There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3810 Can't say it failed

Chapter 3810 Can't say it failed
As for the first interview, in fact, the glasses have been prepared for a long time, and he also thought about a lot of questions. When I interviewed him, he also answered very fluently. Maybe it was because he answered too fluently or had other flaws. Place, in fact, the interviewer didn't say anything at the time, and he wouldn't say anything. I'll call you when he needs a retest, and it's over with just one sentence. This makes this, um, the glasses fall back Glasses, he was actually quite happy, he felt that his performance was good, so he came down with a smile on his face, and asked him how he was, did he feel okay? , I think you are in the same state, you haven't tried how to say, that is to say, at that time he said, um, he didn't say anything, just said that when he goes back to give me news or needs a retest, the second round will be Call me, and when the person said this, he immediately understood what was going on.

Zhan Xiaoxuan is still very smart, and he also knew that although the other party explained, he was basically eliminated. He thought about it, and when he looked at the glasses with such a noble mood, he couldn't bear to tell the truth and go to that What’s wrong, he said to the eyes if it’s okay, well, he just encouraged the glasses in a disguised form, and I told him that it’s actually pretty good, people said that the interview will notify you when the second copy is needed, basically it’s Not bad, in fact, he understands in his heart that if there is any second retest, if he is interested in you, the first retest will basically be over, and there is no need for a second retest at all. It's the second time I said this, and then I went to the interview, it was purely a kind.

To comfort you mentally, when you are a child who just came out of society, you hurt your young creatures. In fact, this is something that no one will say clearly. Consider the face of the other party. This is also a basic aspect of the language you speak. He also knows in his heart that he may not get hope, but he still retains the most basic illusions about this kind of thing. This cannot be said that glasses or disregard of reality, this is human One of the nature of it.

Let's put it bluntly, if that matter doesn't happen to you, if it happens to you, you'll be confused. Don't you think about it from another angle. It's okay to say that people's eyes are so loud. After all, I still have doubts about my own abilities. It’s a bit of fantasy, or the society is cruel, the society is reality, I won’t give you any chance to wear glasses, and she simply doesn’t want to think so much. It’s the eyes that tell him, in fact, I understand it in my heart , I guess basically this is enough, you say people look at that attitude, do you say I still don't understand what's going on?But tell me now, I just feel something in my heart. I encountered such a big ups and downs the first time I came out to do things. Do you think this is a bit too unfair to me? In fact, there is nothing fair or unfair about it.

After all, when you come out for an interview, you don’t have any work experience except for a little bit of work experience. You can’t blame people for telling you these things, right? No problem with glasses, he is a very responsible person, he just I feel that I will stand out in this society with my own ability. If you think so, it is okay, but everything depends on your luck. If you are lucky, you will definitely do things step by step. Walking is also very smooth, but if you are not lucky, forcefully add your own luck, and then make some subjective things, it still doesn't feel good. Of course, Zhan Xiaoxuan knows it very well. Some things about these recruitments, because he had interviewed many people with the boss, he also knew what happened to him at that time, that is, he fell in love with that guy, but later on, due to various reasons, he didn’t make the order, so he just ask this.

He asked the boss, why didn't we sign it right away when we fell in love?Then the boss told him a bunch of reasons and problems. At first, he didn't quite understand what was going on, but then he figured it out. This is how society is. I'll use you if you can do it, and I won't use you if you can't.

Sometimes I'm stupid just looking at you, and you think it's not as good as others, but when you compare horizontally and compare several people, your overall quality will come. Of course, a company group like them In the company, during the interview, you will see a lot of people with many different pasta, but as for the glasses, he is also very responsible and down-to-earth. To be honest, he doesn’t need you to be too conscientious and down-to-earth for some jobs. , there will be some people, you look like Zhongliang, you look very fair, in fact, this is also very good, but sometimes, he looks like you feel very bad, he doesn't want to recruit You, sometimes the first eye contact is very important, and no one can influence it.

People have a better idea. That’s what attracts like. I want to write with excellent people. This person looks good, so I’m willing to work together with him. In fact, this is also understandable. , and then, his eyes are good to him, let's go back, the first month is basically like this, when he said this, he also basically figured it out, what, but everyone Even without piercing the window paper, Xiaoxuan could see it, and he felt that his eyes and heart must be uncomfortable at this moment.

So the glasses, um, he wanted to find a topic to talk to Zhan Xiaoxuan, and Zhan Xiaoxuan also wanted to see the eyes. What he needs most at this moment is the inner psychological comfort. At this moment, psychological comfort is more important than anything else. , So he said to his eyes that it's okay, we two are good, you don't have to worry about anything, and you don't have to worry about whether he recruits or not. In fact, it doesn't matter if you recruit or not. I don't care at all. What I care about is you This person, for a long time, has never heard a word of Zhan Xiaosong's affirmation to himself, but this sentence said that I care about you, this sentence really made him break his defense in an instant, and he I feel that this society is still beautiful, and there are still many things in the world that are still very good.

The eyes just said to Zhan Xiaosong, in fact, I can also understand what your heart thinks, and I also understand your attitude towards me, in fact, you don’t need to comfort me, I’m really fine, sometimes , The more a man says you don't need to comfort me, the more vulnerable he is at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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