There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3993 Everything will change

Chapter 3993 Everything will change
As for a person, in all working environments, when he is in his 20s or 30s, his thinking is completely different, and these things will completely change.Anyway, with the things we're doing now, people, hey, thumbs up and think you're good, right?And what I am doing now must be handed over to you. He has experienced some life insights and your own insights, so what is not necessarily the case?So you must have your own things in it.

And when a person is facing the same thing, his attitude towards it in his 20s is a state. When he is in his 30s and encounters the same thing, he will How to deal with it, and what kind of things you encounter, these are completely different things.So to say that a person changes does not mean that his temper, disposition or something will change, but that he will change with his understanding of the society, the environment, and the thing itself. Is this one of the reasons why a person can change completely?

So no matter what we do now, it is full of uncertainty now. When a group needs these people, everyone will give him incentives from the group, or some things will be more.So my management will have a phenomenon that is actually more difficult, and in another way, uh, when the customer groups you are facing are completely different, what should you do?This is another state for him.And all of our current states are to follow my own state to make changes and make changes.

This is like saying that when a person needs you, he will get close to you and say something nice, but when a person is in another state, he will still say, uh, there are two others An idea, after all, an enterprise must cultivate some outstanding talents, but what should be done with these outstanding talents depends on the ability of the employees to deal with the problems of the employees.And the state we are in now must have some other reasons. No matter what, these things still have reasons for me. Some of them are things that should not be seen in the company. Some.How should you handle the situation where he is jointly and severally liable? This is very difficult for him?One thing that should be done, so let’s say, the things we are doing now are still worth meeting for him alone.

Ah, when dealing with certain things, the corresponding handling methods for these things must be different, or he was hit by a huge impact in a certain industry in a certain period, which is also very difficult for him .

The starting point or the beginning of completely changing a person's complete character is Uncle Zhang's nephew.Brother Han, Brother Han, we can be said to be about the same age. Although you are a few years older than me, I am the two of us.Things are completely different there, and everyone has a different opinion.As far as the company is concerned about this matter at present, what degree of silence do you think I should achieve to be considered better? If we say that what we are doing now is still the same.Yes, what kind of state will they be in, or when you encounter something now, how should you deal with it?

When Lao Han just heard about this, he felt that he was still not very proficient in these things, or that he didn’t handle some things so well, or that he was not very good at handling some things when he was surrounded by people who were older than you. When people see where you are, they will.In the case of you paying for some projects, this is still okay for them, and we are now saying, er, you can do well in this matter.

It depends on how you handle this matter, right? Whether you can handle it properly and satisfy everyone, at least you can’t say that you can satisfy everyone, but you can satisfy most people. You have no opinion, this is a good situation, let's see what he does.Well, the state we are in now, no matter how you say it, we have to deal with some of your problems. Waiting for you now, it can be said that when everyone needs you, it may not be necessary for you, but change Angle, think about it, if you are not needed.Hmph, what should I do?
Or after you are no longer needed, what kind of result you should get or how to deal with it, this is completely intolerable to him, and what should I say about your current state, Or what should be the best good state.Everything we do now is for the future, uh, to make some corresponding preparations. If a person's eyes only put these things in front of his eyes, then his development space will definitely be limited. .If a person's vision is long-term enough, or has enough ideas, then this is not very good for them.

Let’s talk about the facts, seek their own government in their positions, if you are in this position, what kind of rights should you have in these things, but or how you manage the following aspects, this is a test for a person In terms of comprehensive ability, a person's comprehensive ability is not only to do his own job well, but also to make sure that the colleagues around you, or everyone's affairs are well arranged. This is a successful person, right? , the standard of a successful man.It is still very high, but how to grasp this thing is up to you.What do you think, if you are worthy of everyone, then you have no regrets, then you just do it, right?
As for Lao Han, he is now very aware of how embarrassing his situation is. On the one hand, he is facing Uncle Zhang’s nephew, and on the other hand, he is facing the surveillance of Zhang Gen and Li Xiaoxia. You have some unfavorable situations, how should you deal with them, it is quite difficult for him.

In fact, the most important thing is to see if you can report the most complete information about Uncle Zhang's nephew to him?If you can report completely without missing a single word, then you are in a good state and your work ability is also very strong, but if you report selectively, that is another matter up.

(End of this chapter)

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