There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3997 Still suffered

Chapter 3997 Still suffered
In fact, when a boy faces his own choices outside, he really means that he can do a lot of things. Not only because of others, but also for himself. From the perspective of a boy's economic strength alone, he Sometimes when he is honest, he may regret it very much, but.

Conversely, when he makes a wrong choice, he may also pay the price for his choice, which is how important his own choice is to him.When a boy is at a disadvantage, it is really important to face his own choices. If he can meet some noble people around him at this time and give him advice, then he is also very lucky.But having said that, if he can't say that he has very high demands on himself.He also feels that there is no way to make some unfavorable choices, because he has no experience?

Some people really don't know what he's going through all the time and how he should get through it, which can be said to be a very embarrassing part for him.So when he is a man facing his major choices outside, how important it is to have someone to give him corresponding guidance.But glasses, he has met such a person to give him advice, this person is Lao Han, because when he was interviewing, Lao Han made some important things to him, but this is also very happy for him, It is also very lucky.

But as far as he is concerned, when he is asked to choose, he may not choose so accurately, but as a person who has experienced and experienced, after giving him some pointers, he will definitely have more choices.So what he is doing now is very good, and some people sometimes face themselves just right.When faced with a choice, it is difficult to make the most correct decision.

As for the glasses, he has also suffered a lot from this aspect. Once some bad habits are picked up, it can be said that it is difficult to get rid of them. Let’s not talk about other things, just focus on him The child should choose how to choose, so everything he does now is for himself to have a better mental state in the future.

Not only is it like this, but the current era where the glasses belong to, his general environment has also changed a lot. Although he is not the one who affects the general environment, the general environment has really affected him. Many times.Glasses can understand everything he is doing now, and he should also be very clear about when and what choice he makes, and how to benefit himself, this is for a little boy who has just stepped into society. Speaking of it, it's still a bit difficult.

At that time, Lao Han said to him, I said it’s over, the two of us didn’t know each other for a day or two, and your parents and I also have some business contacts, I just happened to meet together, I'll just say something to you.As a person who has experienced it, I should tell you the truth, when a man is the most correct, he should make the most correct choice.So what state you should be in now, I don't need to tell you, you should know it yourself.Although the words he said were a bit vague, the glasses could hear him very clearly, because.A tall child has a very clear understanding of everything.And the current state of the glasses, he is also worth mentioning.

The glasses can be seen, and today, the first point is that his father gave him a very good job. At that time, everyone was very envious of him, including the little fat man, very envious of him , Xiaopang also said to her at that time, you know what?Let's not talk about glasses, just how many people you have, yes, you can't get it in exchange for a lifetime of work, do you know this?Glasses didn't think there was anything wrong at that time, but it wasn't until he quit his job, went to a city to find a small circle, and he went to find a job by himself, and went through everything, that he realized how correct what the little fat man said at that time.

Fatty and him are two very good brothers. They have played together since they were young. There is nothing to dispute about this, so to him, Fatty is also a lifelong brother. A man It's really hard to have such a good brother, but then again, he thinks so now, wait, the two of them stand apart.In the far-reaching time, there is a lot to wait for.Uh, after being away from each other for a long time, and then reuniting together, it must be the best state.What should he say?He still has very high requirements for himself. How he can make the right choice for himself when he is the most correct is also very important.

So the old man still respects Lao Han very much, not only because Lao Han made the right choice for his own life, but also because Lao Han often helped him sometimes, especially in this job. When he was young, Lao Xing helped him a lot, and Lao Xing was still able to do what he is today.

In fact, Lao Han does not mean that everyone can help, he just helps selectively, he thinks that he is valuable to him, he is busy, because he has suffered in this regard, when he was young, He thinks that everyone is the same brother, and then I help you, can you not treat me well?But it turns out that's not the case.

Everyone thinks that Lao Han’s correct choice back then also has his own reasons, so Lao Han is also very strong now, he can help some people, and he won’t help some people, because he has suffered in this regard It’s a big loss. Sometimes he helps someone, and then this person is not very grateful to him. He thinks that the two people have a normal relationship. Is this person not understanding? A grateful person, so when he is comfortable not helping this friend, the helping friend does not object.

Those benefits in the past, but on the other hand, I feel that he is not good enough for me now, and he is not interesting enough, so I think this person is no good, which makes her very embarrassed. At that time, Lao Han still thought, you said that I helped you Did you die at those times?Now that you think about these things, this is really a bit too much.But in fact, this is often the case in reality. If you don’t help him, after you get used to helping him, one day if you don’t help him, he will think you are a bad person, and all the good things you have done have been wiped out. Is this right?

(End of this chapter)

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