There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3878 Understanding the situation

Chapter 3878 Understanding the situation
It is also difficult for Chi to raise him as Uncle Zhang's nephew. Sometimes he is caught between the two floors. It is really difficult. Don't say it is for other things. When other people and others look at you as Xinxin, it must be quite uncomfortable in your heart, extremely uncomfortable.

But she doesn't have a good solution now, she can only say to endure this splint, can only say to endure this period, after a period of time, hey, when there is any opportunity, then do other things, This is what he is now.s Choice.It's just him now, and there is no good way, only sometimes, when people have no other way, they can only endure the status quo silently, and then quietly wait for their own opportunity to seek a better solution Method.What does he say now? It was difficult for him before. Before Lao Han came, he also did a lot of homework for his employees. Sometimes, the employees actually ignored him. , and then I don’t get used to him at all. Some things, when he wants to start work, it’s really not that easy. Before he couldn’t help it, he met a person named Dali. Dali, this person he has a heart A very straight person, without any evil intentions, but, how should I put it, this person is a bit stubborn, right, he also has a very low EQ, sometimes, he needs to give others a step Sometimes, I don't give any face at all. After all, Uncle Zhang's nephew, as his leader, don't you give me some.

But she just doesn't give face to you. You can do whatever you like, which made him spend a lot of time trying to communicate with him. You should communicate with him in a normal way, it's definitely not good. After all, what state is he in now, that is.You work very hard, you.But his nephew, Uncle Zhang, doesn’t want to make this matter too big. How can he say it? He has always been very kind in his heart. He just wants to come out to work. It’s not easy, right, come out and earn some money. Son Qian, it’s not necessary to say yes, uh, using some routines can fool him into believing that people are always very kind, so, at a suitable opportunity, he found something to do vigorously.

But his nephew, Uncle Zhang, doesn’t want to make this matter too big. How can he say it? He has always been very kind in his heart. He just wants to come out to work. It’s not easy, right, come out and earn some money. Erqian, it’s not necessary to say yes, uh, using some routines can fool him into believing that people are always very kind, so, at a suitable opportunity, he found Dali’s roommate.So I asked Dali's roommate, saying that Dali seems to be in a bad mood recently, doesn't he?Still have something on your mind, or something happened at home, what do you have, do you know anything about him?Then you tell me, I understand the situation, and then his roommate Dali heard, ah, the leader came in person, it’s still a bit of a face, but not only does he know what he is like Even if he was in a bad state, he didn't dare to tell him something easily.So I didn't feel too embarrassed to say it at the beginning. At that time, Mrs. Zhang could see her embarrassment directly. After all, the two of them, er, lived together all the year round, and what, he did.Don't they still get along with each other outside of work?
This is also another method, and he did not fire.Of course, Mrs. Zhang's nephew can see his concerns at a glance, he said.Don't worry about it now, let me tell you the truth, what's going on, you said Dali, we both know him very well, and we both know him very well, uh.clear.And then, uh, how should I say it.Now, I'm not in a good mood, and my work is also difficult to do. You also know that although I say that I am your leader, when my work is difficult, you really can't understand. You should know this, right? So we must find out the problem and communicate with him well. You also know that I am a person who wants to communicate very much, but Dali doesn’t communicate with me now. Do you think I have any good way now? ?

Sometimes this person scolds because he is afraid that you will talk to him about something from the bottom of his heart, but this Dali’s roommate, he also knows that the leader has to give a little after all to find his own face, and told him that Dali seems to be in a good mood recently It’s a little bit not so good. When you were at work last time, you criticized him. For some reason, you seemed a little anxious, and then, oh, yes, it seemed that there was a fine last time, a fine for being late, and he was late , You fined him, logically speaking, from the perspective of the leader, is there nothing wrong with the fine? After all, is he violating this regulation now, but what does he think in his heart, you say.Oh, let's stop here, Dali.As for the plot, Uncle Zhang's nephew is basically it.

I understand, he said that’s fine, thank you, I understand what’s going on, I’m fine, I have time to communicate with him, and after I came out, he silently lit a cigarette, thinking Well, it's also very melancholy, I feel that people nowadays really don't have a good communication procedure, expect Dali's personality is very stubborn, what should you do?So, so, after thinking about it, it mustered up the courage. Although it says that it is a leader, it still has to give him face, and it still wants him who does some practical things.This Li made a phone call, and Dali saw that, uh, he was calling at the time.At once.I don't want to tell him, so.

he just.The phone hung up, and Uncle Zhang's nephew saw that the phone was hung up, and he understood what was going on. He was still angry with me in his heart, so he called again, but Dali, he Is he also a very knowledgeable person? He thought, after all, you have called me twice, and it is not good for me not to answer. When he answered the phone, he said that his attitude was very bad, hey , What's the matter, I'm out now, and I'm eating out with my friends, just tell me if you have anything to do, and I'll continue to eat if there's nothing to do.Then he took his nephew and said to him, when you were eating, were you alone, or something, I didn’t eat at the time, I was hungry, I will pay you, isn’t that good?Dali heard that someone came to pay the bill just now, it’s not very good, right?So he didn't think much about it, he said, where are we then?Where are you, come here.

(End of this chapter)

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