There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4085 Persuade Her

Chapter 4085 Persuade Her

Li Xiang's mother heard Uncle Zhang's nephew talking to Old Zhang and the two of them.Ah, after this content, he was also very anxious at the time, but he definitely couldn't say anything in person, because the two of them were chatting there.No matter what he said, it was not appropriate to say anything, so after the two of them finished chatting, Li Xiaoxia's mother decided to persuade the old boss, this stubborn old man, after all, his thoughts must be different from those of young people. It's not on the same channel, and it's not the same thing at all, so wait for Uncle Zhang's nephew to leave, Aunt Li.

Tell him directly, Mr. Zhang, I’m not talking about you, what you said about the child just now is quite reasonable, right, why did you force them to be together, that little Wang’er, his girl and us If he said that he intends to be together, the two of them will be together naturally. It is just an introduction to us, not that you directly match, if you say that you match directly, it will lose its meaning, right? .And if the world fails to match, it will.Its contradiction, this contradiction does not mean that you can solve it in a day or two, and we did not say that we did not have such an experience before, right?So you should not meddle in young people's affairs. When we get old, we just live our own retired life, which is enough. Why do we want to get involved in other people's lives?

You said I was right?At the beginning, the old boss Zhang was still a little bit unconvinced, he felt that I couldn't control my own nephew, in other words, they were my immediate family members, and I could control them as much as I wanted.Besides, oops, he was also brought up by me, and I still have the right to manage it. The reasoning is the same, and the things are the same, but favors don't work that way, right?Anyway, there is still a gap between the two of you. After all, it is the young people's own business. If you want to get involved, you can't wear your hands too long. If the means are too long, you will die or die Can't be respected by others, right?

Zhang, old boss Zhang wanted to refute him at first, and then Li Xiaoxia's mother just gave him an operation. Old boss Zhang, I already know what you want to say, right?Do you think that you can just do it now, if it’s someone else’s, right?Ah, don't think you have any sense of superiority, right? He's a young man, he handles his own business. First of all, he has nothing wrong with him, right?Let's introduce him to the station again. Just now, Li Xiaoxia and the others are also very supportive of the child, so there is no need for us to take care of him anymore, you know this.Now that it’s up, you should understand why we say we don’t want to meddle in their affairs. If there is too much meddling and the young people don’t like it, will it give us some unwanted results in the end? Wouldn't it hurt the peace, wouldn't it?

Uh, the most important thing for two families to be together is not to hurt the peace, right, this is the most important thing.As for the little prince, I just need to explain to him. We are still women. There are some things between us that are easy to say and easy to do. It has nothing to do with you. We just do it and we’re done. .And everyone also thinks that these things are done very well, and we also have a big common characteristic, that is, for the sake of each other's face, we want the children to be together, but the children don't want to be together, you can't force it , Is it true that the children have their own destiny, we just try our best.Helping them is not forcing them to do something. You must distinguish this thing clearly. Speaking of which, uh, Mr. Zhang also thinks what he said is very reasonable, so he directly said to him, okay, I think Xiao Li You said that this question is very correct, and then follow that.

Little Wang from the vegetable market, please communicate well between the two of you, I don’t dare to meddle anymore, I find that the more I meddle with these things, the more useless I am, right, I’m old now, I can’t do it, These thoughts of mine can no longer keep up with your thoughts, hey, but if you have anything to say, I think your thoughts are quite avant-garde, and it’s okay for the two of you to be together.In any case, we have made a very correct decision now, that is, let the child have a real job to do, which is very important to him, and what we say is to let you, er, also have With a few other things in there, it's fine.

And you see that the child is so promising now, we don't need to worry about it at all.Isn’t the life of our elderly now like this, right? Children have their own affairs, and they are busy with their own affairs now. Just call the child back when there is something to do, and don’t bother him when there is nothing to do. That's something they should do as well.Lao Zhang said, oh my wife, I still think you are right. Anyway, I was aware of what you said at the time, but I just couldn’t do it. Sometimes ideas are important, right?

Anyway, the two of us are self-reliant, and we never bother the children, right?We shouldn't disturb them when we are old, because we paid too much for them when we were young.You need to have your own separate space, am I right?Speaking of this, Li Xiaoxia's mother said, old man, now that you've talked about it, you've got to the point, right?They are young, let them do it themselves, this society is no longer suitable for us, it does not mean that we have been eliminated by this society, but only our current age, these things, these ideas, and their In this age of young people, we can no longer integrate into their circle, and our thoughts can only be regarded as acceptable in our generation.

This thing can’t be said to be too demanding, right, and there are some big differences between our circle and theirs, that is to say, the position we are in now is the same as their thinking, playing methods, including the same thing. Views are completely different, how can you let us be together?The things he said really woke up Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Zhang said to him, okay, anyway, with you, I have enough, I don’t have to worry about anything, don’t think about it, that’s all. It's okay, right, hahaha, you are really my little lucky star.

(End of this chapter)

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