There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3547 Give you full responsibility

Chapter 3547 Give you full responsibility

With the leader's reassurance, Uncle Zhang's nephew is more at ease. He has a lot of ideas. In fact, sometimes he is afraid that the other party will not agree with his dereliction of duty. Now that he has the right to kill first and play later, he is now the first The thing is to find a professional manager. I don’t know what the above thinks. His understanding is this. Since Manager Zhang asked me to do this job with my left hand, it can be said to be a backup and a preparation. Although he had some plans in mind, he still had to come by himself. If he arranged for a Qixing to come over, he would find someone to restrain him afterwards. The use of these tactics is also very in place.

And Zhang Dai's nephew is also able to understand Zhan Gang's intentions very accurately. In fact, it is very important to understand the intentions of the leaders. If the subordinates cannot say that they understand the intentions of the leaders above, it will be very troublesome. Son.

Even if you can comprehend everything, you must give the leadership a higher level, and you can't get everything up slowly.

Even if the leader thinks that way, if you can see it, don't say it directly. If you say it directly, what will the leader's face be?So sometimes Zhan Gang doesn't need to test him, he is very reliable even if he wants this young man to do things, and Zhang Da's nephew is going to start looking for a manager. In fact, finding a manager is not a difficult task , but it is very difficult to find a qualified and reliable professional manager. First of all, the character of this person must pass the test. If you have a criminal record, it is very bad and will cause a certain loss to the company's image, which must be excluded.

Although everyone is advocating that the first degree and the second degree do not look at this thing, it mainly depends on your highest degree, but the employer has read it. In fact, I understand it now. Back then, I still didn’t understand why. Look at the first degree, in fact, this first degree proves how good your learning ability is.If you are a graduate of a good university, your ability must be very, very strong. No matter what kind of ability you have, it is very important that you have a strong learning ability. If a person is said to have a strong learning ability, Even if he is a novice, he will quickly understand what the company leaders entrusted to him. This shows his learning ability. It represents the person's learning attitude, what kind of person he was when he was studying from a young age.

For example, when the world's top [-] companies are recruiting, they recruit people with strong learning ability. They say they don't look at work experience, but when they read their resumes in private, they are very interested in these. Strict requirements, because if he can bring certain benefits to the company first, if so.

If you can't bring certain stable benefits to the company, then it's useless for the company to recruit you, right?If you pay your salary every month and pay insurance, then the company is not worth it. So as long as you are capable, you will not be buried. Even if you are buried, you can find it. Now it is him, Uncle Zhang. My nephew has always been such a role. If you dig out an excellent professional manager from the vast crowd, you will not only have to test your ability to see people, but also attach great importance to your own experience and social experience.

This also reflects another person's ability to know people, right?If he has a strong ability to recognize people and the company trains him to give you a platform, then after a few years, you must give back to the company. You must never betray the company. These are some of the most basic rules in the industry Yes, there are a lot of freshmen who have been trained in a good job platform. As long as the workers need you, then you still talk to the company about the conditions. That is your problem. The company spent the money before So much money to train you, do you treat the company like this?This is obviously against the rules, which is why many young people are clamoring to leave their jobs. They feel that their level has just improved and they can take the lead alone, but the things they have learned are only the most basic. Something, something deeper is invisible?

The work experience of this thing is something that needs to be accumulated over a long period of time. It is very important for a person. It can be said that the work experience is fully reflected at this time. It is very right to think about it now. Since the company spends The money is gone, why don't I find a student with a high level?In fact, you are like when you buy meat in the vegetable market, I spent the money for ribs, why do I need those big fat meat?right?I want good products while spending good money. This is in line with certain laws of the market economy. Although this employee does not belong to this product, in a sense, it is the case from the perspective of capital Son.

Many students are under pressure to find a job. Everyone is picky and picky, and can’t find a suitable one. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you get what you pay for. If you are really worth such an ability , the company will definitely not be stingy with such a small amount of money, because it is a drop in the bucket in terms of the company, only those employees who are not very high-level will care about how much money I can earn in a day's work, and some people actually don't care about money , but some people really care about money.

What's more, employees use the company's platform as a springboard. When you have the ability to give back more to the company, you choose to change jobs. This is obviously a disaster for public and private, so we say This is an important goal why the company is unwilling to train newcomers.

The company spends so much money to train a newcomer, and when the newcomer is ready to take the lead, you leave the company. This is obviously a loss for the company, and the company's operating costs in the early stage will quickly increase. Yes, if you improve, you have money to spend, but the company’s losses are so big. Such a person has no emotion at all. His eyes are nothing but benefits. Now think about it. Blame these newcomers for being like this, but isn't the company not relentless when it should be deducted or squeezed?
(End of this chapter)

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