There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3926 You don't need to tell me I understand

Chapter 3926 You don't need to tell me I understand
Zhang Yue's nephew has been here for a long time this time, because he came back this time for a blind date, so the vacation given to him is also very long, even his in-laws have already given it to him.When it is time for him to leave, because it is impossible to say that he is on vacation at home, and the company still needs to operate after such a long vacation, so he will still go back to the company to run his own company. If it is operated by a human being, it will be very difficult for him, and he must take these things to heart, and then.Only by making this company better can he prove his strength, he has already done it before.Only by making the company better can he prove his strength. Before, he didn't do well.

It's not because of anything else, but because his current approach is worth learning from, and Uncle Zhang's nephew got so many mobile phones before.He got so much business, he thought very well in his heart, and he also wanted to make a fortune for himself, sometimes when he was close to the company, it was good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, taking advantage of the good time of the company It is all right to make some money and make a lot of money, and Zhan Gang and Li Xiaoxia also acquiesce, but this time what he did seems to be a little bit too much. At this time, they are needed to help him. It's time to control.When he comes back, because he is going to leave soon, so he is not in a very happy mood. First of all, his main purpose of coming back this time is a blind date. It is a big test for him.And all these things he is doing now.

He was there to help him.So how far he can do now depends on what kind of opportunities the company gives him and how to train him. If the company gives him the opportunity to train him well, then he will do well slowly. , because everyone wants to develop in a good direction, and people go to high places to grow.When he saw that he was a little unhappy, but Zhang Da didn't know why she was unhappy, because he only knew one thing and didn't know the other. For Uncle Zhang, it was more passive, because looking at his nephew He couldn't bear to make trouble there, so he went up and hurriedly asked, son, isn't it good for you to come back this time?

I think you are such an auntie girl, you two get along very well, what's the matter with you?It’s still not a good negotiation, or what, this requires you to communicate slowly. If you can communicate well, isn’t it a good thing?

Of course, the thinking of young people is definitely different from theirs.Uncle Zhang's nephew said to him directly, "Master, my main goal when I come back this time, I guess it was before, you may not have understood it. When I came back, my main goal was indeed to have a good blind date." Yes, this is undeniable, because the fine tradition of our family absolutely does not allow some bad behavior, and you know that.And what about the current state?Anyway, hey, I'm already the manager, and when he heard this, he kept his head down and didn't speak.

Uncle Zhang's nephew is still wondering, usually you want me to have a good time, don't you?Then what happened to you today, just tell me if you are unhappy, right?Never say wait until some.When it is not good, then make some corresponding decisions, which is not very good for us.As for Uncle Zhang's nephew, he is also a very good idea now.When it is not good, then make some corresponding decisions, which is not very good for us.

As for Uncle Zhang's nephew, he also has a very good idea now.Old man, your company card, if I say that your card number is wrong.Well, how should I say it now? It’s not a very good choice. If there is a good choice, I will make it out without hesitation. You should be clear about this.And what Uncle Zhang's nephew is doing now, Uncle Zhang can understand very well, because he has come here since he was young, there is no need to hide coconuts, right, since everyone is like this, Why not do it?Why don't you put these things out, let everyone stop and take a look, whose fault is it, or is it a work mistake that caused this state.In fact, sometimes in real work, he is not so serious, he will only be so serious, and that must be because of it.

You are not very familiar with this thing.If you are familiar with this thing, hey, the market is transparent, everyone can do whatever they want, and it mainly depends on you.Even if you can get the benefits of these things, it is still possible, and if it is not possible, then it means that this thing is still not allowed.For example, the things we can handle now, after you get them done, we can still say yes gradually.

Well, those who get along together, if they can't get together, then hello everyone, there is no way, because Uncle Zhang doesn't want to offend Aunt Wang now, and it is impossible to say that the relationship between them for many years is ruined because of the children. It has been changed, but Uncle Zhang still has this point, and he still hopes to facilitate these things.It's okay, Uncle Zhang's nephew said to him, Uncle, I understand what you think, but what we are doing now is completely different from yours, right, it is not a routine at all, if it is A routine, we can still make do with it, because, after all, this is to make money for the company, if we can’t make money for the company, we have to pick up the name, you know this, you understand this [-]% .After he heard it, he felt that he was yelling at this time. People of this age should have been eliminated by this society and abandoned by the times. He is a little unconfident now, but seeing his nephew, his uncle is thinking what, right?
Tell him directly, I know that some of your thoughts are still not very good, but how can I tell you, if you make it better, deal with these things.We can still have a lot of room to manipulate these things.can support you on the road.If you can support you on the surface, then well, we can make it better, you should know this.

(End of this chapter)

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