Chapter 4023

When Uncle Zhang heard that Xiaojuan was going to give him a gift, he must have been very happy, but he gave in a bit in his heart and said to him, "Oh, it's not good to give me a gift when the two of us come out to play, and Why don't I want such an expensive gift?At that time, Li Xiaoxiao’s flattery was fine, don’t pretend, you really should change it, I’m not giving you some luxury goods, those belts worth tens of thousands, right, let’s live like normal people , I'll give you a better one, isn't this all right?What more Hermes do you want?
At that time, Uncle Zhang laughed, hahaha, still.What's more, the two of us are together, and we don't actually need such a good gift, we just need to simply live a good life, in fact.They are living like this now, and they are also living a relatively transparent life. Anyway, he can stick to his own ideas and put these things into practice, which is very powerful.And Li Xiaoxia's mother, she used to know what kind of person Uncle Zhang was and what kind of attitude he had towards herself.So this is knowing the root and the bottom, and I still care about it.

When the two of us were selling meat in the market, what did you do?Ah, yes, I fell in love with me, I didn't have any advantages at the time, right, in fact, sometimes when love comes, it's like an angel descending from the sky, coming to take care of you, he just came to your side Taking care of him, he just felt like saying to him, ah, you said Xiaojuan, then the two of us are together, I think it is God's will in the dark, God gave us such a one.It's a great opportunity for us to meet, ha, don't you think the two of us should cherish it?

I don't know what's wrong today. Uncle Zhang has never been so romantic before, and his romance is completely from his truest inner thoughts, which also moved her very much.In fact, sometimes two people live together, isn't it like this?It feels like two people living together.When it is boring, you need another person to treat yourself.Some moved, this is very important to them, Uncle Zhang is also very good at handling these things at hand, isn't he?
At that time, he said to her, Xiao Juanzi, do you know how much pressure I was under when I was with you, right, I don't need to say this, you know it yourself.Then Li Xiaoxia's mother nodded, and he said, I know this, Lao Zhang, why do you regret it now?Then let everyone say, it’s not that I regret it, what regrets do you think I can regret, the two of us have known each other for so long, I just think it’s really not easy to be together in life, and the time flies is very fast.

In a blink of an eye, the two of us have known each other for nearly 20 years. At that time, Li Xiaoxia was still a child. I remember that every time you came to work, stomping pork while looking at the child, I felt so sad because I I've also experienced this time. Speaking of these two people, they are old, and they are a bit awkward, but they just unconsciously mentioned the things of the past.

Sometimes when old people talk about these things, they don't mean to make children bored.Ah, how er, crying inside, or telling them to recall their own experiences, let them feel the difficulty of their own back then, and er, these children have never been said in front of their children, No matter how hard it is, the two of them forcibly endured it. This is the best respect for the two of them.In fact, this is quite good for them. Uncle Zhang said to Li Xiaoxia's mother, what about us, Xiaojuan, since the two of us will be together for the rest of our lives, we must have a good time, right?

Otherwise, it would be meaningless for the two of us to be together, it’s just that you take care of me and you, the children are happy to see this, aren’t they?Then Li Xiang's mother thanked again and said, okay, let's talk about it happily today, that's all, let's go buy a belt.

The two of them turned around and walked into a specialty store of Yaozhai, took a good look at Uncle Zhang, and immediately pulled him away, oh, Xiaojuan, then the two of us really need such good things when we are together , Right, his house is indeed a bit too expensive.Then that Li Xiaoxia's mother said to him, that's all right, you gave me a diamond ring and a gold bracelet, and I should give you a belt, right?

And this belt is also very good, it is all handmade, after many years of inheritance, it has been left to this day, right?The two of them don't have any impression of this luxury concept or surname at all, but they also feel that this item is really good, and it is definitely different from the items in ordinary shopping malls.Of course, big brands are all the technology that has been accumulated over the years, and they belong to that kind of craftsman spirit.The things that are handed down must not be at the same quality level as his commercial and capitalized things.

Then at that time, in fact, he said no, but he still smiled, and he just said, Xiaojuan, you should treat me well, and I will treat you well when I go back. Li Xiaoxia’s mother wants you, a dead old man, you ha , At that time, I also said that I should not look at it like I am now. You said that whoever sees a good thing can't help but like it.Right, and at this time, Li Xiaoxia called again, and he also knew that his mother and Zhang Ai were out, er, shopping, afraid that they would not be willing to spend money if they had money.

Yuexia said to her, Mom, the two of you are traveling outside, but you must buy something you like in time, right?Our current conditions are different from before. We can afford everything, and you must never say that you are not willing to spend money.Then Li Xiaoxia's mother told him, okay, kid, I got it.that.Why don't I change it now, what luxury store, did the mall buy you a belt for Uncle Zhang?This belt costs tens of thousands, doesn't it?
It’s not like our family didn’t have this condition. Li Xiaoxia was very happy at the time. At that time, you bought whatever you liked, right? , this, this is what it should be.Uncle Zhang heard the child talking for him on the other end of the phone, and he felt more and more himself, ha, and he didn't say that he was so reluctant, and he felt very good.

(End of this chapter)

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