There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4150 He still has experience

Chapter 4150 He still has experience

In fact, for Lao Han, he is also very clear, sometimes with certain things, especially with colleagues, you can't talk too much, for example, he and Zhang Da's nephew, the relationship between the two of them If there is a mutual business relationship between the two, then he must be very careful and handle it very carefully, definitely not talking about that.

It seems that there are other problems, or if there are problems that are not dealt with, he definitely said that if there is a problem, I will deal with it with you, and if there is no problem, I will be with you.Anyway, once he and Uncle Zhang's nephew had any other business dealings, or partnerships, he tried to avoid it, because after all, the two of them looked up and down every day. See you?

If it is because of one incident, or because of a small matter, that this thing is not done well, it will be a very big loss for both of them, so it is not worth the loss for him. If this matter is carried out It's okay to go well, but in other words, if these things don't go well, what do you do?is not it?You absolutely can’t say that you think it. Some businesses can be done with acquaintances and strangers, but some things can only be done with strangers and not with acquaintances. Once there is a problem, because no one dares to do it. Guaranteed, once said any problem occurs.

For the two of them, this is, um, not very easy to deal with, you said how to meet in the future, right, and everyone thinks about these things, it also means that they have other business, and the other one is to say , no matter how you get along, or have other ideas, how you do it, it’s not very good for him, but in other words, if you can handle these things well, or handle them well, It means that your ability is very good, and Lao Han also knows what state he should be in now, and how he and Zhang Da's nephew should work together. He understands all these very well, and he will never say that it is because of himself Some small things, if you make these things bad, you will not be happy.

Guaranteed to disgrace everyone, or have other ideas, he will never come to this point. Let’s talk about it later, let’s solve today’s matter today, and there is a very good solution between them, that is, whether you get along because of this matter or other things How about it.Let’s return one size to one size, and it’s not only about other things, okay, but also.

And these simple things?Well, what should be done, so everyone should deal with these things clearly, that’s enough, and everyone knows that there is such a thing with each other, how to deal with it in the future, including how to deal with it, This is okay for them, and some things are not pleasant to say, that is to say, whether you handle it well or not, everyone has to accept it, and there is no reason not to accept it.So Uncle Zhang and Lao Han have actually managed these companies very well. The reason is that the two of them are very clear about these things, and everyone knows that the two of them are really good. People who do things, so Zhang Gang means to them, uh, there are other things that he can't do.

In fact, sometimes, everyone knows it in their hearts, right, that is to say, a colleague, he must sometimes make some unforgivable mistakes because of some trivial things, or there are remedies, this thing depends on you How to do it in the later stage, if it is said that this thing is not easy to handle, or there are some other methods, so let’s talk about this thing, it is really tricky and difficult.At this time, the role of Lao Han is shown, he is very good at dealing with these difficult problems, or problems that are difficult to deal with.It is more reliable and acceptable for him to deal with these problems, so everyone trusts him more, and everyone also said that what should be done is better.

Anyway, when you are working, when you make some mistakes, or some small mistakes, everyone thinks that you can change these things, you can do it, so there is no problem, but If you say you can't do it, or you can't, it's not good for them.And everyone is very clear that when a person is doing business, it is impossible not to make mistakes, right?If you are afraid of making mistakes, how can you help you deal with this problem?

If the processing is perfect, it’s okay, but if the processing is not perfect, then everyone feels that these things are not so reliable. This is to let them have an opportunity to take advantage of, or some other thing.Even if everyone thinks these things are okay, then you can. Sometimes, after getting used to these things, you can make some changes. For example, while you are in this business, This matter has always been under your control, and suddenly something happened, because the business was changed, or something was changed.

This is not very good, right, so you must have something you are good at in terms of the problem that this thing handles, so don’t say that there are some shortcomings, or there are other reasons, this is not very good. Convenient, and everyone.Ah, it’s all about touching these things perfectly, or it’s okay to have other things here, even including your own way of handling all these things. Everyone has a different style, just look at it. How do you deal with it yourself, right?

If it is handled well, everyone is happy, but if it is not handled well, then it depends on whether someone will take care of it for you. If someone takes care of it for you, then it means that this matter is still okay, but if everyone is right If you have doubts, or some bad ideas, then I’m sorry, there is no other way, I can only say that you have to think about other ways to do it yourself, and everyone thinks that you are dealing with these things now That's right, it should be. I didn't say that one person thinks that because these things are handled well or not, there are other plans. Everyone should discuss this together.

(End of this chapter)

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