There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3586 It's basically done

Chapter 3586 It's basically done

What do you think about what Diane said to Lao Han, I will not tell you about it, can it be done?How did it work?What exactly does that old Zhang mean?Do you really want to understand?If you don't fully understand what Lao Zhang means, then what shall we do?This thing right?Let's not talk about anything else, before we do things for someone, we must first understand the purpose of the other party, if we can't even understand the purpose of the other party, then do you think we are a bit inappropriate in doing this matter?Lao Han scratched his head and said this time, I actually don’t know what to do, alas, I still think, let’s talk to Li Xiaoxia first, this matter is just like what we said before, let’s have a whole party, When the time comes, let them send it back freely, so of course I will talk about it. Well, you can leave this matter to me. After all, I am a professional in this matter. I have done it before when I was in the student union. these organizations.

This small matter is still not a problem for me. No matter what, I still have to get it done. Then Lao Han said that I must trust you too much, right?When the time comes, you can just give me a specific plan, how to do it, I will strictly follow this plan, and there will be no mistakes at that time, if there are any mistakes, you can go to the scene to save me It's over, right?Come show me a show, I still believe in your ability, what Lao Han said is very sincere, but he also said jokingly, now you think of mine, I know your 5 I will never let you pay back the money for nothing. No matter what, I will make you feel that the money is worth it. As Lao Han said, when I spent the money, I never thought about what would happen in the future. , I I I I can point at you what you say is not it?

I really want to point at the 5 yuan. If you ask me to do something, then I will pay the situation too low. Don’t talk to me anymore. I will pay your debts for you when the time comes. I love you, not for other things, now is the time to test your ability to do things, Lao Han said so, but he also understands in his heart that he and you two are basically pure feelings, together At the beginning, there may be some gratitude or something, but after getting along for a long time, the two of them completely appreciate each other's strengths. Now when they are doing things, they appreciate each other's strengths, encourage each other, and let each other have More information, so that the other party will work very hard when doing things. In fact, this is what a couple should do.

Of course, I also understand that Lao Han’s wholehearted work is also for the good of this pet shop. Why must this small shop be run, so as to show the love and ability of the two of them? This is also the fundamental meaning of their two husband and wife shop. Be sure to make good money.

Not much to say, after talking about this, everyone immediately started to find Li Xiaoxia to make an appointment on this matter, Li Xiaoxia is also busy with other things now, and has no time to pay attention to this matter, but I heard that everyone told him at the beginning He is also excited about the matter of the pet association. After all, this is a new job and challenge for him. Everyone is looking for new stimulation in the working environment. Those things that don't move are not that interesting, so the two of them talked a lot about what Diane said when they were together. I said Xiaoxia, our pet association, we are currently operating very well. Not bad, do you think there is anything we need to improve, or give us some systems to make us progress faster, in fact, Li Xiaoxia doesn't ask too much.

Of course he himself knew it, right? This Diane is also a member of the Pet Association. It must be for the development of this association. He must not have other ideas, so Li Xiaoxia said, I have nothing to you Request, if I say that we don’t have enough funds for this event, I can pay for it. In fact, Li Xiaoxia is a little bit overthinking, but that’s not what she meant. When everyone heard this, they quickly explained, I didn’t mean that, I want you Funding, let’s do this, let me tell you that in the early stage of a very complete system we have established, we do need a certain amount of funds, but there are many people who want to join this membership in a hurry. We let them join the membership and charge them a certain amount. In this way, our activity funds will come out. You must not be able to take this money. You have already taken 10 yuan to establish this association before. I probably invested [-] to [-] yuan in it. look?The others, I use for my own.

It is used for the operation of my own pet store, which you also know. Li Xiaoxia nodded and said that I know this. Originally, I planned to give you all the 10 yuan, but I didn’t expect that you would give it to you. It's done so neatly, and you say you've done it so well, what more can I ask of you?There are so many feelings between the two of us, I won’t ask you too much, as long as you do a little bit, if you have any ideas and need me to participate in some activities, just say it, because after all As the president of this association, I have a relatively high status, of course, but I also know that, of course, if he has such an idea, then he should hurry up and tell him what he wants Yes, Li Xiaoxia listened attentively and said, if you have anything to do, you can just ask me, if you have any requirements, see what I can do for you, and I will do it for you. The meeting happened to be a party, and all our members were called together. This is our city.

This is our first dinner party after the establishment of the association. It is a small event. Let’s all get to know each other. After all, there are many colleagues we have never met before. They are also very willing. They seem to be looking for you in private. They want to know you, the president. After all, this person wants to go to a high place. You understand this. Very good, nothing else.

(End of this chapter)

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