There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3664 It's Not Easy

Chapter 3664 It's Not Easy
At this time, Lao Zhang was sleeping at home. He hadn’t slept for several days, and he slept peacefully, because he has been busy with the pet shop recently. Due to the recent pressure, many competitors have followed him. A lot of competition has been launched. People who have never had these businesses before have started their own businesses. Isn't everyone like this?I'm jealous when I see your business is good, and then I will do whatever your family does. This industry is actually a mess. Does he make money? If you don’t make money, I will definitely not learn from you, but if you want to make money, you will definitely be crazy to be occupied by some colleagues in the market, because everyone sees that this is a huge piece of fat. Since this is the case, everyone simply chooses Qiu Hanjie as your vane.

Can you grasp it? If you can grasp this wind vane, then it is very likely that you will make a lot of money and make this money together. But this wind vane, if you can’t grasp it, then you can’t stand at the forefront Therefore, Lao Zhang is very helpless in the face of the current situation, because there is no good way to provide him with such a good opportunity, so he is also very He got angry, his mouth was foaming, and he was worrying about this matter. He should sleep at home and relieve his worries. After all, I wouldn’t say that I was too troubled when I slept. He obviously put this The thing is very simple to think about. If you are very troubled, there are many things that continue to make you more troubled. So when Lao Zhang was sleeping, he suddenly called this, and they .

The property manager of the office building came to call him. He has already been in arrears with the property fee for more than half a year. This manager is also new, so he is very polite and said to Zhang, may I ask you Mr. Zhang?Lao Zhang nodded and said, you said what's the matter, Lao Zhang seemed very impatient, because he can understand that he was very impatient when he was disturbed while sleeping, so what about Lao Han Lao Zhang Ah, he was quite reluctant to be here all the time, so Lao Zhang said to him, what's the matter with you? Your property fee, already.

I have been in arrears for about half a year. During this half year, I am also very humane to you. I know that you have nothing very good now, and there is not much business, so I have never Urge you, but today we, you also know that we are also under pressure, right? I am caught in the middle. If you say that the company asked me to charge the property fee, it means that I did not do a good job. So Lao Zhang, he also understands in his heart No matter what their attitude towards property services is, it can be justified, so this old Zhang said to him, that's fine, let me do this, I will pay part of it first, and then you can also apply to the company leader Apply and see if I can hold off for a few years, right?After all, I am here. I have been renting for a long time. After so many years, I will not run away at once. The property manager is also a very oily person. He should know it. At this time, the property fee is charged, right?I will treat you well.

But after I finished talking about the property fee, then we don’t necessarily have this attitude, so he has a very good attitude now, because when it comes to collecting property fees, Lao Zhang has heard of it before that, explain Even this colleague was sued by the property company and issued a subpoena to urge the property fee to be paid, so he was also a little troubled in his heart. Should I pay or not?Lao Zhang was also hesitant. After this, the two of them will be chatting as friends now. The property manager asked him, are you a little tight recently?If it’s not like this, I can personally lend you some money first, and you can return the money to me when your company’s conditions are over. Take it out and help Lao Zhang. In fact, to be honest. I'm quite grateful in my heart, but Lao Zhang doesn't use him, because he doesn't have any contact with this property manager, why should he use you to help?How should I pay you back if you help me? This is a big problem, and this matter must be discussed in advance.

If it’s not good to say these things, then there will be a lot of troubles in the future, so Lao Zhang is also very smart, teacher, manager, hello, let’s pay the property fee, so I can accept your kindness lead, right?I still can't afford the property fee. If I can't afford the property fee, won't my colleagues laugh at me?Is it because someone can’t afford to pay the property fee? So let’s talk, this is very wrong, this old Zhang, what do you say to them?Lao Zhang said to him, that's what you do, let's make an appointment that I will come to your office next Monday, can we have an interview?The property manager here is also very polite, and he agreed to his request directly. I thought to myself that you can't escape anyway, right?how can you runI said that the property fee can be collected at any time, so this old Zhang has made an agreement with them to meet at the property office next Monday. This is also a very good thing for Lao Zhang, so it is very good method.

Lao Zhang just now, the dream he had was a little bit uncomfortable for him, and he dreamed that he was cleared out of the building, so he was quite scared, so he was also very anxious and wanted to talk about it. This property fee, but it’s more than the property fee. It’s not a small amount. He’s been in arrears for half a year, plus late fees. There’s a saying that if you owe a little money, you’ll be fine Son, it’s possible that people will pay more, but if you owe a lot, they will definitely treat you as an ordinary employee, because if you pay the property fee, wouldn’t you be blind?So this, um, Lao Zhang is also very troubled now. When Lao Zhang was sleeping there, suddenly his wife came in and said why are you here? I heard you call just now, what's the matter?Lao Zhang told his wife about it, and his daughter-in-law, Lao Zhang’s daughter-in-law, told him, so what Lao Zhang, if you pay the property fee, you say that if we quit, we won’t pay That's it, did Lao Zhang say that's not possible and let's do things.

Doing things is a reputation, right? Don’t act as if we take a step back and say that we don’t do this business anymore. When we let people do it in the future, don’t let them pay attention to us.

(End of this chapter)

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