There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3367 You have to give me a guarantee

Chapter 3367 You have to give me a guarantee

As soon as the safety manager heard that the old man wanted to quote this psychological price, it means that the negotiation has reached the final stage, that is to say the number directly. The safety manager still hesitated. The money given before was 80 Wan, now that he said this, he made a rough calculation, and the annual living expenses of their family were about 5 yuan.

Because it can be judged from some of their furniture, displays, and food and clothing that their family’s annual expenses are 5 yuan, so it is said that they are giving them 5 yuan. A very ideal choice, so the security manager said that 85 is the most, no more, this is my price.

This price is already 5 yuan more than the amount stipulated by the previous law. You know this. If I leave immediately, it can be said that it is basically okay, but I came here with sincerity, and so do I. Feeling that your family is really not easy, the old man looked at his daughter-in-law with that look.

The daughter-in-law nodded in affirmation, and the old man understood that they can get this money. The young man said by the old man, I also know that it is not easy for you. You represent the company, and I think yours is also the same. Very sincerely, 85 is acceptable to us, let me tell you, how do you want to pay?

What I never expected was that the safety manager left a hand and said that there has just been an accident on our construction site, and we need to communicate in all aspects. You should know this, so our company has been very nervous recently. There is a bit of a turnaround on the aspect, I hope you can understand.

The old man became more and more confused the more he listened, didn't he just say it was fine?

I just set 85 yuan, which is basically 85 yuan. Now why are you crying poor to yourself again?This is not very good, the old man directly gave him a hand gesture, and the boss also said that no matter what you say or explain, this money will not be less, if you are sincere, we will continue to talk, if not Sincerity, we will leave now, no matter if I go to the court or wherever I go now, I am not afraid, you know?Because this accident is caused by you personally.

The safety manager just wanted to test the attitude of the old man, but now the old man has released a ruthless move, and now the safety manager doesn't say anything. The safety manager hurriedly sat next to him and said, sir, listen to me, don't worry ,is not it?Let the father and I come out and have a good talk. We just said that 85 yuan is definitely needed.

But how did the 85 yuan give our company back so much money at once? We need a buffer period, right?As soon as the words came to this point, the boss also said directly, young man, stop talking, I know you have a trick, if you can’t do it, call your leaders over, the safety manager panicked when he heard that the old man is young Sometimes he is also a ruthless character, and he must never be messed with.

The safety manager said, don’t worry, sir, please listen to me first, okay, the company is in trouble now and we are all trying to figure out how to get through this, I just hope to understand, the old man doesn’t listen to him at all now Yes, my old man said, I don't care about your men, it's your business, my money must arrive in the account, this is the most real state.

What the safety manager said, our company has encountered a big bottleneck now, let's not talk about other things if we have great difficulties, can I give it to you in three years?30 yuan in the first year, 30 yuan in the second year, and 30 yuan in the third year. Even with the principal and interest, it will be 90 yuan. What day do you earn an extra 5 yuan? In fact, they don’t know that this is the same. There are many routines, but they are ordinary people, and their son is at work, so how can they understand these financial matters?When the old man heard that there was more than 5 yuan in transfers, it was very good.

The old man said that the empty words are groundless, so why have you been afraid, right?Since you promised to give me these, you must stamp your company's official seal, sign your words, and we will go to the court as a notarization, so that it can be done. If it is not like this, I will definitely not agree to this When the safety manager heard that his old man was so thoughtful and had done his homework, he said that everything is fine, I can go and take you to the company to stamp, anything is fine.

Now as long as the boss puts forward the conditions, the financial manager, the security manager, will basically agree. If there is no problem, there is no need for sister Liu Zhengdong to solve it. Liu Zhengdong originally gave him 100 million like the security manager to solve the following. Thing, I didn’t expect that if the security manager did this, it would be equivalent to saving a large part of the company’s funds. It's nothing at all, just a year's interest.The two parties made a preliminary conclusion on this matter. After the negotiation was basically settled, the security manager said to him, sir, please wait for me for a while, and I will report to the company's leaders about my current situation.

The old man is also a very sensible person. He knows that at this time, it should be convenient for others. The old man said that you want to change, young man, but you must do what you say. There is no problem at all, as long as you promise There is no problem on my side, as long as you can contact me, the security manager took a sharp puff on the cigarette in his hand.

The security manager walked out of the door. He didn't dare to breathe in the room just now. The atmosphere inside was really too tense. I didn't expect that I could negotiate with him to this extent. This installment payment is also a very good way. If you pay in installments The time is too long, their family members will not agree, and they will not go through so much, because the money in their hands is considered money?Now they have given the company a buffer, the safety manager, this time things were done very well, the safety manager thought about it, and felt that he was really a fucking talent in this matter.

The security manager dialed Liu Zhengdong's phone number. Liu Zhengdong was accompanying his wife at this time. An Guanyu suddenly called. He seemed to want to quit but didn't want to quit. At first, the security manager glanced at him. An Guanyu An Guanyu is also a person who can understand Liu Zhengdong very well. It must be a very important thing to call up to now. You can’t delay what you say. An Guanyu said to him, if you are in a hurry, you can answer it. Call, I have nothing to do here.

(End of this chapter)

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