There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3734 I'm waiting for you

Chapter 3734 I'm waiting for you
Soon, they will be home soon, and at this moment they are still worrying about how to go back and talk to Li Xiaoxia, Zhan Xiaoxuan's phone rang, and the caller is not someone else's official good friend, the boss is also his cooperation Partner, as for the boss, he is also very smart, every time he calls to talk and wants to test, he will test a little in advance, and then the boss, um, ask Zhan Xiaoxuan how are you doing recently?Why did you just leave suddenly that day?In fact, smarter friends will never ask such questions, but do you want to say that the boss is not smart?It's definitely not the boss, it's absolutely smart, but why does he still mention it? It's about caring, that's the kind of caring between friends, you have to understand, so tell him what we want to say that day.

Besides, the other day you said that the two of you were on a blind date there, and I put a bar in the middle, what do you think it is, right?Isn't this not too good?I don't necessarily have to give you enough time. In fact, the boss has already guessed the answer. The boss also understands that Zhan Xiaoxuan would say that, so what can he say if Zhan Xiaoxuan doesn't say that?The Zhan Gang next to him, seeing his friend and his own phone call, it means that when you care about 79, no matter how much you care about this person, as long as you care about it, it means this matter, which is still very good Well, no matter what, it’s still worth paying for, right? This is how it is seen in Zhan Gang’s eyes. They can still go on after their journey or something, so this Zhan Xiaoxuan also answered a lot of questions. , Zhang Xiaojuan said, what do you think of the two of you?What the hell was that day?Whether it will work or not, the boss just smiled, but it goes without saying.

In fact, the two of them really see each other, and Zhan Xiaoxuan is also very good at talking, I said that I wish you all well, um, so Zhan Xiaoxuan also felt something in his heart.

At least he made the right choice that day, and the boss knew it very well in his heart, and the boss also knew, well, no matter what, he and Zhan Xiaoxuan should still be friends, because the two of them are friends now. It's also very good, the boss resells the novel, you're home, when are you coming back?Planning to come back, sometimes, you say that there is still something wrong with our company. After all, we are still shareholders. Let's discuss it when we come back, right?You still have other ideas. When Zhang Xiaoquan heard that the boss was testing his attitude, Zhan Xiaoxuan was very concerned about it. Zhan Xiaoxuan said to him, no matter what, I definitely want to Going back, let the things between the two of us basically go with the flow, no matter how much you calculate in the end, you just need to calculate the equity for me, um.

When the boss heard this, he was too self-effacing. No matter how much money was spent, he basically didn’t care and left it to himself. But the boss is not the kind of person who says he only cares about money, right?I was wrong about anything, so my dad said to him, why you?Um, how should I put it, um, the two of us definitely say that it’s not just this far, the two of us still have to think about other aspects, um, let’s take this vacation when you’re at home, and wait for you When you feel that you have rested, you will come back. The two of them chatted briefly, and then hung up the phone. After hanging up the phone, as a father, he must say something to his child. Say to your children, I think this person is good, no matter what, he misses you, and sometimes he really doesn't communicate with each other, let's.

Zhan Xiaoxuan is also very smart, and he also knows that he is talking about him and Liu Zhengdong, because he and Liu Zhengdong had a very good relationship before, but no matter what the reason is, the two of them just don't contact each other now. , This is a bit unacceptable to both of them. The kid said I understand what you mean, Dad, but this kind of thing, you can't force it on you and Uncle Liu, right?After all, you all have your own aspirations now, and you can understand with just a little nod at Zhan Gao. Zhan Gang actually feels very pity in his heart. He and Liu Zhengdong used to have a very good relationship, including actually telling the truth to help him later. The bone was there to help my ex-wife, so the two of them have the current relationship.

Just say what Zhan Gang said, okay, let's not talk about my unhappy things, you will be refreshed when you get home in a while, just be happy, no matter what, that Aunt Li still hopes for you when she looks at you I'm happy, so is that the case? Then, the two of them returned home, and Zhan Xiaosong said to his sister, why do I still miss myself a little bit, I don't think there is anything wrong with me He has stayed in novels, in fact, he thinks the same way now, but there are some things you can’t say that way, so let’s say that to him when we were young, brother, we don’t care what, um, tomorrow, tomorrow, what tomorrow If the situation permits, let's find our mother again, and the two of us will go shopping with her together, isn't that good?In fact, you two think about it, it's very different.

It's just that the reality is definitely not as perfect as the two of them imagined, but after all, every child always has a little fantasy. If there is no fantasy at all, what's the point for them? Well, that's how it is. Zhan Xiaoxuan is also very smart. As for Zhan Xiaoxuan, when he got home, he didn't say anything, and went back to his room. Li Xiaoxia saw their family of three coming back. I am also very happy in my heart, I feel that after all, I have gone out to meet the mother of the child, what can I do, besides, the relationship between us is not bad, if you don’t want to have something to do, you can come and have a look, which is not bad Well, there is no need to get to that point, and then he asked Director Zhang how you are doing, I see you are all very happy today haha ​​oh you are back very well, the hot water is ready for you .

At this moment, Zhan Gang felt that sometimes I really did not choose the wrong person. After all, you said that he was too bad for me now, so he must be very cherished, so he hugged him and kissed my dear Yes, we didn't say anything when we were there, mainly because the two children saw his mother and said something.

(End of this chapter)

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