There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4123 Are you so young?

Chapter 4123 Are you so young?
The nephews of Lao Wang and Grandpa Zhang, the two of them are the way to deal with the problem, and it also makes many people get a lot of satisfactory results. When they deal with these conflicts, especially when dealing with customers Controversial, er, things, at the same time, to a large extent, there are some things from other places, and everyone is very clear, as the two of them can have it at such a young age, they should have such a high level of consciousness. Speaking of uniqueness, most people feel that it is simply impossible for him not to have such a high degree of thought, and.Nephew Zhang and Lao Han didn't mean that it was fine to talk about something.Most of them take action, which is very difficult, right?
Everyone can speak out when there is a problem, but how many people actually take action to solve the problem?Especially like Lao Han, who has been dealing with Uncle Zhang's nephew and uh, Li Xiaoxia and Zhang Gang all year round. This is actually a big challenge for him. Since it is challenging, he has I may have realized that there are some things that I simply cannot do by myself. If I can do it myself, that would be very good.

And he has his own ideas now. I am definitely not only changing myself unilaterally for you, but because of my own needs or abilities, I will ask you to make some changes for me, formulate Some proposals are actually not wrong from a personal point of view. Could it be said that a person can make mistakes for himself?is not it?As the saying goes, it's people who are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroyed, but most people are.Evil, is this sentence correct? They must all be selfish, but the premise is that if everyone is for themselves, how does the premise do it?
And most of them are the same person at the same time. If it can be changed when getting along with another person at a certain stage, and the other person will also be affected by his personality and the way of doing things, then it is very likely that everyone I also think that you are a good person, but if you know that this person is a very so-and-so, it is really unnecessary.And now all of us have decided that if you say that your way of thinking is very high, it can be understood for one person, but when everyone is doing this, how can you understand it? Is there no reason?This requires you to give everyone a very good explanation. If you can explain it, then it’s okay, but the premise is that if you solve it differently, then it’s very bad, and most of them have a lot.

What about a client making some very unusual decisions?If you say that this client does not understand, you should change it and remind you, but some clients need very special ways to think about problems, and their way of thinking about problems is completely different from yours, so what should you do?At this time, you need to understand them from the perspective of customers and accept their ideas.If you can figure it out, then it is still possible, and everyone thinks that you are doing such a thing by yourself now.Really very good.The premise is what do you do?If you can make these things, then it’s very good. If you can’t, what can you do? Is there any other way?
There is no other way at all, it depends on your own personal good fortune, if you think these things can be very good, very good, there is a good saying that is close to the water, you get the moon first, right, you When you occupy this favorable position and condition, you can make corresponding changes to yourself and others. This is very good, and it is also very worthy of everyone's respect.But if you stand on this thing, um, it’s just that you are selfish and simply asking for it or something, then everyone can’t understand it, and then there will be some targeted solutions for you, which requires you to adapt yourself Well, if you adapt well and you can accept him, then it's okay, but if you can't accept it, what should you do?
So it depends on whether you can do it yourself.There is no problem at all, but if you say you can' do you do itThis requires you to make a very difficult decision. If you make this decision very correctly, uh, that is still very good. If you say that what you do is not very correct, then there is no way, and We have a lot of situations now, that is, when Uncle Zhang and his nephew are negotiating with them, and there are many details that they can’t take care of, and there are many things that are said, er, they can’t take care of so many things Well, or there are other ways and methods, and there are many other things, and all of us feel that since you say you can do well, then you can, if If you say you did not do well, what should you do?

There is absolutely no reason for customers to make these things more perfect, isn't it?If there is a reason to make these things more perfect, Na is okay.The premise is that if you are not perfect, what should you do? This requires you to make a simple plan yourself.If the customer protects your data well, then it’s okay. If the protection of your data is not good, the customer has come into contact with something, or leaked some secrets to the customer, then the customer must not Agreed, there must be accountability, but to whom the responsibility falls and how to pursue it, there is a lot of learning and discussion, right?
Most people are not willing to say that they bear some consequences, and after doing something wrong, including other things, they want to walk away. This is completely impossible. You can think about it at the time, or you can I don’t understand, but when you figure it out, there are some follow-ups.Some ways and means of management, that's all there is to it, right?Moreover, very few people can stand up and say a fair word. If they can do a very good job of being fair, it means that this person's personality is also very good. There are some bad things, but everyone can accept them.So the most important thing for us now is to make some perfect solutions based on the improvement of your personal quality.

(End of this chapter)

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