There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3799 Don't Blame Me

Chapter 3799 Don't Blame Me
Of course the father with the glasses knows what his son is like, right? He would never say that he is under the fence. If it gets to that point, then you are completely meaningless. Besides, his family's conditions are not bad, um , In fact, he wanted to refuse the glasses at first, but thinking about it, he really needs this sum of money in the early stage. If he can make money after gaining a firm foothold, then he doesn't need the money. Said to my father, what condition can I tell you now is when I have it now, yes, I really need this money now, and I will return it to you after I finish earning the money, No matter what, I must give you the money. In fact, do you think the local people can ask for money from their children?But the child has such ideas, which is very good for him as a father. It is psychologically comforting. At least the child can stand on his own. Why do you think you have a child?He said he could say he was raised from an early age.

But when you grow up, you still have to rely entirely on yourself. It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish, right?I must consume your fishing methods, alas, this is better than giving you Yu directly, this is him as a father.

I believe that your strength will definitely achieve what you want. For him, this is actually a completely certain point. Even with glasses like this, he is also clear in his heart now. If there is no such living expenses in the early stage If not, he will have a hard time, won't he?So, if he needs the money now, he must need it first. He checked the balance and found that he paid himself a lot of money. They are enough for two people. It's also very good, um, I brought it when I needed it the most. This is one of the benefits of being a father. Sometimes, you have to say something to your child, not just a few things. On the one hand, in many cases it is really some ideas from two sides, and those in the south will also be influenced by the woman, if it is said that the man thinks.

With his mother around, he will definitely make changes in other ways. Regarding glasses, some of his ideas are actually his mother’s ideas for his father. Tell him what his father is thinking, and you are with that person. If you want to go outside, you must have money if you want to be strong. If you say you don’t have money, you won’t be able to say anything, right?His father had already quarreled with his mother because of this matter, and his mother said that the boy needs to be raised poorly, can he still starve to death on his own outside?In fact, in real life, it is true that he can’t starve to death. For us college students, who doesn’t need some good things to support him? Well, this man's thoughts are completely different from yours. What is his mother thinking?Boys have to rely on themselves, and sometimes they have to rely on themselves. Give me an example of letting a child go fishing. If you don’t give him fishing tools, you have to teach him how to fish. ,right?If you teach him well.

Didn't he pass this thing down slowly?right?If you say that you throw him by a big river when you come up, and bring me 10 catties of fish when you get home, isn't that completely nonsense?So, his father's idea is still very right, and his father also told his mother a lot of things because of this matter, so he said to his daughter-in-law, I don't need you to worry about educating my son, and you don't need to take care of you It’s right to say those things are reasonable, but is that the case? At the beginning you said that when I was young, I didn’t know how I got here?How difficult it was back then, there was nothing, if the child lived in the same environment as we did in that era, well, let’s not talk about anything else, but what kind of environment is this for you now?Can it be the same as before?Just stop worrying about it here, okay?

Of course, after the mother of the glasses was told by his father, he was also reflecting on himself, and he also felt that what he said was very reasonable, such as how people in their era got here, and how people in their current age got over That's totally different, right?So, he has a lot of small-mindedness now, but you can't blame others.

Glasses, of course, he doesn’t know about these things. His parents won’t tell him what they do, and his father doesn’t talk about it. So, he also said something to his father. A lot of heartfelt words, he said that I don’t need to talk about money when I’m outside, it’s hard currency everywhere, right?I need money everywhere. If I don’t have money, then you can say that he can’t do it. But if you give me the money, I will make good use of it. I will never spend it indiscriminately. What kind of person am I? People, you have known me since you were a child. I never spend money randomly, right?I only spend money when I need money. Now I am really touched by the money. Sometimes when a child is pushed to a certain level, the child will really do some other things, some Parents just want to use some weaknesses of their children, the weaknesses of human nature to control.

You said we don't know what the parents think, what do they think, why do you want to control the child?Isn't it good for children to develop freely by themselves?I always want to be his family and say what he counts, and then the child will one day say that it is not you.

There is a saying that says how you treat me, I will treat you. This sentence is not only used outside but also used in all relationships, including this thing between parents and children. First of all, you have to make a good start That’s right, what’s wrong? If you say you didn’t do well, then don’t blame the child. If you don’t do well, the child has his own ideas. If you can help him when he needs help, he will definitely I am grateful to you, but in other words, when you hit him and criticize him when he needs help the most, will he appreciate you in the future?So all his efforts today are aimed at one day he can stop himself. If he really only stops, will he rely on you?tell you something?He will treat you the same way you treated him back then. This is a reality, not to say that sometimes children are so disobedient, but can you really not blame him?
So let’s just say, it’s enough for everyone to do things. For the sake of saving each other’s face, if they don’t even give each other face, then there will be many deeper barriers between them, and then the relationship will be very tense in the future. .

(End of this chapter)

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