There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3695 You Are Right

Chapter 3695 You Are Right
Now for Zhan Xiaoxuan, it can be said that he has encountered a problem of his own. For the boss, the boss doesn't care about people's business all the year round. He already has this mood, and you have already shown that he understands it very well. , Chen Xiaojuan can't do it now, if there is anything wrong, he still has to call his mother, An Guanyu's so he called his mother, An Guanyu An Guanyu was doing housework at this time, suddenly the phone rang Yes, when he sees that his girl is calling, his mood must be self-evident, right?I haven't had a girl call me for a long time. I guess I have something to call today. Anyway, he is very happy anyway, so he answered the phone and said to him, oh girl, today Why are you calling me? What's wrong?What's the matter or what?At the beginning, Zhan Xiaoxuan didn't say anything.

But why is he fine, as if he has been wronged, he knows this as a mother, he understands his child's emotions from a young age, he knows at a glance that this child must be in trouble Outside, so he started, let’s not talk about the child now, I can only force him, I can only say it is to guide him, so An Affair led him to say what’s wrong with that child, you should stay outside, don’t feel wronged Just tell mom, mom is fine now, right?I gave you an idea, or gave you some advice. You can refer to the ideas of two people, which must be more than your own. You can hold back there, and it’s not worth it, right?Tell me what's the matter, so this Zhang Xiaoquan thinks, no matter what, it's nice to have a family member of your own outside, so if you want to talk about it, you tell your mother, actually, I partnered with this before. , you know, I also told you that I encountered some difficulties.

When we heard that the child encountered difficulties outside, it must be a bit uncomfortable. It is inevitable. Everyone feels distressed when the child is wronged, so he said to him, child, you are outside. Encountered setbacks, this is only the first part of your life, do you want to overcome him bravely now, and after facing him, you will get used to you gradually, and you will find that the setbacks in your future life will be slower There will be fewer and fewer slow ones, right? It’s not a setback, so it’s difficult, but you will find that you can fall in love with him easily, which is very good, isn’t it?Sometimes your choice is also very important, you can choose to go where there is no setback, right?If you see difficulties, let’s say it’s not good. You take the aisle. You see there is a stone on the road. Don’t you know how to take a detour?This metaphor is simple and image-warping. Xiaoxuan was quite happy after listening to it. He said, oh, you still have an idea. I will listen to your love when I have nothing to do. By the way, how are you doing now, mom?

One day, the girl who relies on her cares about her and loves Li Xiaoxia very much, no, An Guanyu, he must be very happy, but it is like facing a child, maybe it is to report good news but not worry, right?He said that he was fine, how Uncle Zhu took care of him, and his family conditions are also so good, so don't worry, son, you are outside now, you don't have to think about how I am at home , you can just figure it out for yourself, Zhan Xiaoxuan is indeed like this, he doesn’t understand it outside, he is a little unfamiliar, in fact, he can also understand that his mood is the mood of caring for his parents, but now It's not the right time. After Zhan Xiaoxuan finished talking to his mother, his mood improved a lot, but at this time, An Guanyu told him the most important sentence, since at that time, the two of you have already chosen Partnership, then no matter what, we must continue to work on it, and we must not say that it is because of this.

If you two got angry because of this little thing, then it will be difficult for you two to meet in the future, right?So you must not force this company to close down and declare bankruptcy. You can’t say that it’s disbanded. Your friendship must still be there. I was very clear about the status of the two of you at that time, and now What do you have to understand one thing, that is, this person can meet all kinds of people in this society, so you can't help but compare yourself like when your mother and Ah Weiyi were doing business together. You two are fine, right?But didn't we also get angry later?But when I got angry, that Auntie Awei gave me a lot of money, which also moved me very much. This is enough to show that when the two of us are together, the money is much weaker than the relationship, you If they are all moving in this direction, then you are right.

At least when the two of you meet in the future, you can still have something to say, right?Or if you say that your such a good friend doesn’t even want to see each other in the future, it’s not very good, so when you two were in partnership, your mother also told you those words, you If you don’t listen, you have nothing to do, and your mother can’t force you to listen, but now you will understand what’s going on only after you have encountered a situation and have room for practical operations. Alas, this is the situation now , and the other one is what, you must have your own ideas and things to do now, you can't say that you put everything on them, right?Are you short of money?My mother can say that I will call you later, and I can give you as much money as you want. You think that as long as you have a good project, you can do it. If you have learned from this failure, it means that you have truly grown up. The money There will be no white flowers, and your father and I will be very relieved.

When a child encounters setbacks outside, sometimes the ability to resist setbacks is not strong. The key lies in whether he has a backing. If this person has a backing, alas, no matter how many setbacks he suffers outside, he can get back at home. Consolation, this is also very good, this person will be full of energy, cheer up and continue to work on, but sometimes when you fail, it can be said that failure is inevitable, inevitable, right?Originally, when you were looking for psychological comfort, you kept telling you in the face, then you are not very good, and it will affect the relationship between your husband and wife, or any relationship will affect it, you What An Guanyu did is very good. When the child encounters setbacks, alas, I don’t blame you. I will teach you how to do it. This is the correct way.

(End of this chapter)

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