight. After all, they were still children. He is a few years older, but he still likes to make a fuss, and that's how two little boys are together.

Although the younger brother is young, he doesn't show weakness at all. He thinks the toy in the elder brother's hand is fun, so he starts to grab it, but Li Xiaoxia is a little unhappy when she sees it. She said that it is very unsafe for you to do this while driving. , if Dad encountered an emergency and slammed on the brakes, the two of you would be very dangerous, so stop the two of you, get started quickly, each playing with your own toy Zhan Xiaosong took out again Looking out of the window with a telescope, the younger brother also took out his toy forklift and broken toys, and started to play by himself.

After all, a child is a child, so I don't have much patience. Dad, when will we arrive?Zhan Xiaosong asked Zhan Gang and said that it’s too soon. We are going camping today and we need to find a very wide place. Now the car passes by a farm with green grass, which looks extraordinarily beautiful under the blue sky. There are Cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, their calls are very pleasant.

This is the first time for them to feel this kind of natural feeling, so they are still a little excited about each other. The blind date road is also very beautiful, all of which are asphalt roads, and the old cow is eating tender grass leisurely , The goats are also eating young grass leisurely. The pace of life on this farm is simply wonderful.

They actually saw a lot of scenery along the way, and they all liked it very much. I'll take me there to play.

When Li Xiaoxia was young, because her father died young, it was very difficult for your mother to take her with her. It was so difficult for a woman to take care of her child. In order not to let the child have too much She had a lot of ideas and did some psychological counseling, so every time she would take her to the farm to play, and soon their car arrived at the destination. Zhan just contacted a farm that was opened by her elementary school classmate, and they finally When they arrived in Zhan, they just parked the car on the grass of the pasture. They were surrounded by fields. This is a farm for growing crops.

Zhan Gang’s classmates came to greet him soon, because Zhan Gang’s current position is also very high, and he belongs to a high-ranking official. When welcoming him, his classmates brought all the farm staff to greet Zhan. Just watched his classmates and old classmates come. Then, I am in a very good mood, so I hurried over and said that the farm is very busy recently, and it is time to sow seeds, are we disturbing you?Zhan Gang's classmate smiled and said, let's see what you said, am I still afraid of trouble?I am very happy when you come here, just to give me face.Zhan Xiaofeng came to this kind of farm for the first time, and he couldn't help but sigh, Dad's place is really beautiful, can we be here tonight?

Zhan Gang’s classmate patted Zhan Xiaosong’s head and said, this is your eldest son, he has grown up so much now, he is so obedient, haha ​​silly boy, how could uncle let you live outside?The room is already ready for you.

You will spend the night here tonight, okay?I arrange good farm dishes, here are local pigs, quite delicious, today we kill pigs to eat
.As long as it kills pigs on the farm, it is the highest standard for entertaining guests. Zhan Gang also knows about this, so he did not trouble his classmates to tell them, I brought you two bottles of wine, this is the latest The sauce-flavored type tastes quite good, you should try it, I heard that it is pure grain and stuffed.

Zhan Gang’s classmate was very happy when he heard that Zhan Gang had brought him two bottles of white wine. This is to save face and take care of his emotions, so the classmate said that you are really polite, just come here, What else should I bring?

You come and I go, this is the most basic rule of reciprocity. Every time Zhan Gang went to visit others, he was never empty-handed. After asking for their opinions, Dad began to see that there was a very big one next to him. The tractor Zhan Xiaosong likes these things very much, Yu said to Li Xiaoxia.Aunt Li's tractor is so beautiful, when can we have one with my younger brother.

(End of this chapter)

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