There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3752 It's time for a break

Chapter 3752 It's time for a break

In fact, Zhan Xiaoxuan is very good at this matter, and he is also a little reluctant. Anyway, what state is he in now? When he and the glasses are together, what is the idea of ​​wanting better glasses? As long as you can give me some promises when we are together, that’s enough. In fact, the requirements for glasses are not high, but when facing Zhan Xiaoxuan, he is a little submissive, but it can’t be blamed on Zhan Xiaoxuan Xiaoxuan, Zhang Xiaoquan is always a strong woman, she is born like this, if you want him to do something bad, he can't do it, but he always wants to rely on himself To do something, it was absolutely necessary for Zhan Xiaoxuan to do so at the time, and he is now in a state of perfect entanglement.

Soon, Zhang Xiaoquan felt that their conversation was over this time. In fact, he was still a bit reluctant to make glasses. He was also very uncertain about the future, and he didn't know what to do in the future. These things, so it can be said that he is also useful to the MLM circle now, so he should ask for it.

For Zhan Xiaoxuan, it can be said that he has nothing to regret now. The two of them are together. In fact, for Zhan Xiaoxuan, no matter whether they are together or not, Zhan Xiaoxuan It can be said that it is basically what um said, the very one is worth it, he has nothing to miss, right?If he stays like this mother-in-law and mother-in-law who are a bit indecisive, it will not be good for his own future, so Chen Xiaochuan sees that the two of them are doing almost the same today, so he talks about glasses, let's see what is going on now In this state, anyway, if you say you can go with me, then it’s okay, if you say you can’t go with me, then don’t blame me, I don’t mean to be with others in this duty choice, You know what kind of person I am, right, I just think about it.

I have a way out, a little development, you should understand what I mean, when the glasses heard him say that, he also burst into tears. In fact, as a man, in front of the woman he loves, she is also very uncomfortable in this state. So the glasses said to him, I know what you think now, when we were together, we agreed to work together, and now you are doing business by yourself, I also understand that you are after something better, no matter now How to put it, um, we have come to this point, I also have an unshirkable responsibility, I also understand you, you say that if you let me go in this state, how can I go away, right, and now, I am quite used to working here now. If you let me re-adapt to an environment, I may not be able to do it. No matter what, the two of us are now at this point. I don’t regret what I said, just I wish you the best of luck in your future career.

As soon as Zhan Xiaoxuan heard what he said, he could basically understand the meaning of the eyes, and he felt very uncomfortable, so he talked about the eyes to the glasses. If you can come to my city in the future, you must Call me, we still have to meet, I can't say I've been waiting for you over there, but I basically don't think about these things about myself now.

And I'm not very interested in these things at all, you can understand what I mean now, what am I now?It’s just that I don’t feel too much pressure to be with you now, I just think that your family should be more suitable to find a better one, and recently your father has been introducing you to someone, which is what you said just now Yes, I think you should think about it and take a step forward appropriately. Tofu is a very good glasses for your team, and I understand what he means. He has been persuading himself to take a step forward just because he wants to Give him up, the glasses also understand, some things he didn’t tell himself clearly, so the eyes are also very troubled in his heart, and now he is not sure whether he wants to be with him or something else, so he said Well, he has made trouble like this, and he also has special responsibilities that cannot be shirked.

Zhan Xiaoxuan said so firmly, he also saw it, and there was no need to redeem it, so he said to him with his eyes, you said that we two have been together since we were young, and I know you quite well. I often don't eat breakfast outside. I used to bring you breakfast when I went to school. Now, we are not together when we are in college, right?

So you must take good care of yourself, no matter whether we are earning money or not earning your money, we still have to keep our bodies. If we don’t have a good body, I will do nothing wrong. After looking around for a while, he is now a little mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and he knows that he is also reluctant to part with this relationship, but there is no way, right?Now the two of them have fundamentally different directions. One wants to own his own world, and the other wants to own his own life. It can be said that he is really not easy to make a decision now, no matter what. So, the glasses still have to say what he wants to say, want to say about the eyes, after saying this, he also feels that he is too sad, isn't there such a sentence?sad.

Taking the pole is not a business. No matter how proactive you are, as long as the other party thinks you are not good enough, the two of you are still not good. Zhang Xiaoquan thinks that the two of them must end now. If you continue like this, you will definitely be entangled in the future, so Zhang Xiaochuan thought about cutting the mess quickly and said to others, okay, then the two of us will be pulled down, and we can say that the end of this relationship is just a relationship, not quite Mature feelings, in fact, when he said this, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. If you say that you have no feelings at all, it is completely impossible. The two of them have known each other for so many years, and they live together For such a long time, is it because you have no feelings after being together for so long? It can be said that this person is a bit too stupid, so these two circles still say these words.

The glasses saw that he had reached the point where there was basically no possibility of redemption, but the eyes told him that's okay, the two of us are basically um, let's call it a day, I want to continue my life, you I want you to continue living, and after finishing speaking, I lowered my eyes and basically stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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