There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4071 No one took the initiative to tell you

Chapter 4071 No one took the initiative to tell you
There are many times in the society, there are many things, but no one will say, take the initiative to tell you how, this must be realized by yourself, if you are a person with high comprehension, if you can realize it, Well, it’s okay, but if you can’t figure it out, then you actually have a lot of, uh, bad ideas about this matter, let’s say it anyway, it’s okay if everyone has opinions on you, no Good opinion.

You must look at your current state, whether it is the best state, if your state is good, then these things are very good for you, but if you are talking about these things, there are some not too flawed The point is to see if there is someone who can protect you at a critical time, if there is someone who can protect you.Then these things are still okay, and they belong to you, but sometimes when you make mistakes, some people can’t protect you well, then you will suffer, and you need to be yourself. To sum up experience, who can say that there is nothing wrong with you, and always reason with you in class. I thought you were okay the first time or two times, but after a long time, don’t you think there is something wrong with you, right?
Ah, that's why sometimes everyone has some conflicts, everyone doesn't talk to each other, and everyone holds back, and in the end, there is some estrangement.So it depends on your own thinking, right, let’s say your own thinking is very good, no one can protect you, uh, so what should you do?

It depends on whether you can persevere.And this Li Xiaoxia's mother is with Uncle Zhang. Although the two of them are said to be in love at sunset and dusk, there is absolutely nothing to say about the relationship between the two of them. It is definitely stronger than the relationship of some young people. Because they have experienced the ups and downs of the world, the beatings of the society, and the precipitation of many things before they realized this truth.If two people want to be together sincerely, then if they do not help each other to move forward, this is actually not a difficult task for them. What is the most important difficulty?

That's the difficulty.How to overcome these obstacles, sometimes these obstacles come from the outside, but sometimes these obstacles also come from the inside, for example, where is the internal conflict between the two of them, that is, the children in the family disagree, although It is said that they are already adults, and they are not under the control of the children, right, of course they should respect the children's ideas, right, and many times, even if the children agree, the two of them have internal conflicts. Some other thoughts are here, how should I say it?That is, no matter what state you are in now, and you still have some other things you want to do that have not been completed, it comes from some ups and downs in your heart. If they have accomplished some things in your heart very well, then they It is possible to go all the way to old age, to the day when they accompany each other, then it is still okay for them.

Ah, they sometimes have these resistances. In fact, um, there is no need to think so much, because after all, they are both so old now, and they still need it.What other issues to consider?You don’t need to think about anything, right? The children are all married, and their lives are stable, and everyone has a lot of time, but no matter how you determine, the two of them are definitely in the best state now, and.

Most of the current environment is a very, er, impetuous environment. It depends on whether you can survive these things during this impetuous time. If you get through it, then it is still worth some tests.But the premise is in other words, if you don’t have a state you want for these things, then it’s hard to say.And all the people now add up, uh, to do something that was contrary to what was done at that time, actually sounds very easy, but it is not so difficult to implement, when his child was still young, you said he How to say sorry to Uncle Zhang, right? Besides, Uncle Zhang has been pursuing him for so many years. It takes a long time to do it once or twice. When Ten and Li Xiaoxia were together.

I have also experienced layers of obstacles. These layers of obstacles are not because of others, but because of my own inner and outer perspectives. When I question you and look at you coldly, it depends on whether you can do it or not. Hold on.If you can stand it, then you are a good man, but the premise is that if you can’t stand it, what should you do? This is a very important ending that no one wants to face, and it’s here, young man People have something.

It can carry it, but the elderly can't stand these rumors, right, sometimes people are getting older and more fragile, so more often you need to get along with these things yourself at this time, Do something well, ah, and everyone has problems with these things too. Anyway, I think you are okay, so you can do it. Some things are really like this. I say you can do it, and you can do it if you can’t. Okay, it’s because I have the final say, so it’s impossible for anyone else except me to say that they have this right, right, and if I say you can’t, you can’t, and it’s hard for you to find anyone, you can’t accept it, you It’s okay to be dissatisfied, right? And I’m all here.

When dealing with people, you also have your own ideas. It doesn't mean that you are transferred by your own will. If that is the case, then aren't you the boss?You can do everything, well, well, there are times when these things are not possible, and there are a lot of times, anyway, the state you are in now.The state is different from before, so what should I do?
Then it depends on your own ability, right? If you can do these things well with your own ability, then it’s fine. If you can’t do it well, what should you do?You need to find some other ways to see if you can do it well.Well, we all have a lot of ideas, it depends on whether we can implement them, and the ideas that can be implemented in the end must be the best ideas, the best ideas, because no one says they will give up the best things.

(End of this chapter)

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