There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 752 Zhang Yunnian's King's Seat

Chapter 752 Zhang Yunnian's King's Seat

There is a large Nordic-style comfortable seat in the middle of the greenhouse.

The seat is made of white gold velvet with a high back, a bit like a chair that only kings are qualified to sit in in western mythology.

The edge of the seat is decorated with platinum, and the sunlight shines on the seat through the glass greenhouse, making the whole seat seem to be shining.

Such a luxurious chair, ordinary people would not dare to sit on it if they saw it.

Because it will be overshadowed by the whole person.

But at this moment, Zhang Yunnian was sitting in it.

He was wearing a black satin western pajamas with cold silver buttons.

He squinted his eyes slightly, as if the Night Stalker was suddenly illuminated by the sun and lost his night magic.

Shen Chuhua stopped in her tracks, not daring to go forward.

Just looking at his face from a distance like this, Zhang Yunnian is really handsome, monstrously handsome.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Yunian's fingers resting on the seat moved slightly.

Then Zhang Yunian opened his eyes.

Shen Chuhua didn't know why, but suddenly tensed up.

With Zhang Yunian waking up, she felt a strong sense of oppression instantly sweeping the world.

Zhang Yunnian looked at Shen Chuhua with eyes that were empty without a trace of human emotion, and then nodded to her, signaling her to come over.

Only then did Shen Chuhua swallow her saliva and walk in.

Shen Chuhua's legs were weak, as soon as she entered the greenhouse, she really wanted to bow to Zhang Yunnian and say, 'Your Highness! '

Zhang Yunnian is simply His Highness the Demon King who came out of western mythology!

"Mr. Zhang, I'm taking the liberty to visit. I want to ask for something!" Shen Chuhua's voice trembled.

When he was in Jinxiu Village before, Zhang Yunian was very down-to-earth, Shen Chuhua was not so afraid, but now, here, Zhang Yunian looked like he was not eating fireworks, Shen Chuhua felt chills in his bones.

However, the new house that Zhang Yunian bought is much better than the cave he lived in before. At least it is a place where he lives alone. It is sunny and warm!

Zhang Yunian stood up, "Sit!"

He has always cherished words like gold.


Shen Chuhua turned around in surprise.

Apart from Zhang Yunian's chair, where else is there any chair here?

where is she sittingSit on the ground?

Just when Shen Chuhua didn't understand why, a force suddenly came from her sleeve.

Then her whole body was involuntarily brought to the King's Seat of the Great Demon King by that force.

The seat is covered with white fox fur, so fluffy, eh!so comfortable.

"Your chair is quite comfortable?" Shen Chuhua moved her body and couldn't help leaning back!

Oh my god, it's so comfortable!

Zhang Yunian silently remembered it in his heart.

"Say!" He said another word briefly, then turned around, and stood by the white table as if making tea.

Only then did Shen Chuhua come to his senses, remembering that he was here to deal with business, "I heard that Northern Europe is also Mr. Zhang's territory? I want you to help me investigate a person, detailed information or photos that can prove something .”

"Who?" Zhang Yunnian said another word with a hoarse voice.

"Li Cenjing, I know she is not a good person, but I want to know her criminal past, just want a piece of evidence!" Shen Chuhua said.

Zhang Yunnian turned around and handed a transparent cup to Shen Chuhua.

The Great Demon King actually made tea for her, "Thank you!"

"it is good!"

Shen Chuhua stared at the transparent cup, the petal tea inside was bright and beautiful, like an exquisite decoration, she was reluctant to drink it.

(End of this chapter)

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