There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3749 Actually, I can do it myself

Chapter 3749 Actually, I can do it myself
The father of the glasses said to the glasses, at night, you have to protect yourself, now you all have your own ideas, as for how you choose it is your own business, in fact, the father of the eyes puts his heart into it It's also very good, and the girls in his friends' homes are all very juicy, so it's more than enough to match him anyway.

Sometimes, when a man encounters something and meets someone who understands you very well, it is very good. If he says he doesn’t understand you, it’s nothing to say, and there is still something, no matter what you do. There must be routines. If you say that you have no rules and no routines, people will not tell you so much, so now that he is talking about glasses, he has told the truth to his father, and his father will no longer It's very good to force him, he should not only be responsible to himself, but also to everyone around him. This is one of his principles when dealing with glasses. As far as he is concerned, everything is pretty good, and there is another most important reason, which is the glasses. He wants to control his view of love by himself, but it is finally too late.

He also had a lot of ideas, so he went to the flower shop and chose a pair of the most beautiful and beautiful roses to blow up. This painting is actually not very expensive, but the symbolism is indeed very strong. It implies My own love, when I met Zhan Xiaoxuan for the first time, he gave the exact same number of flowers, no matter what, I guess in his own opinion, Zhan Xiaoxuan will definitely like it when he sees it Yes, because he didn't refuse when he saw these words for the first time, so now he is very confident and sure of himself. Sometimes the most important thing for boys outside is self-confidence. None, so it can be said that he is very troublesome, but what stage does the glasses belong to now?That is, no matter what, he will do his best.

But now what Zhan Xiaoxuan is thinking in his heart, his eyes don't know at all, and he doesn't know at all. This is very difficult for glasses. Glasses, now this boy is still very persistent. When you meet the girl you like, you have the courage to express your heart.

At this time, Zhan Xiaoxuan was also very entangled in his heart. She hurt the glasses innocently every time. In fact, he felt very guilty in his heart, but now Zhan Xiaoxuan really had no choice. A very strong person, and his self-esteem is also very strong, what is he thinking?In the future, no matter what, I will still rely on myself. No matter what, I will have my own affairs. In fact, the girl can be said to be very in place now. The most difficult thing for him in the future is to face the period after giving birth. When time has no income, this time is the most uncomfortable. After all, it is impossible to reach out to control others for money. If you say to reach out to control others for money, then your status must be very low, and you are afraid of the people behind you. Whether the family will give you money, if they say they give you enough money, you will not be able to do anything.

Well, this is better, the scariest thing is what the parents of both sides said, just ignore this point, he only thinks about himself when he wears a small shirt, no matter who earns the money, it is not easy to draw, or he has to earn it himself A little bit, so he must have the confidence to fall in love with others after he has earned money. It can be said that this is also a misunderstanding of the young. Of course he doesn't care about the glasses, and his family is not bad at all. Since he is.

If you want to be with Zhan Xiaoxuan, you must have a lot of things to deal with in your heart. Many things need to be mastered by yourself. Of course, glasses, of course, you can’t tell others clearly, if you say clearly It's inevitable that it hurts people's self-esteem a little bit. Don't people have face outside?No matter what, let’s give each other a step down. What is Zhan Xiaoxuan’s status now? Oh, I want to do a good job in my career first, and then talk about love, but when I can’t do a good job in my career Well, even if love comes, he doesn't want it. This is the performance of a typical strong woman, which is nothing to a girl from an ordinary family.

But is Zhan Xiaoxuan born to want walls?So he must first do a good job in his career, so that he can feel at ease when he does something in the future. What kind of person is he?It doesn’t matter whether I negotiate with you or negotiate terms, I must have enough bargaining chips. If I don’t have enough bargaining chips, I would rather not talk about this negotiation. This is Zhan Xiaoxuan’s character. This kind of character is also very understanding, but there is really no way for him to be moved by this girl. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally figured out why she didn't Calling myself, it must be that there are still some uncertain factors in the world on his side. At such a critical time, I must not make trouble for the other party.

After thinking about it, whether you go to negotiate terms with him or negotiate with him, or the two of them talk about the future together, he will have his own direction, right?So, the glasses don't bother him so much now, there is one thing that has always been on his mind, and now it is finally.

You can let go of him and face him bravely. When he was about to go out, the father with glasses looked at him and stopped him and said to him, son, whether you succeed or not tonight, how can I put it, my father will support you , if you have any needs in the future, then you can just tell Dad, Dad can contact them at any time, in fact, he doesn't want to talk about those useless relationships at all, right?For him, he only wants to do some useful and meaningful things. As for those useless and meaningless things, he doesn’t even want to look at them. This is the character of the eyes, and the glasses are also very powerful. Well, what did he think?I am a masculine man, do I still have to be managed by my parents when I fall in love?My own happiness should be in my own hands, no matter what, I will get it myself.

Or I pursued it myself, so how can I make myself like me willingly, right?So, what state is he in now?Don't any of you tell me those useless things now.

(End of this chapter)

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