There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3658 The two drank

Chapter 3658 The two drank
Lao Han, who basically never drinks alcohol, today, he doesn’t know what to do at home. He has prepared two dishes and is going to drink some more. At this time, who will see it?It was his daughter-in-law who brought me, Daan, and came over quickly, saying, what are you doing, Lao Han, that person, why did you stop drinking there? not enough?You are still drinking at home, why are you making trouble?If you are upset about something, tell me, I will chat with you, are we talking about life or something, don’t keep drinking alone, pick it up after you finish talking, I'm going to drink beer with him. As for this old Han, it seems that Diane may have been bright before, otherwise he can't say that his movements are so proficient. As for the food, let’s put some drinks at home first, let’s talk about it, that girl of yours is not good at drinking now, both of us.

What's wrong with taking what you said, that you, why do you guys come to drink when you have nothing to do at home, my daughter can't drink, right?It’s okay if I drink less at home. Besides, let’s say it now. After experiencing such a big ups and downs in life, ah, to be honest, I’m very grateful to this Li Xiaoxia. If we didn’t have her, we would invest. Our business can't be so big, let's not talk about drinking here, you can't find anyone when you go out to run business, can't Lao Huang hurry up and give someone a head, Lao Han is also a person who knows how to be grateful, he is right What is the king talking about here? It’s 5000 yuan. You can take it. When the time comes, you and Li Xiaoxia and you two go shopping. You two buy something. When the time comes, you don’t have much money to buy him. Quite a few of us mean this and that, can you see it?This old Han is actually very straightforward, as long as you can help me, I will definitely not treat you badly in the future, right?

In fact, Tai'an had this idea a long time ago, just because he was afraid that he would not agree with it all the time. The adults told him, oh, you can take this money and manage it. It is not easy to earn you with this stuff. Yes, I never wanted to tell you. I was afraid that you would think I wasted money or something. You said you worked so hard to earn money outside. Is it not too good to agree?Lao Han came out and said what do you think? You?Both of us earned our own money, so you can spend it if you want, and you have my consent, let’s talk about it, I know who you are, so he doesn’t need to fix those things? I used Da'an to say that, that made this old Han feel very energetic in his heart. This shows that the husband and wife are very respectful. In fact, when the husband and wife are together, not only you can Live a good life, even the hard life and the poor life can live everything together, that is your real review, right? Good life, then everyone knows how to spend money, right?

Everyone wants to live a good life, right?But, it doesn’t mean that I can spend every happy life with you, but Lao Han and Da’an are in this situation, that is, they are very affectionate. How far has it gone? It can be said that it has reached this point. , even more than a husband and wife. At this point, Lao Han is very clear in his heart that even if I treat this woman well, this woman will also be devoted to me and will never say half-hearted things to me. It's useless to fix those, right?I guess he is definitely not that kind of person. Lao Han is also very accurate in judging people, and Lao Han knows it, but he is also very good to himself. We usually buy those things for ourselves, buy those foods, and then we can tell .

So everyone, Lao Han poured his own wine directly, and said to this Diane, what about the two of us today, let’s drink more, let’s not talk about getting drunk today, shall we? , Anyway, we must drink well today. The two of us finally had such an opportunity today. I don’t go out to run business today. I have so much time. It is necessary for the two of us to be together. Today is just happy. In fact, the two of them When working together before, Lao Han knew that Di An was also very free and easy, and he was also a gentle person. Some things were done very cautiously, and he also trusted him very much, and this loan I have never let Lao Han down, Lao Han said something, but we have to obey, let's not say anything else, that is, what is this woman called Vanves, this is all the women in Vanves who are obedient and have things to do. Is it right? When something happens, help you find a way, never complain or complain, this is a good wife.

Then there is that woman, you 3000 old man’s request, what is the holiday, this and that, um, if you don’t earn all the money every day, you just ask him to buy this and that for the holiday, what kind of ritual or something, you say What will you do with this woman besides spending money?Of course, if it's this kind of rain, Lao Han will definitely not ask Lao Han to understand, is there someone like Di An?He can be salty but sweet, he can’t go to the hall and can’t go to the kitchen, only this kind of person can I find him as a wife, Lao Han is not stupid, although Lao Han says he is rich, he is not stupid, everyone is like this , all from that time before, Lao Han knew very well in his heart that if he was looking for a daughter-in-law like Dan Fan with his conditions, then he would have already said thank you to God.

The two of them exchanged cups and talked a lot. At this time, they just said some things with the help of alcohol, things that they would never say at ordinary times, and they still have to talk about Lao Han, I I know that you are a very hardworking person, but you know why you dare not earn money, why the old man became dumb when he said this, and he stuttered, and he didn't know how to finish the next sentence, that old man Han looked at Lao Han and said to him, if you have anything to say, you can just say it directly, you don’t need that long night, after getting Lao Han’s consent, everyone started talking, you know why you haven’t made a fortune yet ?Seeing that everyone around you is developing well, because you are not courageous enough when you are doing business, as long as you are courageous enough, you will definitely earn some money that you dare not use normally.Sometimes, Lao Han also thought about it, but Lao Han is really a little timid, Lao Han tells him the same way, I treat him differently, some people just eat this He won't take this trick when he sets people up. Sometimes you say it's not my money, but I feel like I'm earning it.

(End of this chapter)

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