There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4087 What should I do

Chapter 4087 What should I do

Nowadays, many young people are in their twenties. In fact, they shouldn’t know what to do. When he was in his 20s, he was bored at home every day. Knowing this, he also drinks outside all the year round and so on. After getting enough, he feels that he should do something meaningful to himself, so he is also very confused, people are confused It's time, there should still be a person, um, who is good to him, right, so how can this person be good to him?

Just let it go and see if he, er, has any advice for him when he is confused in life. If you point him to some righteous ways, then there is no problem, right, I am afraid that some people will lead you to the wrong, It's not very good to make some friends around you, in twos and threes, to bring Jackie Chan's righteous way to your coat.Well, it's not about them themselves either.

Some of the things they have come into contact with now are all leftovers from that era, um, and anyway, Uncle Zhang’s nephew also has his own very, very good ideas now, this idea It was also very important to him, and he also saw many people earning a living in different occupations, different positions, and different things, and there were many situations where what happened?That is to say, I feel a little tired and tired after working in one position for a long time, so what should I do at this time?
Then you need to change an industry or a job, which may stimulate you all of a sudden. Anyway, as long as you do a good job of these things now, there must be some rewards. I am afraid that some young people will be very Lazy, unwilling to do anything, just want to sit back and enjoy the benefits, how can such a good thing happen, right?And so now Uncle Zhang's nephew, he has been planning one.He thought about how he should make money, but he didn't talk about how to make money specifically.

thing.He thought about how he should make money, but how to make money specifically does not mean that he can decide what he says, the way to make money depends on, um, whether he has these strengths now, if he has these strengths now, Slowly and slowly is very good, but the premise is what should I do if I don't have these strengths?When you have no strength, you should preserve your own strength, and then get ready to go, find a suitable opportunity, meet a very good person, and give yourself a very good opportunity. At this time, you may soar into the sky, Isn't there such a word?
People have soaring aspirations, they can't get through without luck, right?Horses can travel thousands of miles, but flying riders cannot go by themselves. This is the reason why, no matter how capable you are, no matter how capable you are, you must have a platform to show you.If you have such a platform to show yourself, then you feel that you are very good now, but if you don’t have a platform to show yourself now, if you don’t have a chance, then you can find it by yourself , how can it be done?

And not only because of your own thoughts, but also what other people around you say, because when you do something, other people around you should think that you should not do it, then you should.So it depends on yourself, right? Whether you can reach a height depends on your own time, place, and people, including your own luck and character, including whether you have had this before. Good luck, speaking to the elders, is whether you have the blessing to do these things. If you are yourself, you can't control these things.

Then for you, this is not enough. If you can do it, then let’s see what you think about these things and the people around you. If your thinking is more advanced, what do people think about you? It is also very supportive, so you may reach a very good height, the premise is that if you can’t do this, you can only wait quietly for the flowers to bloom, right, when the flowers don’t bloom, you Be stunned.This compares to some harm. In fact, everyone should know what you should and should not do now, and in terms of your current strength, if you do something that does not match your strength, it is inevitable that someone will Make irresponsible remarks, some people say whether you are high or low, or even some other unpleasant words, so what should you do?

You need to see if you can accept these things in your heart. If you can accept these things in your heart, and do these things well in a down-to-earth manner, then you will definitely not be far away from success in the future.What is success?There is no standard definition, it depends on you, right?If you still pay more attention to these things, when you think you can succeed, but you are not successful, then it has nothing to do with others, you can only say that your fortune has not reached this point, right, and There are many times, what do you think?

You should be successful in these things of yours, but if you are not successful, you need to find the reason yourself, and sometimes you feel that these things can’t be done at all, and you should use a different method, right?For you, you need to develop another way of thinking, which can explain a problem, explain some of your current things, luck plus strength, and even some other things, what should you do, this is for you It is very important to say that a man should do what he likes most.This is a very good thing for everyone. If you say that sitting is not something you like all the time, then you will suffer a lot for yourself, and you don’t have time to think about it. The premise is that if you finish this thing, what should you do?
Hey, it depends on your own personal ability.As for Uncle Zhang, he said a very classic sentence to his nephew, you are still young, you can’t grasp anything, don’t think about some messy things, because these things definitely don’t belong to you, wait to have them.It doesn't work if you don't want to.At the beginning, he didn't quite understand these words, and he didn't know what to do, but gradually, she also followed her own ideals, followed her own changes, and slowly He also believes what his uncle said, because others can cheat you, but his uncle will never cheat you, because you are connected in the same vein, how could he do something that hurts you? .

(End of this chapter)

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