There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3867 have common hobbies

Chapter 3867 have common hobbies
I also heard him say these words mean that what the company gives is what the company gives, this is what I take care of you extra, it’s actually not bad, you are outside, you want to eat and play whatever you want, right? It can be said that it is very good that the company will reimburse you. What else does he want, so let’s say, this old Han also agrees very much, so he said to him, oh brother, you are too polite, You said I left it outside, and I don't have much entertainment, right?

Then when he heard this, he didn't know if this was the case, so he should test it out. Of course, Zhangtai's nephew must show his sincerity to tell him.Remember that if you don’t have these things to consume or entertain customers, although these are all part of marketing, you can do your best daily, and you can give me all these aspects. When it comes to this point, it’s more tentative.Then this old Han also understood, he really wanted to give me some discounts, it seems that he still has some things of his own here, as he said now, he just eats people and has a short mouth and takes people Things are short-handed, right?Since I said I eat yours and take yours, then I must do things for you. You said what things he can do, and he didn't understand anything when he first came here, so he can only say a few good words when he reported to work. Sentence chant.

Then this old Han, he was not polite, and said directly to him, oops, you said that you are so kind to me, how can I repay you, right, we are not related, there is no relationship.Then you are so kind to me now, and Zhang Tai's nephew heard that the time is ripe, and the previous preparations are basically in place, so he told him that he is also like this.He really came here, and then said to him, Brother Han, don’t say anything, the two of us are for each other, right?Besides, you don't have to be polite to me, just how to say it, we both know it well, if there is something to say, I don't know what to say, just give me a few nice words when you report your work, it's not Is it over?
The two of us don't interfere with each other.When Lao Han heard it, this kid was real, and he was really tired of what he said, and he dared to say such obvious things.So she was impolite, and he said, okay, brother, since you said so, then I will be impolite. When something happens, I will definitely give you a few words of kindness, so tell me You say it.Every time I report to work, I must say nice things, absolutely say no, and say nothing about you. If you say that I am such a big brother, it is a bit too much, isn't it?

The two of them would smile happily, and then Lao Han said to her, that's all right, brother, let's have a drink today, right?I don't know if you drink or not, the two of us.Uncle Zhang's nephew heard it, ah, this is really happy, make him happy, and in the future, he will definitely have a better life in the future.It's okay, tell him, okay, today I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman, I don't hesitate to drink whatever the elder brother says, I don't hesitate, as usual, let me tell you like this, hmph.Basically, they have encountered any opponents. When it comes to nine, the two people have a common language. They were originally two running business outside.Then.This wine, drinking is the basic function.You don't know how to drink, so how can you do sales outside?

So let’s talk about Uncle Zhang’s nephew, he said to the eldest brother, Brother Xing, today we are here for the first time, I must give you some good wine, two bottles of sauce-flavored ones, what do you think of this grade So, the talisman does not match your identity, but Lao Han said, he must be humble for a while, right, he said brother, let's not be so good, right, although it is public funds, but The two of us are almost enough, and this is it, you say that there is no need for the two of us to drink such good wine.In fact, who doesn't like to drink sauce-flavored drinks, and Zhang Tai's nephew must know that his elder brother is duplicity, and he was embarrassed at first, then he was embarrassed to wake up, then I will take care of this matter for you. It's over.

Tell him directly, let's drink today, oh, don't take the company's account, just the two of us.And I took out two bottles of wine at the gate, and after I finished speaking, I went back to my car and took two health cards and put them on the table. Brother, this is, absolutely, look at this invoice, it’s all my own, My personal consumption belongs to my personal feelings. You are here today. As a younger brother, I am here to welcome you for the first time. Does it have nothing to do with the company? You don't have to think about it.After Lao Han heard it like this, his mental burden was relieved. Since he said that he was not talking about the company, he didn't.Let’s start with this first, you say that people scold you, that’s how people are. You say that after a long time, you may slowly play cheap, but you just play tricks when you first come up, which is still a bit bad.The old boy said to him, I am not hiding it, my brother, we both drank and drank today, but I will report to work today, and I have to report, if there is anything abnormal about me, then.

I think you are right, and then the nephew of Uncle Zhang has the same idea as him, he said that I don’t need you to say, I understand, right, but you didn’t mention this matter, I wanted to take the initiative to mention it just now, you in the early stage How or what, when we get to know each other slowly in the later stage, hey, we can do something, right? Two people, it can be said that getting together is also very fateful, use your own brain Ah, there is nothing wrong with making money, right, I have my own ability to make money, so what's the matter, isn't it good?Lao Han told him, since my brother has such a heart today, if my elder brother does not accept it, it will not give you face, so the two of us will drink this wine today, and I agree very much, tell me , let’s be honest, how many men don’t like to drink this wine, if they say they don’t like to drink this wine, it’s definitely a lie.So, that's it.

Sometimes when working outside or in public places, pay attention, you must be able to see the height of the eyebrows, if you can't see it, it can be said to be your flaw, but how to say, when you are young, you can In this way, but you again.It's better to be restrained. If you were too sharp when you were young, it would not be a good thing for him, right, sometimes, you really need to hide your wings a little bit, put yourself The sharp appearance, hey, it's very good to keep it for a while, and show your vulnerable side to others.

(End of this chapter)

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