There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3916 Sincerity is not good

Chapter 3916 Wouldn't it be nice to be sincere
Products in a good market must go through countless forests.Let’s not talk about the common ones. Uncle Zhang’s nephew researched this thing can really stand the test of the market. He didn’t mean that it was because of how good or advanced the things he researched were, but Because the things he made can't be made by others, so it is said that he has become a very good person that everyone likes.

Again, what state does it belong to now?The things he researched have been recognized by many people, and everyone thinks this thing, so to many extent, he still does it quite well.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the products or sales routines he researched.Really, he thinks it's all right, and that's OK for Leke. First of all, he thinks that his things can be completely fine.He is also very confident. When he himself was not good enough, many people supported him, even Li Xiaoxia and Zhang Kang also supported him.When a person is in the most difficult time, he can see whether there is anyone to accompany you through this period of time. How can he experience this? It is verified by the market. If everyone thinks you can do it, you are really good at it.And what is his great advantage now? His personality can be said to be very good. In the past, sometimes, people at different levels displayed this thing completely differently.What he showed in front of Li Xiaoxia and Zhanang must be love and dedication, and can make money. What he showed to his uncle must be filial, obedient, and sensible. He must be filial, obedient, and sensible. It must be that kind of aspect.

It feels reliable, he has a very good idea now.Then what he wants to decide now, if he wants to realize it, he will gradually realize it, and he has a very important reason now.That is to say, if he encounters difficulties now, how many people will stand by her side to help him overcome this difficulty?It’s because he thought about it in many ways, many kinds of people.How to help him?But he finally thought about it.I really couldn't find anyone. At this time, Lao Han came and said to him, I know it is difficult for you to carry the entire company, or half of the company's name, by yourself.It's hard enough for you, but what I'm going to tell you now is.

Even if you have many difficulties to overcome, as long as you work hard, you will gradually get out of this stage. No matter who you are, will you shake your position, and then your determination to do things, this point I like it very much, and let me tell you the truth today, the purpose of my coming is probably very clear, right? I don’t need to talk about the role of my coming, you know better, this is their own The decision between the leaders is over, and if I look at you as an ordinary person, I think you are also very good, first of all.You are diligent and hardworking at work, and secondly, as a child in this family, you are also very filial to your father. Is it because your parents are also very easy to follow some of your things, so let's not say anything else, Just from this time when you go back, believe me, you can see that you are a very affectionate person.Uncle Zhang's nephew was still wondering, how could he know so much?I thought about it later, isn't this the job of this kind of spy, or is it?
Others, he did it himself very skillfully. He must be ashamed to say it publicly, and he also gave him a lot of hints, so he shouldn't say it. Of course, she has What's the matter.Then Lao Han said to him, don't worry about this brother, I am absolutely principled in life, right?It is absolutely impossible for me to say that I eat the inside out, that is not good for me, and it is not in line with my personality, and the second is the things I can do now.He also knows, and you must have seen it too, so let's not talk about other places.

Now, I can talk so much with others, it must be because of my own reasons, you should also be able to understand what I want to do now, and now I also have many dreams of my own to realize Yes, but you need to know now that you can have dreams when you are young, but once you pass this age, when you reach my age, what ideas do you have, you may not be able to realize them .After all, you should have something of your own.The experience of this person who has traveled along the way tells you that I think you are a very good person. You can tell me what you have now, because I can help you solve it, because after all, the road I have traveled needs to be solved. I have more things than you, and I have experienced more things than you. First of all, it depends on whether you can persevere, and the other is that I can have a lot of things now.Why not?

That's because I am now.I haven’t met my kind yet. If you meet someone like you, if you meet your kind, it’s possible that your thinking or your way of doing things is different. It's different, and you have a lot of ideas to realize now, what do you think, it's because of what ideas do you want?Sometimes when some people introduce some things, they must.This agreement also has a certain amount of luck, and there must be a certain amount of luck in whether the job is good or bad. If your luck was relatively good at that time, maybe you would make a fortune, but this amount of money.It certainly cannot be said that what you earn for a long time is only temporary.

It is also very good for you, and you must maintain your customers well during this period. If your customers are satisfied, then his trust in you must have increased a lot.Not to say that every effort you make can be rewarded, but.And what do you think about working hard now that you have a lot of time?Do you trust you a lot?If it is a very trustworthy, then it is possible, provided that you must have your own ideas there, if you do not have your own ideas.Is that still not that important to you?

And you have to make some preparations now, that is, to prepare you, hey.What method will you use to get out of the trough? This is still very important to you, but if you can’t get out of here, then these things are really hard to say. Let’s see How is your luck.

(End of this chapter)

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