There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3921 Old Han is very difficult

Chapter 3921 Old Han is very difficult
But then again, if a person wants to satisfy everyone, it is actually an easy task, isn't it?Let’s not talk about other places. There must be a small group of people around you who will be jealous of you because of your excellence or something. Let’s not talk about other things. There are many such people. ,right?
But if you defend against them, that's another matter, and in your current state, whether you can deal with them, that's another matter.The contemporary nephew, he is trying his best to satisfy everyone, at least to satisfy all the old people around him, or the people in his uncle's life, which is okay for him It is said that it is as difficult as climbing the sky.Fortunately, Aunt Li still cares about him. After all, there is still a great connection between them, right, is there such a sentence?He has watched him grow up since he was a child, even if the bones are still connected, so he can do this now, and he is also his very good wife.

Mighty nephew, what is he thinking?No matter what I do, hey, I will be good to all of you, this is also one of my thoughts now, if I say it.So if I don’t have any thoughts about me now, it means that I am doing well. A man needs many factors to succeed, not only the right time, place and people, but also the environment around him, including All kinds of things can affect it. For a man to succeed, it can be said that it is already difficult to reach the sky like him, but he still does not give up, still wants to work hard, and do what he likes to do. For him, it is still possible, why can he want to do such a thing?

It is because he carries his own hope of life and what he wants to work hard on, and Uncle Zhang's nephew is also in a very good condition. He just wants to use everything he has to get these things, so I say He felt that no matter what happened to me, I was still the same.I have completed what I want, so I can say that his current state is.After I have a good relationship with everyone, you can treat me well. This is what I want, but what is next?I am not only saying that you want something you want, I write it myself, and I want to work hard for my own dreams. It can be said that it is very good for a man, a boy, to have such an idea, especially.In fact, most of the young people of their generation are in a state of gnawing on the old, and a few can be self-reliant like him, so it is already very hot to say that he can be self-reliant now.easy.And Li Xiaoxia often greets its size, does he know that too?He's not here, so he will take a temporary replacement, and sometimes it can be more or less relieved.

Uncle Zhang also thought about it, saying that he wanted to establish a good relationship with them, and then get some more money for his nephew. Needless to say, Zhang Gang and Li Xiaoxia were two of them naturally, hey, they just did it.So it is also the reason for working so hard. At the beginning, Li Xiaoxia and Zhang Gang were really not easy to trust this boy, because the power given to him was not small. She completely controlled a branch company, and all The right to appoint personnel, including the right to allocate materials, and a lot of economic control are in his hands. When a person has a lot of power, he will definitely be easy to get carried away, so Li Xiaoxia discussed with Zhang Gang. Just let Lao Han go, Lao Han is also very sensible, let's just start.

Yes, he also has a lot of taboos, what's the matter, but later, he felt that his current state was still okay.So being able to do this was entirely because of Li Xiaoxia's face.Speaking of Lao Han, he hasn't called his wife and I for a long time.So she dialed Dan's phone number and said to her, daughter-in-law, I miss you a little too much, I haven't seen you for a long time, I don't know you.If you miss me, do you want me to go back now?The big one must miss her husband very much, so.I think what's the use of you, you can't come back, right?And Xiao Zhang, he is also at home now, you are alone here, how can you come back?
Even if you come back, you will take a lot of risks, which is completely unbearable for the two of us.Xiao Zhang, I guess he will go back soon.Speaking of Xiao Zhang, I suddenly remembered one thing. What is the main purpose of his coming back this time, and what is the reason?I did not complete the report like Li Xiaoxia.Then, well, Lao Han said to him, I know what your current state is, and you miss me very much. Is our pet shop still in good business condition?If it is said to be very good, then the two of us can get along very well for a period of time, what do you think?Of course, although Lao Han said that he was outside, he was also very attached to his pet shop and his industry at that time. Anyway, he made it himself. If he is doing it very well now , You think what kind of state it is, that is very good.

And all my current state is that I can do better for myself, so I also need help now, but I can’t talk about my family.If you need manpower, you can hire someone if you want. You can do whatever you want, but the premise is that our business, the main business, must be done well. This is your main purpose now.Those shops at home can do without losing money. Waiting for me to go back victoriously, the two of us can do a lot of things with the money. What do you think?

The young couple, if he really has a dream, he must be thinking about it.Developing in a good direction, I didn’t mention a few young people, except that they don’t want to develop in a good direction. If you look forward and like something, then you can be at the forefront of this industry, but If you still can't let go of the little bit of power in your hands, or keep guarding your one-third of an acre of land, you will eventually be eliminated by this society, right?In order to prevent you from being eliminated by that society, you must say that you are doing the best things. Here you must hope that people will move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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