There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3788 Chapter 4382 I will think of myself

Chapter 3788 Chapter 4382 I will think of myself
Now that the glasses started, he remembered the scene where he was eating at Zhan Xiaoxuan’s house before. At the beginning, he didn’t drink too much. It was the first time I went to someone’s house to let you drink. You said that if you don’t drink , this seems to be when he is not decent enough, after all, he is your future father-in-law, right?

If you are offended by others today, then he will definitely not be in a good mood to come and say these things to you in the future, so at that time, he said some things he should not have said in a muddle-headed way, and then this um glasses, he was also at that time It's quite real, after all, drinking with him in that classroom has a purpose, you said I asked you to drink so that you don't drink too much, then what kind of wine did I drink, right?At the very least, I want something to make you drunk after drinking, and then it depends on how it is or what it is. People always need to get drunk once. If you are not drunk, how can they drink with you? If you are not drunk, it means that your city is still relatively deep, but if you really drink with him.

Even if you are drunk, there is actually no fight. Just now, I didn’t say that I wanted to know too many specific things at the time. I just wanted to see if this person is called. Nonsense, right?So when it comes to the glasses, he is still very thoughtful. At the time, how should I put it, he gave himself a blow, and now he knows what kind of state he was in when he was wearing the glasses. After all, he was in the A very embarrassing situation, people let you drink, so I drank, but you know my level, I drink too much, but even if I drink too much, I can't let you pick any faults, this That’s what I thought at the time, so Zhan Gang later told Zhang Xiaofan that the glasses guy is pretty good, no matter what, he thought I was the reason.

To be able to get to this point is at least inseparable from some things at that time. If we say that when he was drinking together at that time, he was not at all compatible with that war, and he would not have trusted him, right?Naturally, he would not agree to his marriage with him, but this is how much the wine should be drunk.

You should consider yourself. Some people love me when I drink. If I say that I have a catty, I can only drink 5~2 taels at most. This means that I will never be drunk, and what is the matter? ?
No matter what, I can take care of myself for whatever happens to me, which is very good, so what is Zhan Gang thinking now?This eye is still very worthy of deep friendship. No matter what, she has also paid a lot for herself and the family. At that time, Zhang Xiaoshuai told his father that you should try not to drink too much with others.

Now that people can hold up the wine glass, it is the war in the drug. Of course I know just now. There are many ways for him to test young guys. Their unit was not like this at the time. Organize a few factories and young guys to see if you understand If you don’t understand these things, it’s good if you understand love, but if you don’t understand some rules in the wine market, then what should I say, they will gradually stop taking you, right?This winery is actually very important, and it is also a mirror to test people.

Anyway, this drinking capacity is definitely born, and your wine quality is your character. If you drink too much, you are not a scumbag or a big knife, it means that this person is not good. Can it be stable, right?But if one day after you drink too much, you can still sit there like before, and don’t say anything to the old man, he thinks you are a good person, and I have set up a very second The thing is, once after I drank too much, I talked nonsense to my boss and him. In fact, it was very superficial, but you said that if you let people talk about it, In the end, it shows that you are a good person. No matter what, this person has some defensiveness towards you when he first came. So how to let people let go of these defensiveness is your own business, right?How to gain the trust of others depends on yourself.

If you say that you can gain people's trust easily, it means that you have strong personal ability, but if you say that you cannot do this, it means that your ability is not strong. How many people in real life can reach this point Woolen cloth?Even if you get to this point, isn't it?But when people don’t do specific things, can they let you do these things? It’s another way to do something. It’s still very good if you can operate it, so this wine is really a test. The standard of a man, if he can make you feel that you are not disturbed at all after drinking, and it is as if you have not drunk at all, it means that your drinking capacity can be deformed, and you are not crazy about drinking. It means that you are still a good person. If you start to talk nonsense about useless things after drinking too much and make people unhappy, then do you think about how good people will have a good impression of you?So if you say you can't drink, don't drink at all.

In this case, no matter what others say, you can at least keep a clear head and calm down, but if you really drink too much, then I will explain you, it is still not good.

And sometimes, what can this person do for you, that is to say, you, you don’t care whether your EQ is high or not, but after drinking you can do something that can make others happy Son, then it means that you are still a good person, but if you say that the more unconvincing you are made by others, and the less you can drink, then it means that you have to control yourself, if at least you can control these things yourself No, so how do you let others control you?This is somewhat difficult for you yourself, so the performance of the glasses at that time was still good. I controlled my drinking within the range I could bear, and my chatter was not out of shape at all. This shows that This man can do it.

It's like after two or two drinks, you will be like a dog in the future, right?What's more, after drinking, you look like a completely different person. You are worse than everything else, so how can I let people be friends with you? Then your character is not good, glasses are right Although he doesn't understand these things, his father told him when he came here before.

(End of this chapter)

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