There is room for the reborn doctor

3581 - Slowly Approaching

3581 - Slowly Approaching
Lao Han really tasted some of the sweetness brought to him by this pet association. He was thinking about how to get in touch with Li Xiaoxia and Zhan Gang. Now that they are in their relationship, their current business is still not enough Yes, so he wants to run his own business.

So Lao Han said to everyone, can you ask Li Xiaoxia out one day, and we will treat them to a meal in the name of husband and wife. Don't do it, just communicate with each other, and slowly wait for a chance in the future. Ha Zhang just said a word for us, and our fate may change. In fact, Da'an has always thought about this issue, and Da'an told the old man What Han said, you said this, I have thought about it a long time ago, but after all, his status is different now, can he come over for our treat?Lao Han said you should try it, why don’t you know if you don’t try it?If it works, the two of us will turn around. In fact, there are many people who sometimes want to take advantage of the noble people around them to reach the sky. This is still relatively difficult for ordinary people, but people like Zhan Gang He is definitely not an ordinary person, he can really bring you a lot of business with a word, Di An is also a little hesitant, Da An said.

Diane said that I am really a little unconfident. You can say that in normal times, I have a good relationship with Xiao Xia, and I can say anything, because we are good girlfriends. There has been a relationship between the two of us before. Intersection, right?My colleague is under you, and I have done a lot of work here. You said, but suddenly I got in touch with Zhan Gang, which is a bit of a problem. I don’t think I’ll try it, but Lao Han encouraged him, Because after all, this is a major event that involves their future. If you want to succeed, you must have the support of noble people, so he is also fighting. At that time, the pet association was doing well. Let’s have a little celebration when we have time. In the name of the celebration banquet, hey, let’s treat the two of them to a meal. Then we will make the occasion better. Then buy him a small gift, alas, to show respect for him, but just tell him that there are actually two of them.

It's not bad for us to order this little gift, but if we give gifts, my family thinks that we have to ask them for something, which is a bit bad. Don't you think that Diane's idea is actually Quite right, there is actually nothing wrong with what Lao Han is doing now, he just thinks about the problem from a different angle. It doesn't matter if the heart is still ringing. If you can't hit 8 shots, you all want to be friends with yourself. Isn't it just because of the little bit of power in your hands, and then your status in this society.But he is really special to Liu Zhengdong for such a long time. After all, Liu Zhengdong used to be good as two of them. They grew up together and shared weal and woe. Sometimes people are like this, sharing weal and woe. It is easy, but it is very difficult when we enjoy happiness together. We can endure hardships with you, but we may not necessarily be able to enjoy happiness with you, because the change of the environment will change a person. Now he is not sure what kind of character Zhan Gang is now, whether he has changed or not.

Lao Han still has a certain way of doing things. Lao Han took a puff of cigarette, then thought deeply, and said a word to everyone, you can ask him out, if they can pay the test, I think I still have a way to get close to them, and then slowly mention our matter to them. In fact, Lao Han's idea is not wrong. The mistake is that he underestimated Zhan Gang's strength. I haven’t met anyone. There are too many people who want to curry favor with him every day. There are not three or five people who say it’s rare every day. Moreover, when he sees you, he’s saying something bad. What are you thinking, how do you get in touch with this kind of person, unless he doesn’t want to expose your back to Zhangang, he’s kinder, sometimes people can help, sometimes it’s really unnecessary, why? There is a greedy problem in human nature. If I help you very well at the beginning, your appetite will gradually increase. Knowing that there are some things that are very difficult for me.

This is not easy, so the pit is getting bigger and bigger. No one would think about this problem. Of course, Zhan Gang understands it very well. If I give you a melon seed today, you may ask for a pistachio tomorrow. , the day after tomorrow you want a big watermelon, your appetite is always getting bigger and bigger, but I don't know what kind of person you are, right?After all, after I helped you, if one day your appetite grows, I can’t help you anymore. I’m really in trouble, and you’ll definitely blame me. It’s possible that my previous help was good for you. Those moments that helped you all turned into nothing, so Zhan Gang is more cautious in his actions. Is there a good saying?Be careful sailing for thousands of years and just have this idea all the time. When some people beg him, sometimes he wants to be busy, and sometimes he doesn't want to be busy. Even if it is easy to do, he will It will take a while to make you feel that this matter is difficult.

Even if some things are within his ability, he will not easily open his mouth to help you, because no one is stupid enough to add an enemy to himself. There is a saying that doesn't mean that, many friends are many There is no need to turn your friend into No.1 just now, and there is no need to build a wall for yourself on the road to success. After all, there are too few people like that, yes No, the most important thing about these problems is that I learned from Liu Zhengdong. Liu Zhengdong was the boss of a company at that time. He was very good when he had an accident at the beginning, and he was able to walk between businessmen and officials. He doesn't make a single mistake. Now it can be said that he can retreat bravely with his ability. It can be said that it is not easy to do this. After all, it is easy for you to get something, but when you want to let go of something, you will easily let go?And these things are all worked hard by you, who will let them go easily.

No one would do that, and Liu Zhengdong is the most expensive. The reason why he can do that is that he still has his extraordinary advantages. Many times Zhan Gang has learned his advantages.

(End of this chapter)

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