There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4054 Between people

Chapter 4054 Between people

In fact, it's really, well, Lao Han, since he came to this city and worked with Uncle Zhang's nephew, he also realized it.There must be something sincere about each other, and there is another thing that must be concealed from each other, and something must not be concealed. Can he conceal something?It was nothing more than when facing Li Xiaoxia and Zhang Gang.He wants to say something about his WeChat, because how did this WeChat come about?
That is to say, there are white lies, so he definitely doesn’t just want to lie on purpose, he also thinks that sometimes he should do what he should do, and he tries his best to put all his Stuff is done best.He Tan is what he should do now, and Lao Han also trusts her very much.Lao Han also trusts his wife's belt. He once had to make a very important decision, that is, no matter what, he wants to be in a very stable state. What is this state? No matter what others say about me, I will definitely It is actually very important for him to have my own ideas, not only to say so now, but also to give himself a clear account of what he will do and what he will accomplish in the future , this is not only a very good explanation of myself, but there are also some other things in it.

Not only like this, Uncle Zhang's nephew, he also understands how complicated the situation he will face, the current situation is that he is alone with many people, sometimes people are lonely, need understanding, need comfort However, this kind of feeling does not mean that everyone can give it.And when everyone achieves the same standard, whether you can bring me some other reasons, this ah self-cultivation, this is very important.So what they are doing now is not only what they want to do, but also when others do it, he must do better. This is not only a challenge for him, but also a very good one. choose.

Fan Xiaoxuan is also very smart. He knew what he should do and what he should not do since he was a child, so he was facing it.When all these people, he also has a conservative thing here.Self-contained stuff.It should be very important to him, so he is also very cautious when facing some choices. If people are more cautious, there must be no mistakes, right, not only should they be cautious, but also do things You must also be cautious about other things, and never reveal your secrets. This is also a very important manifestation of a person's maturity.Fan Xiaoxuan, and he is a girl who likes sports very much. When she is free, she runs, dances, plays basketball, and even swims. This is a very challenging thing for them.

What he is doing now is also very good. It can interpret an important picture, that is, no matter how others are with me or what they say, I can always make it right, um.Remember, this is his most important advantage, so Zhang Xiaoxuan, and his advantage is not only reflected in his high IQ, but also his EQ is also said to be okay, so when he is facing some challenges, especially and.Some people around him do some other states, he can also know what he wants and what he doesn't want, which is enough for him.The eyes also often persuade him, anyway, he is a very good boy, he should be brave when facing these things, right?And when you have to face something you like, what can you do if you are not brave?

So he must try his best to face these things bravely. When everyone knows that he has to face everything bravely, maybe all the troubles will not come, and what he is doing now, he is very You can understand what rewards you will bring to yourself in the future.Uncle Zhang's nephew, he is also a very lonely person, because after all, isn't Diane around now? When a man is making money in other places, having his wife by his side and not being by his side are completely different things Son, so the things he wants to do now are also what many people want to do, but at this time, Uncle Zhang’s nephew took out a very good role for him. screen, or abnormal startup, he also bravely raised it and made some corrections for him.

Uncle Zhang's nephew is also very clear. There are some things he should say and some things he should not say, but he is also very accurate about what should be said and what should not be said.Uncle Zhang's nephew is also very clear about what he should be able to do in his current state, and no matter what, he is also very clear about the significance of what he has done.Ah, no, regardless of the significance, let's just say that what he is doing now must have his own ideas, and his own ideas are also very important to these things, so he is When faced with one's own choice, one will definitely give priority to some other considerations. However, these considerations are definitely not only the icing on the cake, but also the icing on the cake.

When Uncle Zhang's nephew is satisfied in his heart, he will definitely return to his job. He also knows that his job is hard-won, and he also has some important thoughts about himself with other people, so he also Hide some of your little thoughts, not only to keep a low profile, but also to protect yourself.When a man can protect himself very well outside, he also knows in his heart what kind of state he should be, and Uncle Zhang's nephew is also very clear in his heart.

No matter what the state is, the things he is doing now, um, are definitely not just for nothing, useless work, but still useful, even if it is useless now, and it may be useful in the future, when you bury it While planting a very good seed, the same seed will be developed in the future, so the state he is doing now is also very acceptable.Not just in this way, but also in the state he is in now, there must be some other things he wants to do but dare not do.Most people don't quite understand what he is doing now, because they are not on the same starting line now, and if they are on the same starting line, they can't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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