There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3746 There is still a generation gap

Chapter 3746 There is still a generation gap

Zhang Na also needs to be able to read and write. She knew that she was about to go on a business trip soon, that is, to go out to help Zhan Xiaoxuan. So, he was also thinking about a problem. Basically, he doesn't usually travel very much. He will go on a business trip this time. After that, I still have to tell my family that I am not.

He doesn't know how to tell his uncle that he has something to do now. Now he has an idea to tell him tentatively. If he says it, what kind of mood do the old people feel now? It's the old man's idea, which is still different from the young people. yes, right?The teacher was thinking that you must pay attention to your own things after you go out, but the young man knows that he just needs to pay attention to his own safety when he goes out now, so he walked up to the uncle and said to the uncle, he said uncle Yeah, I'm going on a business trip, and I'm going to be busy for a while. If he tells people the truth, he will use Zhang Tai's ideas or something. He may not agree, so he's better to hide it, maybe sometimes. Well, it can't be said that it is a white lie, or it is deliberately concealing something, at least not to make the old man worry, this is the most real, he told his uncle.

I'm going to go out in two days, and when I go out, it's an act appointed by the company, that is, the general manager of Zhanzhan, the chairman of Zhanzhan asked me to go on a business trip, have you found someone?When he was about to go on a business trip, in fact, he didn't have much energy in his heart. Mrs. Zhang thought something, why are you going on a business trip at such an old age, and what kind of troubles appear, most of the time it's just to help in name, but in fact It was stolen by you and never came back again. No matter how big he is, he still feels unreliable in his heart.

Uncle Zhang was about to say something, but at this time his nephew said, don’t worry about him, I’ll go out, that’s about a month, alas, I’ll be back soon after a month or so , can we meet again then?Now the old man is that the older he is, the more he wants to understand a problem.What is the problem?That’s right, he just wants to keep his children by his side, because he’s getting older, because accidents may happen to him at any time. This doesn’t mean that he must have any accidents, but it means that if he can avoid it, he can avoid it. I was worried that one day I would die.

In fact, it is very normal for people of their age to have such worries, right? Anyway, they still belong to the family now. They have passed most of their lives and have nothing to pursue. He said to his nephew, You, after going out this time, can you bring me a nephew and daughter-in-law back? You see, what I have been looking forward to every day is that you get a fat daughter-in-law to come back. Do you want to talk about this issue now?Ma Yun is a little sensitive, I regretted it when he just said it, he knew that his nephew said this now, and it might be somewhat taboo, but no matter what, I still have to mention it, right, Mr. Zhang My nephew didn't think there was anything wrong, so he told Uncle Zhang to go out this time, I really went to do business, not to go out to play or something, you must put your mind on this, I will go out When playing, it is possible to bring back a nephew and daughter-in-law for you, right?But.

I’m now going out with a serious 8 book. It’s not the same as before. It’s possible that in the past, when I wanted to play, I could find some excuses to say that I was on a business trip, but I lied to you at that time, right? Woolen cloth?I know you are not angry, but this time what is the matter? Well, I really have to go out to work, and this job is also very complicated, and I have never been in contact with this job. I don’t know if you can do it by then. Accept that, in fact, you don’t need to worry about safety or anything else. We at this age can take care of ourselves, you know that.

Zhang Han also nodded. Although he said that he was a little worried, he turned back and said, okay, you go out. Young people need to go out to exercise. When you finish exercising, come back In other words, let's be safe and sound. In fact, needless to say, he also knows what his uncle is going to say. It is nothing more than two things. He works hard and then plays with his daughter-in-law. He seems to be holding a grandson. The third As for the generation, isn’t that the case with the elderly?After retirement, the old man has nothing to do and only thinks about holding grandchildren and how to play. That's all he thinks about, right?What he thinks about young people are two things and two routines, but what is he thinking about Uncle Zhang's nephew now?How can I be optimistic about my work, alas, it is completely different at this height, and it is completely okay for him to think so now.

At this time, Li Xiaoxia's mother, who also heard these words, probably has something wrong with him, so he just talked to his old man like that, old man, and made the decision to do so, we Try not to interfere, so don't talk about it anymore, what about the tank, he must have someone's idea for such an arrangement, besides, you said that such a big thing in this ideal, he must know it himself, right? He didn't tell me a word, he got a little angry, and felt like his girl didn't tell me something. At this time, Uncle Zhang said something fairer, he said it when he grew up, he said it , it is possible that people don't tell us, because they have their own reasons, don't they?It is impossible for us to say that we want our children to behave according to our own ideas. They have their own ideas and considerations, so this is fine.

What he said, in fact, all of them understood what was going on in their hearts. The nephew of Uncle Zhang said, Auntie, I also know that you are worried for me, right, and I have some things, I am really inconvenient Let me tell you why, in fact, the more he said such things, the more uncomfortable they felt in their hearts. What I thought was that the more you stopped talking to me, the more trouble would be. Actually, this is not the case. He asked you if there is anything you can do. It’s nothing more than going out to do some business. A businessman just goes out to talk about business. Young people can understand this, but the elderly really don’t understand it well, and they don’t know how. Let’s talk about it. In fact, Uncle Zhang’s nephew doesn’t know how to explain it to him. You said that there is really no need to explain the details of work to the elderly so clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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