There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4026 You don't need to know

Chapter 4026 You don't need to know

Now Glasses and Zhang Xiaochuner have finally returned to their former cities. It can be said that their lives have reached a certain stage. The things they talked about when they went home before are doing very well now. Not bad, and.Fan Xiaoxuan asked him, are glasses just glasses?How the fuck do you feel now that you two are home this time?Have the negotiations been successful?In fact, both of them are very clear in their hearts that this negotiation can be said to be very successful for them, not only.Those people below have already done it, and the two of them are basically the same.The people below have already taken care of it, and the two of them have basically taken care of everything.

Let’s talk about this matter, it can be said that the eyes behind the back are still very good, and he also left himself a lot of opportunities, so he said to Xiao Juan’er.Do you think the two people are doing well now?Chen Xiaoquan'er also expressed his approval of his approach, and he also felt that.She said that she paid tribute to what she had experienced, and then brought a lot of ideas to the other party. Now he can say that he has done a very good job.

And what he can do is definitely not just this little thing, there are many things he can do, but why hasn't he done so much?First of all, the first point is that he is afraid that he and Deng Xiaoxuan will be together in the future.Well, there are some other things, not that, so she explained to Zhang Xiaojuaner, this time when I come back, you have heard all the things I told my father, right, I must have something Just say what you want, absolutely without any reservations, you can also understand my good intentions, and turn around to him, uh, what I do is also to express comfort.

She said, eyes, of course I can understand your attitude towards me. When I go home this time, you can see that my parents not only have no demands on me, but also have no opinions on you. Yes, give us two Personally explain this cooperation.It's still pretty good, this is also the strategy that they both thought about before going home early, and the eyes suggested to him at that time, if the parents of the two of us are uncharacteristically, it's all about the two of us. What do we do with this, uh different attitude?
Then the two of them have already done all these things, all these things, and what to do in the end, the two of them made it very clear, and then, sticking to the small circle, He himself is very clear about what he should do and what he should not do. First of all, he will talk to his family, so that whether his father and mother agree or not, he has already negotiated with them and settled the matter. Tell them rigidly about this matter, I will do it this way, you agree and agree now, and there is no way if you disagree.Chen Yang still remembers that when the three of them were shopping together in the mall, in order to create a good communication environment for his parents, he insisted on staying outside for a long time without saying that he was meeting them.At that time Zhan Gang said to An Guanyu, oops, I was wondering, why is the child not coming back now?At that time, An Guanyu also knew that they were pretending to be confused after all, so she asked him.

Anyway, the child is creating this opportunity for us now, don't you know?right?It was only then that Zhan Guan suddenly remembered that it was really like this, and he also felt that his child was really obedient, so he said to An Guanyi, our child, to be honest, I still hope that the two of us can be together together when.Then let me tell you, the two of us are together, you say hey.Blame me at the time, you said my friends always told me to drink, can I not go out if I drink?Then An Guo asked him a very, uh, confidential question, and said to him, do you definitely stop drinking now?Do you go home on time every day to accompany that Li Xiaoxia?

Teacher Zhang just laughed, and he said to her, I still don't know much about these things about children.Anyway, Li Xia and I, the two of us are mixed together now.Courier, I should be mature, right?In fact, An Guan also knew in his heart how much he had to give to accompany a man when he was young, only he knew in his heart, even the feelings about Zhang Gang at that time, he can understand now, after all, it belongs to him now.You have a very good mentality, and then he said so much to Zhan Gao.

But in fact, he also knew in his heart what he should do, or what he shouldn't do, but now that he said this state, he also let them understand what consequences he should bear as a man, so Zhang Gang So I said something to An Guoyu, saying that no matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, you can just come to me directly. It’s not that you don’t know me. Between Liu Zhengdong, the two of us still have some things to deal with, don't we?It’s okay if it’s handled well, but if it’s not handled well, how embarrassing it is for the two of us to meet.Speaking of which, Guanyu also understands how difficult it was to stand guard at that time. In fact, Zhanfang didn't mean that he didn't want to help them, but just felt that he was here now.

The arrangement without a place made me feel very uncomfortable, so Zhan Gang made this promise to him. At that time, An Guan didn't think about going to him. The massager said to him, I know, the two of us Tell Liu Zhengdong that he was the general manager at that time, and he said how beautiful it was. Does anyone know what happened to him now that he has plummeted? I asked, but he didn’t tell I didn't tell me that Huang Guanyu also wanted to find out what was going on with him through Zhengang.Me, this is between them.If it can be dealt with, it will be dealt with as soon as possible, but if it can't be dealt with, he won't ask any more questions. He has always been thinking about him very much.

So it is very appropriate to say these things, and they should be asked, but Zhang Gang doesn't know, and Zhang Gang feels that no matter what, he still can't talk to his friends. Since Liu Zhengdong didn't tell him, it means that there must be something in it. It's hard to say, it's not good if you say it yourself.So when I just chose the silent chapter, about the things between us men, in fact, you women don’t need to know too much, do you understand?

(End of this chapter)

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