There is room for the reborn doctor

4042 - Found through others

4042 - Found through others

After coming back with his own small circle, the boss is actually in a very good mood. He also knows that with his partner and his good best friend, it must be hard-won to have a happy life today.

As soon as Zhan Elementary School arrived at the place, the boss directly called and said to him, I said my best friend, why do you have such a big thing, you have always kept it from me and never told him Speaking of which, this time I’m back, you have to let me understand, right?Let me do my landlord's favor, how about I arrange a meal for the two of you?
In fact, he could not refuse this request no matter what, so Zhang Xiaoxuan had no choice but to accept it first.In fact, why he doesn’t want more people to know about this, the main point is that he feels that there is no need to clarify with anyone what he wants to do now, especially with his partner, he must try to avoid it as much as possible, so He just asked him.Oh, why don't I want to be with you? First of all, it doesn't mean that I'm not very good-looking, and it doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you. It's just that I think the matter is not here yet. time, right?
The two of us are just engaged, not really married, and some things have not been finalized, uh, but, we can have a meal as friends, you understand this.Then I thought inside that his idea was still right. No matter what, although he said that he was outside alone, he also needed friends, right, he needed the kind of care of friends, and he was acting as a friend now. The role of caring about friends, the two of them have been together for so many years, for such a long time, they also know each other very well, each other's personalities, including some of their own things, everyone is very familiar with each other, and It's not that tiring to get along with each other, and they all have their own fixed ideas, which is quite good for him.

I told him online, Boss, you said that the two of us have been in love for such a long time, I don’t think it’s really necessary to go this far, right?The current relationship between the two of us must not be so polite. First of all, this is absolutely unnecessary, and in addition, he never expected this evil.The dinner, it was carefully arranged by the boss, and I never thought of it, and I don’t know how Uncle Zhang’s nephew found the boss, and then let himself participate in this dinner through the boss, this is simply too complicated, He never thought of it.

But when I attended that day, um, Uncle Zhang's nephew must have been there.It goes without saying.Zhao Juan'er, I'm still a little embarrassed, right? He refused because of this side, and he didn't expect him to give himself such a good one through his never thought of it, and I don't know why they did it.The key point is that Uncle Zhang’s nephew can see clearly that Zhang Xiaojuaner is actually a very individual person. He doesn’t want to do some things, and he doesn’t want to do them when anyone asks him to do them. Everyone should be clear about this, and All the things are strictly in accordance with some rules and procedures.

What I never expected was that, no matter what, Uncle Zhang's pond is also very good. He is very particular about everyone and his friends.From this point of view, Uncle Zhang's nephew is also very good.So there are more topics between them, which will be of great benefit to their future getting along.I was thinking about refusing at the beginning, but later on, if everyone refuses, then he will have no way to get along in this circle in the future, and this is not very good for himself, so he will go first, Well let's see.

Now that he has agreed, he will participate in this event, but he will never say that he will let the glasses participate, because he still attaches great importance to the glasses. If the glasses are involved, it will not be of any benefit to them.Right now, everyone knows the strength inside, and his parents are also inside the system.This kind of thing, this kind of occasion, try to let people get in touch with as little as possible.any problem.Well, he once thought about how to refuse, but in the end he said that he slowly accepted something. He actually didn't care that much about his entertainment.But the only thing I care about is, um, handle these relationships well, in fact, isn’t that what people look like outside?
No matter what you do, you need everyone's help, yes, one day he will be able to use each other.Let me remind myself, this is also, um, a perfect thing.Uh, he said to the boss, boss, the relationship between the two of us is reasonable, and to be honest, we would never engage in such a thing. The implication is that we should not be invited, who passed this class, and other things I found you, I'm not too sure about this, it made them, um, another layer of spies.wife.

After he hung up the phone, the glasses said over there, who is this man? Why does he always want to ask you for dinner?Well, what exactly is his intention?I think he has his own ideas.So Zhang Xiaoshuai told Glasses that he was Uncle Zhang's nephew, and then who was so-and-so, his eyes oh. It's a good thing, plus everyone takes good care of her, and I have a lot of things that I haven't done well. This is also a very uncomfortable thing for him. He has always been worried about it, but no matter what Land, take care of me, I will definitely give you something, it is still okay for him.Everyone understands why Zhan Xiaoxuan did this, but the only one who is not late is Xiaosan!
These two people are so similar, and they have many similarities in their personalities, as if they are very generous towards their friends.The method is that no matter how you look at it, I only play with people I like. If this person is good, but I don’t like some of his behaviors and personalities, they can’t play together anyway. It doesn't work either.Is that also a special part of their personalities?But often such people are the most upright. Although there are some small flaws in their personality, they can't be said to be flaws, they belong to their own style, but there is absolutely no problem with the general direction.

(End of this chapter)

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