Chapter 4050
Qi Ang Guanyu has always been fighting against Xiaoquaner, so I am a little worried, no matter what.He is also his dearest child, so when he heard what happened to his child, he still felt uncomfortable in his heart, hey.Hey, I'm back home, I've always been in a bad mood, but Liu Zhengdong still cares about him more about these things, Liu Zhengnong also knows that he is quite tired when he comes back from outside, so he stepped forward to comfort him, because the man He still knows women very well, so he can see that An Guoyu is very tired today.He just wanted to comfort her.

So I said to her, what's the matter, my dear, who made you unhappy today?Or what, you must tell me if there is anything, I will solve it for you if I can solve it for you.Anyway, the two of us are unaccompanied here now.Although it is a bit serious to say these words, but.But it is our real life.After Ang Guan heard this, he felt sore in his heart, thinking back when he just came with Zhan Gang.At that time, the two of them really felt a little helpless in their hearts, and he really felt that.Uh, life is not easy now, so let’s talk about him.

Right now, Liu Zhengdong is his only reliance, but it doesn't really matter, the most important thing is to get around.The words nearby pierced her heart. Sometimes it doesn't matter whether a person is happy or not, the main thing is that this person, if you say a word.Quite new, right?Liu Dongdong said, no matter what, the two of us are here now, it can be said that it's okay, at least we have someone to rely on.When Zhang Gang and I came here, there was nothing, not even their family.I don't need to say this, you should be able to understand what's going on.Of course, of course he knew.Then Zhang Gang said to him.Er, a lot of paintings, he couldn't tell him at that time.That was a secret belonging to him and Zhan Gang.If Liu Dongdong said it, it would be somewhat not good.

If you can see, his mind is counted as working.Don't talk about these things when two people are together.Well, no matter what, you are also my sweetheart, and I respect you very much, and the two of us must have our own ideas. No matter what, we still have some great advantages now.At least my company is doing well now. I also know that you want to contribute to your child’s marriage this time, but sometimes it’s not just things that you don’t want to contribute to, but some abilities are also reflected in these , so I can understand, if you don’t say why I said, I just took out a sum of money.Whether it is for you or for me, it is very practical.If the two of us are here, the daily expenses will not be too much, so we should try our best to make these things better.

I think it would be pretty good if we can settle him down in the current environment the two of us are in at home, don't you think?Of course, the record is very clear about Liu Zhengdong's own considerations. Sometimes, he thinks a lot about himself. What he said is also very truthful, without any false elements, no For example, in order to coax you, some people say some false things here, which makes them very unhappy.One sentence from the eardrum, I said it.The three of us were classmates at the beginning, but now that we are in this situation, no matter what.Then after the massage, I told him that it was all right.The three of us were classmates at the beginning, but now that the trouble has come to this point, no matter how you say it, uh.Anyway, it's really tangled now, there are a lot of things to say, but I just choke back here, which is not a very good thing for him.

Liu went to comfort her, and she felt that her woman was hurt, so she must step forward to comfort her.She also knew that what she was most worried about now was her own girl, and she didn't care that much about other people's affairs.Liu Zhengdong said to her, ah, some things, we can achieve it in one step, we need to take it slowly, you can understand what I say, so the two of us adjust our state now Well, waiting for the new students to meet our hearts seems to come, don't you think this is not a good thing?

Let him put it this way, but it made himself more happy.It’s uncomfortable, sometimes when a person is here, you don’t need how much you understand him, what position you have, you need to have some equal and opposite things with him, that’s fine, and now he has done something Ah, very inappropriate things, he just said what he said, he just told him, anyway, we have some situations that are very deliberate.But this kid found a good family, I have already inquired about it in secret, the glasses belong to his family, his parents are both members of the system haha, what the hell, the family conditions are considered good, they are considered relatively good, how to say It can be regarded as a cadre family. If we are a businessman marrying a cadre family, we are not at a loss, and the strength of their family is also good. In this way, the two of us can create more wealth together. Isn't it good?
No worries.But even though it is said so, the world is like this, but after all, does this mother, he doesn’t think so, talking about him, sometimes what you think is very simple, but have you ever thought about it, if someone In case, there is some accident, I don’t feel well, I have a bad mouth, or something, I don’t think there is any safety in this matter, is what you said right?He, oh, he also holds different views on this matter. If a person wants to know what the other party is thinking, he must see what he says about you in the mouth of a third party. That's his truest thought.So this person must give the other party enough face.

he.There are some very inappropriate metaphors between the two of them, that is, no matter what you say, there are still certain things to do, at least there are still many things to do between them.Ok.There is also a very important thing between them, that is, it is mutual for people to gain trust. If you still trust him, then you may have an important thing for him.So as for how you do it, it has nothing to do with him at all. It mainly depends on whether the other party is happy or not. If the other party is in a happy mood, then fine, there is no problem in handling this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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