There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3723 I give you a good opinion

Chapter 3723 I give you a good opinion

Zhan Xiaoxuan understands in his heart that no matter what, he needs to eat a bite. This is not a question of whether you are hungry or not. It must be a question of giving face to the other party. You don't take care of me at all, you don't give me face at all, so, some elders must consider what they say when they talk about their juniors. Sometimes you feel that you may really be If you talk too much or have other thoughts, um, if you talk too much, no matter what, you must pay attention to your own sense of proportion, there are some things you should say, and some things you should not say, right?

Really sometimes, not only to say that you have done something wrong, but you may never want to listen to a person's one-sided words. This is very unscientific and inaccurate. You simply cannot give up your life. Really think about it for him, and you said those words, don't you just make people feel troubled?You can say this sentence to make people annoying, it is really annoying, right?So you should not say some things, no matter what, their family affairs, if you think about it, you used to be, now is now, you have something to say as an elder, you should not say it , not everything should be said, in fact, these can also be, right?Another one is that you always think about your little things, you and the next generation of junior children, can he talk about it together?Oh, Li Xiaoxia is very clear about this point, Li Xiaoxia cooks her own food no matter what, and what he proves, this family will always be.

You are very welcome, as a stepmother, Li Xiaoxia knows what she should do and what she should not do, right? He knows it very well in his heart. At this time, he only needs to prepare his own meal. It's ok, and what, why did he cook these meals?Just to explain this family, you are really welcome, you can come back any time, I am different from other stepmothers, not like some people who are stepmothers, who spend every day with their husbands and children The whole tmd is here every day, and I have to fucking get uterine fibroids.

Don't all the experts say it now?Some kind of illness, it doesn’t mean that it came from other places at all, it’s just that you are sulking there, and you are born thinking about this and that every day, what the hell are you thinking about?are you right?It's okay, you are very open and frank like you and Li Xiaoxia, what's the matter, what's the matter with you, right?So Zhan Xiaoxuan can also understand very well that Aunt Li has done a very good job to her family. To be honest, if a stepmother can do this, it is already very good. My father said, you don’t need to tell me what your father said, and I know we won’t say anything else. Aunt Ali has lived in this door for so many years. You said that I did have some opinions on him at first, but then I You know how to behave, right? I said that I absolutely didn’t make it difficult for the two of you. The premise is our reasoning.

Aunt Li, what he did was very good. What should we do? We must praise him. He is very good. He has done his job well. He rarely grows up between the two of us. It is to create conflicts. Some people create conflicts. His mother didn’t mean 01:30 at all. It’s very difficult to find a fight. Just nodded, he felt that this child really grew up and had his own He thought about it, and then he said to his girl, girl, you are very right, uh, if you can say that, it means that you approve of Aunt Li very much, let's not care about anything else, you recognize Li Auntie is fine. He should have cooked a lot of seafood for you today. If you like it, you can eat more. If you don’t like it, you can eat less. Dad will smooth things over for you when the time comes. The tired ones or this one didn’t eat less on the way, so you don’t have to worry about it. When the time comes, I’ll see you and I’ll understand after seeing your wink. The two of them still cooperate so tacitly with Zhan Xiao Xuan said to him, it's better to be this old father.

Now, the two of them are in the car, and they are idle anyway, so they tentatively asked a question when they were standing guard, saying that you have suffered a lot for such a long time outside, my child, are you this time? What do you think?You talk to Dad, Dad can see if he can help you or solve something for you, right?As soon as Zhan Xiaoxuan heard his father say this, Zhan Xiaoxuan said to him, Dad, I want to hear your opinion, do you think my bed is ready to continue outside or come back, you want to stay with me How about staying by your side?In fact, these words actually show that this is not to want their own attitude?How can you not be a parent?

I don’t want my children to be by my side, so of course Zhan just said Zhan to him, and he knew the answer he wanted in his heart. Brother Zhang said that Dad, first of all, I hope you can stay with Dad By your side, Dad can take care of you a little bit, right?In the future, your father will also help you if you have any problems, and give you some knowledge about work, but if you want to make a living outside, your father will still support you. You need funds or Dad can provide you with anything in terms of connections, but you have to remember that this society is a society for you young people after all. Dad can only help you for a while and cannot help you forever. Dad will eventually grow old one day , You must understand this point, do you know that Zhan Xiaoxuan has heard and understood her father's words, that is, no matter what the initiative is, it is up to her to choose, and that bully is absolutely very He supported himself, and then Zhan Xiaoxuan said to him, otherwise, my current business.

There is still business outside, so let me finish my business first. If I said it for two days and see if it really doesn’t work or what, when I came back, Zhang Gang suddenly realized a very important problem Well, it’s his future marriage. Major life events are very important to children, but as someone who has experienced it, he must say something that should be said to him. I think the child with glasses is not bad. It's ok, if you really want to get along with others, you should hurry up, that is, you two have a breakup, so we adults can rest assured, if you really think that the other party is not good, then the two of you must get along with each other. This sentence has been explained clearly, we must get together and leave well.

(End of this chapter)

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