There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 388 The Battle of the Two Great Families

Chapter 388 The Contest Between Two Families

Li Yuezhi thought, this Zhang Mengqian is not famous at all, he is probably the child of a small businessman.

Those small businessmen, in Jiangdong, they all have to beg for food under the hands of the Zhan family. When Zhang Mengqian's parents are found, her parents will be very angry when they see their daughter offending the second young lady of the Zhan family. Scolding their own daughter, hum, Zhang Mengqian, I will let your family clean you up for me!

Zhang Mengqian was very calm, "Look for it, whatever you want!"

The school director is very helpless.

Really, how did these two aunts at the school pinch each other?

Everyone knows Li Yuezhi's identity, so she is not easy to mess with. Although her father is dead, but she is the second young mistress of the Zhan family, and with the support of the Zhan family, no one dares to do anything to her.

But the other one is even more of an aunt!

Zhang Mengqian is silent on the surface, and he is not outstanding on weekdays, but...

Only a few school directors know her true identity, and her family background is similar to that of the Sen family.

Now that these two people are fighting, they want to alarm their parents, well, they have to find them together!

Therefore, the school director not only notified Zhang Mengqian's parents, but also Li Yuezhi's parents.

The school director sent all the students to leave, and sent a few teachers and classmates to stay here to take care of Li Yuezhi and Zhang Mengqian. They were making preparations to welcome the parents of the two students who were coming, both of whom were god-level figures. -

Half an hour later, a Steepunk car stopped at the gate of St. John's University.

A man got out of the car. The man was tall and thin. His dark suit was as cold as the moonlight. The silver dark pattern buttons on the neckline had a cold luster. His pair of deep and narrow eyes seemed to be infiltrated in the cold pool all year round. , cold and ruthless, like Satan from hell.

When he got out of the car, the entire sunny school gate became gloomy in an instant, as if a hundred ghosts were howling!

And that man seemed to be escorted by a giant python and black dragon.

His whole body is gloomy.

The heartbeats of several school directors and several teachers who were welcoming at the door instantly accelerated, their breath was choked in their throats, and they were already scared out of their wits when they looked at the man.

After a while, I finally found some reason, a few people looked at me and I looked at you, and went up to meet them.

At a safe distance from the man, he leaned over respectfully and said, "Mr. Zhang, are you here?"

The man was wearing a black men's top hat with a large brim, and the cold and gloomy eyes under the top hat slightly lifted up to glance at those people.

Several directors felt the cold coming, and felt that the surroundings were surrounded by blue phosphorescent fire.

They were trembling, they really wanted to yell for help-

This man has an innate ability to make people who see him have an instinctive, deep-seated fear of him.

"Where's my sister?" The man's voice was cold, as if there was an echo.

The school director said, "At the school hospital, please this way, I will take you there!"

Several directors led and followed the man at a long distance.

This person is Zhang Mengqian's elder brother, his identity is only known to the school board members, the man in front of him warned them never to reveal his real identity to anyone, he wanted his sister to be an ordinary student.

If it is not a last resort, the school will definitely not easily find him.

This man looks very young, but he already controls the economic lifeline of the North,

(End of this chapter)

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