There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4105 That's what I told you?

Chapter 4105 That's what I told you?
He also told him a very important thing, that is, no matter how you say it, you must, no matter how you compare, you must first set a small goal for yourself, right, you can’t compare this small goal with anyone, Just talk to your own past grades.Then go, actually this.Then athlete's foot is this.It seems very simple and easy to do, but it is very difficult after it is actually done, um, and Uncle Zhang’s nephew, he also has many difficulties now, he is not only facing many of these problems now, but also There are many such problems, but how to solve these problems needs to be dealt with one by one, and there is absolutely no need to rush.

Anyway, Uncle Zhang's nephew is now, he is still very hopeful, uh, I will practice these things with him together, and Uncle Zhang's nephew also feels that he is a very good kid now, and he is also capable of These things are done better, and Uncle Zhang's nephew also knows that it doesn't matter if he sets a small goal now, or sets another goal. Anyway, he now has his own ideas, right, just like before. time is completely different.When I first came up, I still relied more or less on other people's medical examinations or the help of other people. Now I don't want to be alone at all, and I can support the sky independently. This is definitely a good thing for the company. , the company must hope, um.

Always do it very well, and rely on your own ability to achieve what kind of results, right, so there is a big difference between them, what is it?No matter what you say, you say what’s yours and I’ll do mine. This is very good for him, and Lao Han often gives him some guiding opinions. To put it bluntly, it’s Let's talk about some very important and valuable experiences, ah, some young people may not care so much, and they don't think these things are good.But most people feel that these things are still very necessary to talk about.

And now we have a lot of these things here and feel, um, no matter what kind of state you are in now, we must have some of my own work methods and methods, and outsiders are absolutely not allowed to participate , He also doesn’t want you to participate in these things, so the things he is doing now are basically very useful to himself, but useless to others.First of all, you can't say that this kind of work attitude is right for you or wrong, right, let's think for ourselves, is there something wrong?There are no mistakes, but, as a company, you have such a work attitude. I give you a salary every day. Is this a bit of a loss, but I’m sorry, this is something the company considers Well, it's not something I think about personally, is it?

Ah, Zhang Gang, he also knows that there are many people below who are doing such small tricks, and they really check their things.He is also acceptable to stand guard, and he also feels that no matter what he says now, he is also one.He is a very good person, so the things they are doing now are worthy of everyone's reference. The things he makes are also very representative, aren't they?It is absolutely not just that you can do these things alone, but I will not be able to do them in the future. That is definitely wrong, and we now have a lot of people who think that this thing is okay?Let's do it together, right?This doesn't ask any questions.

In fact, Changtai's nephew, he is also a very smart person, right?When chatting with Lao Han, I usually feel that Lao Han doesn't say anything and has reservations about everything, but suddenly I want to ask you a question?Let me tell you, when you are not paying attention, say, ah, um, have you called or contacted your sister-in-law recently? But he knew both of them in his heart.If the two of them contacted by phone, it means that the two of them have communicated recently and then reported to the higher authorities.

As for what the report is like, people can say it or not, but as long as you talk about the work report, there must be some bad words, and then you don't need to think about it.To what extent, to what extent does it include control, and how to deal with it, no one knows, right?This is the matter of Zhang Gang and Li Xiaoxia, but what about Lao Han?He is not the kind of person who likes to make small reports, he will never do that kind of dirty tricks, right?
If he has any thoughts, he must say it himself, and he will not say that he is influenced by other people, or what kind of person has no influence on him at all, and he can't influence him, so I say Well, everyone is very clear about the things he did.It definitely means that you can do whatever you want, if this is the case.It doesn't make any sense for two people to cooperate, right, it's enough for one person to act arbitrarily, so what does it mean to have two of you?Isn't it just that you want the two of you to supervise each other, right?They hold each other back for a while. If this relationship is missing, then everyone knows it well. After they don't have any worries, they can just do their work freely.

But this kind of thinking is definitely not what Zhan Gang wants, what Zhan Gang wants, let the two of them check each other.Yes, when you are making these things, hey, I will stop a knife in the middle, hey, this will make you scruples anyway, and you can’t say that you can do whatever you want, is it the same for another person? , if I did something wrong, how will the other party behave to me, can I make a small report? These are more realistic things, er, things that can be seen, so the two of them are now, um, Whether it's a cooperative relationship or any other relationship, as long as two people can coexist peacefully, it's a win-win situation for both of them, and this kind of peaceful coexistence doesn't do anyone any, uh.

No, good things don't affect anything. As long as the two of them are safe and sound, that's fine. If we all have fun together and earn money, then who wouldn't?Can it be said that it is because of your own affairs that it affects another person, and after a long time, no one will do it.

(End of this chapter)

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