There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3486 I have acquaintances

Chapter 3486 I have acquaintances
Don't look at the two of them are already old people now, but their thinking is very young, this kind of people will never be eliminated by society, and the two of them are not that kind, they just don't care about anything. Procrastinating and procrastinating things are short-tempered. Uncle Zhang who basically walks away said that, or we will go and have a look after dinner, and see how the tour group is doing. When the time comes Let's see if there is a suitable one. Let's find a tour group that doesn't bring shopping and just go out for fun.

When Li Xiaoxia's mother heard what Uncle Zhang said, he felt a little unbelievable. Li Xiaoxia's mother said that there are still such groups that are not shopping. This kind of overseas travel comes with consumption.

In fact, Uncle Zhang is also very excited to watch, what Uncle Zhang said, in fact, I know that you spent money on this matter, it has nothing to do with who spends money, but I want to say something in advance, you said we are all in this age group. , because we have benefits, what is there for the two of us? It is also appropriate to give them some money.

As for young people, they are more careful when spending money and save a little bit, after all, their income is still limited. - But the elderly are at their age, and their income is relatively stable. In addition to the boss's salary, all aspects are also very good, so I don't think so much. Uncle Zhang said, in fact, we are at this age Don't think about it so much, find someone with better service, you said we can't be with our children this time, the two of us will spend more money, and having fun is better than anything else, right?Although this time things cost money, I think things still have to be done in this way. In fact, Li Xiaoxia's mother is not the kind of unreasonable person. Seeing that what she said is very reasonable, I also agree with it very much. After all, there are two people We should respect each other when we are together, and we have to discuss everything. Li Xiaoqiang’s mother said it’s up to you. Well, the decision you made is quite right. It doesn’t matter if we spend more money, as long as we have a picture It's better to be happy and safe than anything else, isn't it?
In fact, some people are more open-minded, while others are more stubborn. It is easier to communicate with such open-minded people. Uncle Zhang took a fancy to him, and he was with him back then. When we were together, I felt that he was more open-minded than other people. There are many people in the market who are like his peers. They are all stubborn and don’t listen to what you say. Yes, in fact, his style is outdated long ago, otherwise, how could it be so? Could it be that Li Xiaoxia's mother is also very receptive to new things from the outside world, and agrees with these opinions of Uncle Zhang very much, Uncle Zhang was really short this time, and couldn't come up with any money. Li Xiaoxia's mother also saw it, and directly took out 3 yuan, saying that the old man's 3 yuan should be left with you. you spend.

Uncle Zhang also knows that women are trying to save face for him. After all, she is Li Xiaoxia's mother. She usually gives her face outside. Although she has a little temper at home, she always plays with herself. But when I go out, I always give myself enough face. When a woman can let a man be willing to guard him for the rest of his life, it is because he has given him what he needs. Uncle Zhang also understands this very well. Men need a sense of accomplishment when they are outside. No matter what, when there are many people in the game, I feel that I have face when I spend money. No matter what, some men can bear it, and some men can't bear it. A person with good face must be watched by others outside. A man spends money. A man has strength, but those who have his profession don’t care. They think that no matter who spends money, if I play with him, I also Don't say anything, don't express any opinions, that's it. Uncle Zhang's nephew is still a strong person, just this time, he really has a deposit on hand.

If the money is withdrawn in advance, a lot of interest will be lost. At least if the loss is nearly 1 yuan, he has saved it for five years. If he withdraws it in advance, it will be very bad. Uncle Zhang also Knowing that this is very good, Uncle Zhang said to Li Xiaoxia's mother, "Oh, Xiaojuan, you are the one who treats me well. You know what men need best. What men need most now is face. You know how I am. I was short of money this time, and you gave me so much money, then I will not be polite this time, I will accept it first, and when my deposit expires, I will return the principal with interest. Why did you say that, which made Li Xiaoxia's mother feel very unhappy. Li Xiaoxia's mother said, do I stay with you just to get some interest from you?You know that Li Xiaoxia and the others are living in better conditions now, and they give me money every time they come back. You spend the money for living expenses, and I can’t spend it, so I’ve saved it up. .

When it’s critical, when you go out to spend money, let you spend it. It’s not you who cares, you can spend it. Is it all our money and you and me? In fact, it’s in Li Xiaoxia’s mother’s heart , she has long acquiesced that this man is the man for the rest of his life, after all, everything is up to him, and he respects his own opinions in everything he does, and besides, he is very good to himself, there is no reason to disagree with him Well, Li Xiaoxia's mother also knows that this man has been chasing her for 20 years, you should come and give him some proper comfort, say one thing and nothing else, you can persist for ten years in whatever you do. 20 years, so if he can persist in doing it for such a long time, it means that if I have sincerity towards him, Uncle Zhang is also the kind of person who knows how to be grateful. This matter really helped him a lot.

Uncle Zhang said to Li Xiaoxia’s mother that I happened to have an old neighbor in the past, and his son seemed to be in this kind of tour group. Let’s ask him at that time and it will be cheaper. After all, it is easy to handle things with acquaintances. In fact, they all said that, um, they are all slaughtered and cooked, and they only cheat acquaintances. In fact, I don’t think so. After all, I still have some help to their family. They often came to their family when the conditions were not good. Let me borrow money.

When his family is in charge of other people's borrowing money, don't other people's families not borrow money?I lent it to him every time, and you said he knew how to be grateful. Every time during the Chinese New Year, he would come to buy my meat at that time, and the price was several hundred yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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