There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3813 Care of the Elderly

Chapter 3813 Care of the Elderly
Now glasses still care more about online, because after all, it belongs to me to work alone, or to find a job, it is very difficult for me to get some approval from others, so his father called him, and his father always I was worried about whether my son had a decent job outside or some other income. When he called, his father didn't say anything bad. His father asked him how you are doing now. Yes, have you found the right job?At the beginning of the glasses, I didn’t know what to say, but in order not to worry my father, I told him that I am currently interviewing, and the interviewer has read a lot. Basically, it’s almost the same. Of course his father understands what he thinks now, and it was his father who said this to him. He said that you are working hard now, and there will definitely be other better things in the future. I You still don't have to be too anxious to find some things for you, after all, we are not short of these things, right?When he heard the glasses, he basically received a lot of encouragement. His father didn't blame himself or anything at all. He was also very happy, so he promised his father that I am now.

He will definitely work hard. Don’t worry about that. I didn’t mean that I’m here for a walk today. I’m here for work. His father must have made up his mind. Instructed his child to tell him something, the two of you are together, now you are young and energetic.

So, there are some things that Bubble still has to say, so sometimes you must control yourself, don’t say you’re right or do things that are sorry for others, that’s enough, love yourself, love others, love For your own family, this is very good for you now, so you don’t need to be too much about some things.

Too far-fetched yourself or what, that's not good for yourself or others, so what about your current state, well, Dad can't say too much, because after all, you are already an adult, first of all I agree with the matter between the two of you, so you have to grasp this scale well, don't say that you are more lonely.

What his father said to himself, he knew very well in his heart, he also wanted to get rid of me by himself, and he also said to him, don't worry, I will never say something that would embarrass our family Things, I will definitely not be able to do it, well, now I am busy with work every day, and I don’t have time to think about some things at all, how can I have time to think about those things, don’t worry about it.

Don't make me think so and so, I will never say so and so, although the two of them sometimes say something vague, but everyone knows the specifics He clearly understands that some things don't need to be fully clarified, and his father sees that he is very confused now.

He still knows what is in his heart. Only when the child grows up can he know whether he has the right number in his heart. There are some things that he doesn’t want to care about, but it’s inevitable that he will be a little worried when he becomes a parent. It’s not like that if you say you don’t care Things, a simple turmoil will do, and his son now understands what they think about each other, or it is meaningful.

There are some, I am more worried, and now it can be said that it is basically solved perfectly. The fish-like eyes said to him, okay, Dad, I won’t tell you anymore, I still have an interview in a while Those who want to go, he will send him now, and hang up the phone later, Chen Xiaoxuan said beside him, oh, your father really cares about you, right?

You obviously don’t have a job now, how can you say that to him, your eyes tell him sometimes, I don’t want to say those things that are useless, but you say that they are old people and always ask why, right? ?Don't we young people have our own affairs?Besides, I basically didn't touch the money he gave me, did I?I'm going to have a job soon and get paid for living expenses, so I'm not worried, um, Zhang Xiaofan also nodded and said to him, even if I didn't say that he was afraid of you spending money or something, he was really worried about you, how about it, wait Looking at you, when you have a job in the future, you will often call him to contact him and tell him what your current state is, so that he can feel at ease. In fact, the glasses also know that he understands his family very well. If they get together in the future, they will definitely get along more harmoniously, and they won't say that they are not as harmonious as others said.

Chen Xiaoxuan told him, although I say you have a certain sense of responsibility now, but I found that you are still immature in some aspects, especially when chatting with your family, you must report good news and not bad news, right?Don't let them worry. They talked about worrying, and it doesn't do us much good. They are also worried.

Old people sometimes, I don't think about it when I get sick during menopause, maybe he will think about it, although it seems that your father will not say that he thinks about us, but I think they There are some random things, the words are too serious, and they don't want anything about us young people.

After listening to the glasses, they will definitely not be able to live together in the future, including some things between them. They have already had such an attitude, and it will definitely be more embarrassing, but how to avoid them being together in the future is also a problem. A lot of knowledge, so the eyes said to him, don't worry, we will never live together in the future.

I absolutely can't understand their old people's way of life. Zhan Xiaoxuan has already understood his thoughts, and now he is starting to express his opinion, so Zhang Xiaochuan said to him, don't think so much now, I Not so much meaning, what should we do in the future, right?We live together must have nothing to do with them, this point you.

You are clear, and the two of us are now living our own lives, and I would not say that we are living with them. There is no need to fight, Xiaoxuan said about the glasses, but he also understands in his heart that he will never follow them My parents live together, and there are still elderly people living with them now, isn't that just asking for contradictions?Everyone simply can't understand each other, and such a way of life will be more tiring, and they will have many crises over time.

(End of this chapter)

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