There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4134 We are together

Chapter 4134 We Are Together

However, after returning home this time, he was the first to return to his own home.When he returned to his home, his parents were also very happy, because his child came back from outside, and he didn't know what was going on outside, so his father said Tell the child, how are you doing outside recently?Is there any improvement, or is there not.How about developing yourself better, right?Do you want to follow yourself, or do you make some changes in advance?
Of course, what he said is also for the sake of his own better development, so he thought so much, and there was no better way. As for the glasses, after talking so much, he also felt that he was better. Some situations are here, and we should explain it clearly to everyone. Once he said it, he said to his father, in fact, I am.There is no such thing as good or bad, bad or not bad. In fact, no matter what, it’s okay for me to hang out with two people in the small circle outside, because the two of us are outside completely by ourselves. I worked hard all over the world, of course, Zhan Xiaoxuan is willing to follow me, at least no matter what, we will discuss together when we are together, and we will never talk about other things. fight or something.

Of course, his father also understood these things very well, so he said to him, good job, you are really responsible as a man, anyway, after you have taken responsibility yourself, uh, it should be said Let's do this, so we should say that we should be for our own better development no matter what.Well, his father and him, me and your mother are very supportive of what you do. If you have any difficulties, you must tell me, the two of us, because you are outside Son, um, we all experienced those things when we were young, so I understand you very well, right?

It’s not because of the two of us or because of other difficulties, you wouldn’t say that you don’t care about you. This will never exist. We all came from when we were young, and we have all experienced what you have experienced , so I know these things about you very well. You must say that you must feel that you must be decent, as if you are serious. If you do these things well, a man should have the responsibility of a man. You can’t say double-faced three-handed swords, say a few words here today, and say a few words there tomorrow, this is not what a man should do, right, and what you are doing now, you should understand, um, what’s going on It will also be of great help to you in the future, won’t it?
It is absolutely impossible to say that if you want to do this today, you can come and do it, and if you want to do that tomorrow, you can go there. This is completely unacceptable, and we have a very good choice now, what is it?It doesn't matter what you're doing right now.As long as you can be worthy of yourself in the future, it’s fine. In fact, your mother and I don’t need you to be worthy or sorry. This doesn’t exist at all, do you understand?

Don't say that you are sorry for you, your own heart is fine, we didn't say anything else between us, now, as long as you think you can take care of yourself now, that's fine, and our current Everything is ready for you, as long as you need the two of us at any time, me and your mother, there will be absolutely no problem, and there will be some good help for you, you know this, right? Of course, he is very clear about what he said, and he is also very clear about what he has done when standing guard, and Zhan Gang, he also feels that he is very good at asking his children, no matter what , They are doing very well now, and Zhang Gang often said some of these things to Zhao Xiaoshuai, er, whether it is good in society, including the principles of life, they all feel it.It is to develop better. It is not said that a person hopes that his child is not good. If there is such a thing, it is definitely the problem of this person, not the problem of the child. What do you think the child can understand, right?

When the child is in the most difficult time, it can only be said that when there is no help from others, he bears everything silently.This has the same personality as Zhan Xiaoxuan, Zhan Xiaoxuan felt, no matter what, I must have my own ideas here, I didn’t say that you have some ideas, or it’s not right, there is Something else is there, isn't it.And Xiao Chuan also felt that there was nothing wrong with the things he did. If there were any problems, there were other reasons.

What kind of existence did you have when you were doing things, and you are also a very good child now, and you didn’t say at all that you were at the mercy of others, or what about letting others do it?His character does not allow that, he is very firm in his will, as long as it is what I want to do, no one can interfere with me, and no one can interfere with me, if someone can interfere with me, then - That person must be said to be very important to me, or someone who has other ideas.Having done so much with Xiao is also very reliable, he also thinks.And Zhan Xiaoxuan, he also felt the things he was doing now.

It’s also quite reliable, right, all these things he did were for him and Glasses, whether the two of them were enjoying each other outside, or there were some other things, at least the two of them, Well, it’s a heartfelt thing to do here, ah, because when the two of them work together, they cooperate with each other, right, and they also have a tacit understanding with each other, as long as you look at each other, he I know what I'm going to do next, or what I should or shouldn't do, and I'm also very fond of Zaixuan'er.And Xiao Xiaoer also feels that no matter what, he has a good explanation for all people and things. This explanation is good for himself and for others, and it is completely acceptable. Absolutely not to say that it is just fooling around outside.He is not that kind of person. Zhang Xiaoxuan's approach has also been recognized by many people. Otherwise, he would not say that he has done his own affairs so perfectly. It should be said that he is right now, uh, a complete explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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