There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3852.Talk about details

Chapter about details
After hanging up the phone, this Diane said to Lao Han beside him, Lao Han, there is a good thing about that right now, do you want to think about it?Lao Han, in fact, he has been with him for so many years, relying on himself.And if anyone helps, this time he also knows that someone will help him, so Lao Han is also very happy. As for Lao Han, he is also very grateful to Li Xiaoxia. When they called just now, Lao Han also After hearing a little bit, Lao Han was right about that.set foot on.Oh, actually, let me tell you, Diana, no matter what, between the two of us, to be honest, I am very grateful to Li Xiaoxia. No matter what, Li Xiaoxia, you said that you have helped us so much, right? Definitely want to thank people.

Of course, it must be thanks to him. You said that if he hadn’t helped us, our current business can basically be said to be based on northwest wind. Right, he called me just now, and there is actually a very important one I don’t know about you, uh, do you want to think about it, if you want to think about it, I can introduce it to you, and then you can tell him about it. At that time, I actually understood it in my heart, and then about Da’an, just said to him.Li Xiaoxia told me just now that Gangzi is out of town, and she has a job that needs to be done by herself. Now that you are considered, it depends on your opinion now, if you want to go.We can still think about it, right? What do you think, ah, in fact, this old Han looked at him with a look of anticipation on his face, in his heart, was he also a little moved by that, he felt that after all, what to say, Between them, uh together, then.

It depends on whether you can do it. At this time, Lao Han can't lose the chain. Lao Han is right with this Li Xiaoxia.Da said, in fact, I also know that this makes you a little bit wronged, but you said that we are now, you said that you don’t have your own house waiting, when you have your own house, what do you think?Lao Han also understood in his heart that he married such a good daughter-in-law, and then he couldn't give her a house. Don't talk about it, I'll just go, and this task is probably very good, they must not give us less, right?And we are so powerful now, so I am so good at handling things, they must be very good to us.Then this Li Xiaoxia said to her.Ah, yes, it looks like this, um.But both of us are good friends.And as for Gangzi, it is definitely impossible to arrange that kind of very bad job for you, but I will definitely arrange a very good job for you, don’t you think so, and then there is actually a little bit of trouble between them. But now it has basically been solved. Anyway, he must have a good intention to stand on guard, and Shanggang, he is very clear even if he tells him now, and then Zhang Gang said to him she says.Ah, between us, there is actually nothing to hide, right? Let’s talk about it. You are a very nice person. You have helped Li Xiaoxia so much before. When they were together, you belonged to them Bosses never deduct money to talk about things. Generally speaking, it can be said that bosses who do not deduct money are basically very few.At that time, he smiled and said to him, Gangzi, you don't have to dream.

At that time, he smiled and said to him, "Gangzi, you don't have to be so polite. How did I tell you at that time? I still have a good impression of you. I think it's good for Li Xiaoxia to follow you. And let's be honest, it is I am also very touched by your being together, right? What good things do we have, try to be together and share.When I show up this time, I won’t say how much money I earn. I’m sure I’ll help you if I can. I probably know what’s going on with you, so there’s no need for those polite words between us. , just tell me how much money you can give me a year.They have already talked about it to this point, but in fact we just thought about it.Adding him also knew that this was the matter, and it was not so easy to negotiate at the beginning.In other words, he is so very, uh, it’s good to be able to accept it, so Cake said to him, uh, I have too many, I can’t guarantee it, if you do a good job, I will give you 15 a year W is still completely fine.If the old lady said.

He was the Suns, he glanced at Lao Han, and he knew what was going on in his heart. Lao Han told her that this money is indeed okay. To be honest, I can’t make so much money this year. But with you here, I can basically be guaranteed. Let's just say that, what am I responsible for specifically, and then Zhang Gang said, don't worry, let's settle this matter first. I guess what will happen to this in the future? Maybe next month.Specifically, when the time comes, you just listen to the arrangement of the manager over there. You can say that the two of you will assist him, and you will act as his secretary or something.Lao Han is also very smart. As soon as he heard about being a secretary, he immediately understood the meaning, and then gave him a gesture, um, Zhang Liao also clicked, and he said, yes, I mean that, uh, how about it, let Yes, there are some words, and it is not easy to say too plainly.

20 And they went out.The husband said, what you understand is basically very correct. When you get there, you can just follow her arrangement completely, and then you will have 20 items.The husband said, what you understand is basically very correct. When you get there, you can just follow her arrangement completely, and then you will have 20 items.The husband said, your understanding is basically very correct. When you get there, you just follow his arrangements completely, and then you report for work on time.The husband said, your understanding is basically very correct. When you get there, you just follow his arrangements completely, and then you report for work on time.The husband said, what you understand is basically very correct. When you get there, you just have to follow his arrangements completely, and then you report to me on time. You understand, and then the station guard said so? That said it was very accurate.Lao Han took the words directly and said to him, okay, I understand the meaning, I just report to you one job every week.They nodded at each other and glanced at each other. In fact, this job is relatively easy. There is a role of a worker in the job. With it, basically you can just stroll around, right?
(End of this chapter)

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