There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4145 Don't follow me

Chapter 4145 Don't follow me
When Uncle Zhang's nephew and Lao Han are together, they are actually a little older.

Lao Han also knows how much he has to do with him, and he will never say that it is just because of his own personal grievances, or his own self-interest, that he has ruined a lot of things, It's a very sad man if he feels like he's doing that, isn't he?The premise is that if you do his things very well, he doesn't want to learn from him. In fact, it's a matter of mutual understanding between two people, isn't it?You said that as a big brother, how could he have the heart to bring his little brother down?This is obviously certainly illogical.

In fact, you can't do this. Even if you have any ideas, he must stick to his bottom line.Where is the real role of a Big Brother?It is fully reflected in some small things and some details. If some small things and details can be understood.Hey, that's pretty good, but if you can't figure out the details of some small things, then I say that this means that this person has a high probability of being very problematic, even including Uncle Zhang's nephew, he also asked Lao Han to go Offer him some.his help.

As for Lao Han, he knows what he should do and what he should not do, especially the people around him, he must never say that it is because of his carelessness, sloppy or negligence, and teach them what to do. There must have been a lot of mistakes between them, even if they made mistakes, so what?But now he feels that there are some other bad things about these issues he has done.How to correct it, the two of them also discuss with each other, right, if you think you have done a good job in this matter, hey, you can share your experience with me, and I will learn for you. But if it’s not what you’re doing.

Then I won't tell you anymore, just let the two of them have a big relationship.Hopefully, it even includes some of their own ideas or other approaches. There are many differences between the two of them, and they can learn from each other, but there is still a little bit of communication about these things. It is strenuous, but neither of them wants to talk about how difficult it is, because speaking out will not benefit them in any way, but instead has a certain impact on their work, and some damage to the company's interests. Unacceptable, right?

If it is said that the two of them are getting into each other's hands just because of some trivial things, or because the company's interests are not doing well, then the structure of the two of them is a bit too small, and this picture will definitely be Linglong drove them both away, but the two of them didn't know where the last bottom line of morality is, and what is some other things, sometimes.Whether it is law or morality, there must be some mutual causal relationship between the two of them, right?From a single point of view, this person is a bit unreasonable, or a paragraph of the text is lost, but think about it in reverse, if you are him, can you do as well as him, can you do it?

This is a confusion of living alone in, uh, this ordinary family, or yes, some other things are fine. Lao Han and Zhang Xiaoxuan also talked about this problem. At that time, Zhuan Xiaoxuan was also very confused. , he felt that something was wrong with him.He has to rely on others to help, but for himself, these things are still not enough.It doesn't matter if you can't figure out what you rely on others to help, or you have other things, but if you say you are good, you can do it well.

Turning these things into some of my own political resources, I can say that I will do very well in the future.This is a very good choice for Zhang Xiaoxuan, or it is the best choice for a certain person, and what the two of them are doing now basically means that after everyone Everyone agreed, and after everyone agreed, they all slowly came into contact with these things.

So no matter what a person's background is, or what other things they have, as long as the two of them do this thing very well, hey, slowly cooperate with each other, then the two of them will be very good. It is possible to continue on, but if the two of them do not cooperate well, they will tear each other down.If you step on me and I step on you, then the two of them must not be doing very well.Gradually, the two people will also lose trust. From being the cutest partner at the beginning, they may become enemies later. This is one of the main reasons why many people are unwilling to partner in business.Originally, the two of them would become very good brothers, but because of this business, the two brothers had a lot of quarrels. They always felt that there were some things that they could overcome by themselves, or that there were some obstacles that they could handle by themselves.This is simply wishful thinking, especially for a novice, how can you handle such a troublesome problem?
Some veterans have to be careful when dealing with these problems. If they are a little careless, they will bring themselves in, right?But as a newcomer, you must not try these very difficult and challenging things, it will not do you any good.On the contrary, if you adjust your mentality and become some front-line staff, or have some other things, if you are still whimsical, because you do a good job, you can.When you come up, then you are very wrong, right? If you say that because of these things you do very badly, or if there are other things that you need to change, then how big is the function of this matter? No one knows, I am the point of our hearts.

Sometimes, if one person is in a team, if the popularity of this person is very poor, then they will be unable to move forward. Everyone thinks that you are a very good choice, and if you think that you are People in this circle are not very popular, so there are many things you should not try. If you try, then these things are likely to have a great impact on your future career, but Try to avoid some positive conflicts with them as much as possible, or avoid some interactions.

(End of this chapter)

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