There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4078 The Way to Get Along

Chapter 4078 The Way to Get Along
When I was young, in fact, he also experienced many things, from a teenager who didn't understand at that time to now.The whole sky.It can also be said that Zhang Gang's current efforts are not in vain. This is also due to his father's education since he was a child. His father said to him since he was a child, that is, a man must stand upright, no matter what , this ideological education from an early age is still very important. If a person's behavior habits really cannot be improved, then how should we use a good method?

This actually gave him a headache. Zhang Gang also knew that he had a lot of opportunities when he was young, but at this age, he didn't want to say that he had thought so much and considered so comprehensively, because after all what he is doing now All of this will help her a lot in the future, even when he was educating Zhan Xiaoxuan, he also told him that he must be kind to others, and must give the best things to others, no matter how Said that everything he has done now has not been in vain, and.Based on the results of his current efforts, he also knows that all his current states are the best.And Zhan Xiaoxuan, and he is very sensible now, Zhang Gang has known since he was a child that he is constantly testing the bottom line of others. If he is testing the bottom line of others, others will definitely fight back in the most ruthless way. This is also a very good thing for him.It's not a good place, it's also the place where she inherited what she is most now. Sometimes you don't believe that genetics are really important.

Kindness actually has many aspects, it depends on how you deal with it.If you say that you are kind to a person for no reason, then you must see whether this person is worthy of your kindness to him.And in many cases, how should I put it, you must be kind to others. There is nothing wrong with it. It can't change anything, and it really makes him understand the good and bad of these environments, and what kind of state they should be in. Therefore, what kind of environment should everyone be in now, you should adapt as soon as possible. If you can't get used to it.There are also many disadvantages for him. When you were in school, no one gave you some things. Only when you are in society will someone slowly teach you how to do these things.What should we do?

And most of the children say that there are many situations that are not worthy of your sympathy, and some children are still alive now.Thought is not very mature, it is a little less.This made her very depressed, and most of the time, not only did her father and mother feel that the child had many advantages and disadvantages, but at the same time, what can you do? Aren't all people kind?Right, most of the challenges are relatively kind, it depends on how you develop in this direction, if you think all these things are done very well.And in many cases, it is worth doing this, so this is also a good choice for you. To some extent, if you do well, you will definitely be appreciated by certain people, but if you put this thing If you don’t do well, for example, Uncle Zhang’s nephew, under these circumstances, what he does is very uncomfortable. It depends on how you deal with these problems.

Moreover, it is impossible to deal with these problems well. This is also a great learning. It depends on whether you can guarantee these things yourself. If you can guarantee all these things very well, and what everyone said Doing these things without interference from other people means that you are also a very good person, right?And what is Zhangang's mission now?Although he is now retired, he and Liu Shengdong still maintain a certain relationship, but this relationship should not be too close, and he also knows that if the relationship between the two is too close, the other person will inevitably have some very close contacts. Excessive demands are unacceptable to Zhan Gang, but can you accept those non-excessive demands?

This is also a very cute part of him, he almost still has it now.This is also a very cute part to him, Chen Gang is still there.Although I am almost at the age of not being confused, but for him, he is still relatively young when he is around now.In this era of nowhere, sometimes the environment is different from other people, and sometimes you can't be too indulgent and presumptuous when it comes to children's education.If it is too indulgent and indulgent in children's education, then it may not be a good result for the children, and it may be a bad result for yourself.After all, it depends on whether you can accept it. If you can accept the result, then the big guys can’t say what’s right, because after all, it was the route you chose at the time.The path we choose.If you can only finish it, then it is also a challenge for yourself, and most of you have done some things you are not willing to do, so what should you say?

Alas, sometimes when people are in a hurry, they will inevitably hit their children a few times. Sometimes, Zhang Xiaoxuan is so bold and resolute now, and it has something to do with the education he was on guard before. Education is a very good education, let him understand a truth from an early age, people are one.If a person wants to be in this society, he must be treated with tenderness, right?Be gentle. If you are too tough, it will inevitably cause some people to have bad thoughts. If these people have some bad thoughts, they will move some crooked thoughts towards you, so it must be not very good for you. Yes, it is definitely not very beneficial.Therefore, people must be kind, this is Zhan Gang's consistent style from beginning to end, and he has also thought about why he wants to.It is so good to educate children. First of all, he must hope that his children can do all these things well, and he has gained certain recognition for his own practices, right?

In any case, he is also a culturally educated person now, and he has given a certain amount of deliberation to his thoughts, including even his actions.He is also very satisfied with his own state. People must have their own ideas, and don't let their thoughts be influenced by others.If one's thoughts are influenced by others, then it is equivalent to a person losing his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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