There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3545 Men are too difficult

Chapter 3545 Men are too difficult

But to be honest, no matter what the ending is, Li Xiaoxia's mother will never take the initiative to ask other people's privacy, touch other people's privacy, the reason why the two couples can live a long life is because they gave each other a very A perfect and appropriate distance, this is called distance produces beauty, and he did a very good job at this point. He and Li Xiaoxia did the same thing back then. Although his daughter never had a father to talk about since she was a child, she is a mother who knows everything. Grab it, but there is still a certain bond between her and her daughter.

This distance was kept very well, and even when Zhan first came in, Li Xiaoxia's mother still kept this distance, because after all, all of them have to keep a distance, if there is a distance between people, there will be safety If there is no distance between two people, then there is no sense of security, which makes people very uncomfortable, so Li Xiaoxia's mother understands this very well, because when a man wanted to approach him back then, after all He rejected that one, so from that time he understood that there must be a distance between people.

Uncle Zhang looked at Li Xiaoxia's mother. He seemed to have figured it out a little bit. I said a little too much just now. Is there something more, or I analyzed some things that shouldn't be said from my own words, but no matter what. , Don't say it yourself, he will never ask, Uncle Chang is also very clear about this, and Uncle Zhang knows this too.

A woman is also worth spending her whole life on her own. After all, the two of them now have their own lives and their own children. The distance between Li Xiaoxia and Uncle Zhang will gradually narrow, and Li Xiaoxia's The mother knows that she is bringing a girl, and the other is bringing a son. If they reorganize their families, it is very important for each other to accept their new member.

This matter needs to be done slowly, and it is not done step by step, um, step by step, so Li Xiaoxia's mother, um, also expressed deep sympathy for Uncle Zhang, and would spare no effort to help him when he had any problems. Because when people are in the most difficult time, only if you help others, others will gradually help you. If you don’t help others, why should you ask others to help you?Li Xiaoxia's mother understands this very well.

Uncle Zhang has known that his mother is a very good person since he came into contact with Li Xiaoxia for such a long time. Although he was a bit harsh on himself back then, he only agreed to him after chasing him for more than ten and twenty-one years, but now , was done by Li Xiaoxia's mother. For Uncle Zhang, all the previous efforts were worth the moment.

The moment did not pay in vain, and some hard work did pay off. At this time when human feelings are very indifferent, Uncle Zhang can feel that Li Xiaoxia's mother is also kind to him, and Uncle Zhang is also very moved. Remind myself that I must be a good husband in the future. Even the second-married husband who got together later must do his duty well, because the two of them are now legal couples in the People's Republic of China.

Their marriage is not only protected by the law, but also respected by each other. The two of them know very well that it is not easy to have this day. You said that the two of them were originally, and they each brought their children to reunite. It is inevitable. There will be things like narrow-mindedness and selfishness. If you say that there are no such things, then I think it is impossible and not in line with human nature.The most important thing is that when two people have mutual interests, are you willing to give up your own interests, and then pay for the other party, if you are willing to pay for the other party, then this person can be said to be a person worthy of deep friendship, Li Xiaoxia My mother is like this, maybe she belongs to the slow-heating type, but she really didn't hug Uncle Zhang at first, and if she had any illusions, it showed that it is so difficult for a woman after all, and I can help him as much as I can A little bit.

How can a man have such high demands on a woman? Uncle Zhang also knew that he would never set such high demands on Li Xiaoxia. Since her mother has such high demands, a man has to bear all these things. This is a man What a man should do, and Li Xiaoxia's mother also knows this, and Uncle Zhang did it very well, that is, from the beginning when he chased him, he knew that this man is trustworthy and a person is worthy The person I entrusted my whole life to, but at that time, Li Xiaoxia was not married after all, and I was too embarrassed to form my own family with my own girl first. Some things should be tactful, and he may have considered a little more Yes, but now it seems that his thoughts at the time were very mature, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Proving everything with facts, this is the most convincing Li Xiaoxia's mother, um, so he said that you can make such a safe decision because he was also here.

He has suffered a lot in this regard. He knows that after Li Xiaoxia's father passed away, countless men have offered him friendly olive branches, but can he instantly see some bad faces of those men?That's why he didn't dare to go and try these people easily. The reason why he agreed to Uncle Zhang was because Uncle Zhang not only treated him well in the past few years, but also insisted on one thing for more than ten years. It proves that this person is not a bad guy who is always in a hurry, so he finally took over the family after Li Xiaoxia got married. He also made a big psychological struggle back then, and he felt that He has always owed the child this aspect, but Li Xiaoxia didn't feel anything, because she had no idea about this father since she was a child.

Including now Li Xiaoxia didn't say that she wanted to change her words, so it's very difficult to say that this base is still very difficult. If a man wants to let other people's women's children recognize him, the price he pays in the middle is quite huge, not only if You have to give your own feelings, but you have to give your own human, material and financial resources. You know everything about it. After you completely infect this child's heart, he may change his name to Dad. Of course, Zhang Uncle has never asked for these things extravagantly, and he will not ask a child to treat him well. As long as the two of them live happily, this is Uncle Zhang's lifelong wish. To be honest, Uncle Zhang is also very selfless from this point of view. He is qualified to play the role of a husband and stepfather.

(End of this chapter)

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