There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3793 Times are different

Chapter 3793 Times are different

Well, Zhan Xiaoxuan's father was still a little uneasy. He thought why his mother suddenly called him. When he called just now, his mother obviously didn't say a lot. And at this time, he must be very clear, knowing that Uncle Liu must be by his side.

Because sending text messages to scold others is invisible, I am afraid that he has something to say, he is too embarrassed to say it, right?I said that sending text messages solved this problem very well, but after he read it, he felt that Liu Zhongzhong didn’t know anyway, so he asked his mother, is there anything wrong with you calling me just now? Son, right?Besides, I played just now, let me come back this time, I didn’t say I won’t report you safe, I really said I’m too busy, I just remembered, when An Guanyu heard this, he actually knew it The child was with him for the purpose of texting, and the reason why he sent text messages was probably because he was afraid that Liu Zhengdong would eavesdrop on him, so he came back to the child and said, "It's really nothing, and I know why you texted me, Uncle Liu." It's okay, Uncle Liu persuaded me to let me call you and ask you what's going on. I've been thinking about it all the time, and you feel that you won't give me a safe report after you come back this time, unlike before. , as soon as you get there, walk on the front foot and arrive on the back foot.

The first thing is to tell me that I am safe. Now it seems that you are really fine. I heard my mother say this. To tell the truth, in fact, I regretted it very much when I was young. He felt that he was so old. , In the future, my parents will miss me wherever I go, but when I think about it, I will pull it down even if I don’t want to, so he also regrets it.

He also swore secretly in his heart, whatever happened in the future, no matter where he went, he would report to his parents that he was safe. Mom said yes, mom, don't worry this time, I'll take care of myself when I'm outside, and you must take care of yourself when you're at home.

You and Uncle Liu, you must not quarrel and live a good life. In fact, these words do not mean that he should worry at all, but his father always feels that his parents still have some immature things for him to worry about, but after hearing it It would be good to put this An Guanyu Xincheng at once, and he didn't just laugh, he thought, the child is still his own, no matter what, it is enough for the child to be by his side and be able to communicate with him, and he loves himself. The child said, don't worry, mother is such an adult, you still need to worry about it, right?Mainly if you worry about it, then you have no time to start your own career. The best thing you can do now is to take care of yourself and get your career going, so that your mother can watch your career flourish. Only then can I rest assured, um, Zhang Xiaochuan was also very happy when he heard what he said.

Come this time, my father is also worried about me. Didn’t he arrange for a manager of their company to come over and help me with these things? Ah, in fact, what he did was very correct. At the beginning, I still chose skirts Well, I can handle these things by myself, so why do I have to send someone?Now I realize that some things are really not something that I can handle alone. In fact, some things are not difficult, just some experience in love, I have no experience, and now he is taking me slowly. After gaining experience, I will be able to do everything smoothly. Besides, I am talking with my partner now. There are still some things that I haven’t finished talking about. There are some business or equity disputes that I haven’t finished. There's been a lot of time, and this reminds An Guanyu of the time when he and Ah Wei were on fire. In the beauty salon, the two of them made money at the beginning, but later it was because they were friends.

Sometimes when doing business, it’s because of the face of friends that it’s hard to deal with, so everyone can’t touch it. Some questions that should be asked are not embarrassing to ask, so they have many different lawyers now, and he said to him, you The two of you don't get too close now, you know?Mom didn't mean to interfere with your normal communication, it was because of your Auntie Awei who came over from that time. You should also know how good we two were at that time, but later it was because of our relationship.

The relationship between our friends in private is very good, so some things may happen, it’s not so pleasant, because of this friend’s face, I hope, you don’t follow the mother’s old way, right?But what's the matter with you now, you must communicate with him in time, and don't be embarrassed, sometimes you buy it because you are embarrassed and mess it up, it's not good, so say it, don't Do you have any concerns? Do you have enough money or what? You told your mother that these things are not something you should consider. At that time, when I was doing business outside, the only thing I was short of was money investors. It was you, Uncle Liu, who invested in me. If I didn’t have you, I would not be able to do this business. It’s the most important thing to earn money when doing business. After hearing so much from my mother, He has also benefited a lot, no matter how it is, the experience given by his mother is very enough and very correct.

In fact, Chen Xiaoxuan couldn't do these things when he didn't have them in his heart, so he said to him, Mom, you are really a little too worried, what can I do now?Although we are friends, we are not like that aunt in everything. There is no contract between you, and we all have contracts. We strictly follow the facts of the contract. If we analyze it, we will execute the contract and take it out. Can this be said to be another guarantee for us?So we young people do things in a very routine way, which is different from yours at that time. Things in the era of our contact with society have also undergone great changes from yours, so you don’t need to worry about these things, right?But when I really have something to do, when I need money, I will definitely notify you and tell you.

Hearing this, Han Guangyu was also relieved, and then said to the child, okay, if you are really embarrassed to tell me, you can tell your father that the two of us communicated well at that time, because although you said that we We were divorced at first, but we still have some intersections because of you.

(End of this chapter)

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