There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3832 What should I do

Chapter 3832 What should I do

When Glasses first started working, he didn’t have a thorough understanding of some things, so sometimes they basically just ask questions when they don’t understand, but this is also his state, that is, let him In fact, sometimes I am very annoyed. In fact, don’t care about other things. In other words, everyone knows that this matter is actually not allowed to be done. It’s just that sometimes when you interact with them, you can’t help but touch them. Touching the bottom line of some people, which is insurmountable, makes you very embarrassed. Although they didn't say anything on the surface, you must have thought about it in your heart. This thing is not easy to deal with. Sometimes you can’t act like you understand and pretend to be confused, that’s too much, right?So this glasses, he is also very special now.

When I first started working, I may not be used to it, but sometimes it gets better. To be honest, the leader of the unit is okay with the glasses. If you ask me why it is not appropriate for some things, he will It makes the leader look uncomfortable.

But in other words, some things like this are also made by him. It is a little sad to say that glasses are growing very fast in this respect, and there are some things that I should say, and I must say it. , But some things I shouldn’t say are completely unnecessary. The glasses are also very happy. How can I say it? The current state is also for myself. After all, I have got some exercise. There are some things that you will never exercise Can never say something clear.

It’s not that the leaders are rushing to move for nothing every day to eat dry food. Although some things say that you meet the regulations, they still think they need to be emphasized again. Let you make it too ugly.

In addition, he also met some very good colleagues when he was at work. Some colleagues told him all the unspoken rules in the industry, and his eyes were also very hard to learn these things seriously. He also wanted to become a professional in the industry. Excellent, um, good guy, but in other words, how did he get these things slowly? My self-motivation is inseparable. Anyway, now I am quite familiar with the work unit, and get along well with the leaders and colleagues. This is due to his super high EQ and IQ. Let’s not say goodbye Yes, with my glasses alone, he can gradually surpass many colleagues around him. This is also one of his advantages, but he also has his own shortcomings, that is.

He has many shortcomings now, and he still doesn't know what's going on. If he has a clear understanding of these things in the industry, he also understands how to deal with them.

Time can slowly test whether a person's experience is rich or not, and this experience is also accumulated slowly. When he first started this industry, he definitely did not have some experience. If he has this experience, his mother It will also be very embarrassing, very good, and the leader also needs face, right, as long as you give the leader enough face, I don't think he will say too many bad things, so I say This involves your guests, how to operate?If he operates very accurately, these things will be done very well, and gradually he will do very well. This is also one of his own advantages. If you are surrounded by your peers, It's not too difficult to get along, but the people around you are not your peers, so you will get upset when you look at them, so this is also, um, a very good reason for him to choose this job.

Sometimes, if you are surrounded by Tongren people, after all, some jobs are very good-looking, but if you are not surrounded by fellow travelers, it will be more difficult to carry out the work. When you meet an older person like you, you will not be able to control it at all. They, but the premise is again, no matter how old or young, as long as you obey the leader and follow the same line, alas, the leader will not embarrass you too much, the leader knows very well in his heart, and they will never They would say that you are here as a shield, or how about a gun, as long as you do a good job, the leader still has a lot of face to support. This is the reason why they are working together now.

The main thing is to ensure adequate sleep when you are working. If you don’t get enough sleep, it will inevitably lead to some tasks that are more difficult to carry out. It is that you still want to sleep when you go to work. Okay, right?But if you are rested and energetic, he is also working very hard.

It gives you a sufficient guarantee that you can do your work as you like and be handy, which is very good for everyone, but then again, if it is said that your work is not very good, what should I say?That is, you still need to practice a lot on how to build a good relationship with your colleagues, and how to get along well with the leader. This seems to be a very simple test, but it is also very difficult in practice. After all, people Getting along with people is a very delicate relationship. As long as you sort out these things clearly and gradually gain the approval of people around you, you will be successful.

So sometimes everyone will try their best to develop in one direction for the common goal. If everyone’s goals can’t be unified gradually, what this ship will say is that it will slowly move in one direction. This is not to say what everyone sees, as long as everyone wants to be together, as long as they work together, it’s fine. As for the glasses, he is working hard now and he is in a very good state. He has always wanted to prove himself with his own strength. It’s okay, sometimes how a man can prove his strength is nothing more than some other things, but if you tell me about your hard work and slowly earning yourself, it means that you still have these abilities, It’s just that you need to see if there’s anything else. It’s enough if there are noble people around you helping you. If it’s good to have someone helping you, you will gradually find that you are getting better and better.

This is a very good development direction. If you don't have these directions, you will have no goals in your efforts, and you will become meaningless.

(End of this chapter)

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