There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3806 Actually, I know everything

Chapter 3806 Actually, I know everything

In fact, when the two of them were together in the beginning, were there still many differences from before?In any case, the two of them are just getting together after all, and they still need a lot of running-in and tempering. It is best to give a lot of small things in life to make it convenient for the two of them to be together. I dare not agree with 10 points.

Sometimes the two of them actually don’t want to go to the authentic highlands, but sometimes everything is there, who can say something without getting on the pole, so the two of them sometimes get angry face to face Yes, in fact, the backside is still very good, just like when the two of them are still together, there are often disagreements. He needs the two of them to adjust themselves. Sometimes, these things basically say It is unavoidable. No matter how you say it, the original intentions of the two of them are good, and they are both rushing to yearn for a better development direction in the future. To the world, the two of them are together, and to be honest, they also face difficulties. Under a lot of pressure, just started.

Zhan Xiaoxuan didn't want to be different with them, but later he gradually developed to get used to each other, and when the two of them met their parents, in the end, in fact, sometimes, he also made a big change in his eyes. He felt that as a man, sometimes he should not care about everything with him. What do you think a man cares about with a woman? The reason why he can care about himself is not because he cares about himself ?So he himself is very clear about this point, and he also believes in himself very much, and has the ability to handle these things well. So, now he also trusts and is very confident in himself, so let's not say goodbye That's right, let's take the time when the two of them are together now, the thing is that the glasses must be thinking that as a man, he must take on the things that the two of them love together. This is necessary, because when a man and a woman are together, there is It needs a man to bear the burden, but what is Zhan Xiaoxuan's thinking?Even though Zhan Xiaoxuan said that I am a woman, I still have to do what I should do. It is impossible for me to point everything at you to arrange for me.

For the two of them, there is actually no conflict. The idea of ​​glasses is not wrong, and Zhan Xiaoxuan’s idea is of course not done. Which woman doesn’t want to be private? In fact, he owes me a lot. Many women don’t want to be self-reliant, but he I can't control that much anymore, he is included as a girl.

Zhan Gang’s education to him since he was a child is that although you are a girl, you must be independent spiritually in life. This is why the two of them can get together now. This is inseparable from Zhan Gang’s family education Yes, the single-cylinder idea is also very avant-garde. Although I have a daughter, my daughter must use it as a facade for me to go out. At that time, An Guanyu was also very strong. This is not the same as An Guan Yu's childhood education is also inseparable. When An Guanyu first got together with Chen Gang, Zhan Gang didn't care about anything, because Zhan Gang was relatively young at that time, and he cared about gathering outside with his friends every day.

So Zhang Gang still takes relatively little care of the family, but An Guanyu is different. Although An Guanyu is a girl, he still has a deep understanding of the family, and sometimes he cannot be said to interpret You come to give me a position, but I have only my own ideas. This is what An Guanyu has been trying to grab for such a long time. The reason why the two of them divorced is actually a lot of responsibility and not enough responsibility. In Anguan Yu is not all healthy. In fact, the two of them still have different thoughts. At that time, Zhan Gang was young and ignorant, and his views on some things were relatively one-sided and thin.

When he matured later, he felt that the things he did when he was young were still relatively unreliable, and now he also regrets a little bit, why didn't he get along well when he was young, it was mostly because of this The family has a little responsibility, but after he figured it out, it was a bit late for him. He felt that he hadn't grown up for such a long time. This has a lot to do with the man's maturity. Man The mature ones may be later, and this has something to do with their living environment. Some men are old and have no income.

But Zhan Fang is different. Zhan Gang has actually discovered his own strengths, and his shortcomings are all after he has matured, so he is very reliable in what he can do now. An Guanyu himself He also knew in his heart that at that time he also gave Zhan Gang a lot of opportunities to grow up and let him do whatever Zhang Gang did.

At that time, he was too busy with socializing, and he didn’t listen to some things at all. He just drank with his friends every day, socialized outside, and at class reunions, he was a very outgoing person. If you asked him to do this, how could he be able to do that? do it?Waiting for him to mature slowly and become serious, that would be fine, so Zhan Gang also has his own ideas about these things, wait for his own ideas, and when he matures slowly, he will miss some opportunities , so Zhangang knew one thing about himself very well in his heart, what did he think, no matter what, I have matured the team badge now, but these opportunities no longer exist, An Guanyu and After his divorce, he actually regretted it very much, as did An Guanyu, so he absolutely didn't want his daughter to go her own way again. For marrying a man who matured later, that's why he just started The reason for supporting him and not being with him is that the child Yuan Glasses is a very good child, and there are no problems in all aspects of character.

But he with glasses has a real shortcoming, that is, he doesn't care about some of them at all, so once An Guanyu saw it, he didn't have a way to say it, because at that time the two of them were still classmates, didn't they? Thinking of this person, he will be what he was when he was in school, so when he first said that the two of them were together, An Guanyu didn't express his position in a hurry, why did he have to be with him or not? , he was also very smart in the novel, and he immediately understood what his mother was thinking. Until later, when the two of them met and asked An Guanyu, An Guanyu actually didn't care about the child's feelings at this time. After something happened, he felt that the child was so old and had his own thoughts, so it was not good or appropriate for him to give some suggestions.

(End of this chapter)

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